Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

try-time-to-reinvent-yourselfYou live in a world of your own design… Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

Your own design is like a filter you look through. You can’t see the filter, just like you don’t see the window unless you touch it…

A filter is like a pair of glasses…

A filter is also like a pair of glasses… They can be dark tinted, they can be yellow, green… and the world occurs differently with each pair of glasses. You can’t see that it’s the glasses that make the world look the way the world looks to you… unless you can take it off…

You can see only the ripples.

The poisonous tree that you are… and what you can do about it…


“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” —Marie Curie, Our Precarious Habitat

The “What’s The Truth About You” workshop series is kicking off this afternoon.

As usual I haven’t done any preparation: I never do. I like my life, my teaching fluid. Freezing it would be to ignore guidance, stop growing, and start becoming a sculpture on a pedestal.

I slept well last night. I had a ton of guiding dreams. All about what I am trying to do

What’s the truth about you? Your health

trace minerals

Trace minerals… what do you need to know

I have been doing these 90 essential nutrient evaluations for about a month now.

Yesterday I had some time and tested a few people I know, clients, readers, friends, and emailed them my findings… at least the numbers.

I sent an email to one of my clients, and she wrote back arguing. I had a typo in the email… by mistake I wrote that she had 90 of the 90 essentials missing… obvious typo.

But yet, there is a question that she didn’t ask, and I want to ask it for he

Life is a lot like traveling by train…

senior-man-traveling-train-15401290Life is like being in a train: you can look out on the left side, the right side, the back, the front… but it won’t change that you are on a train that will arrive to its destination, no matter where you look.

Most of us live this way most of the time.

We do our jobs, we do our relationships, we do our projects, we do our lives this way.

Fulfilling? No. Enjoyable? It depends…

Ultimately we are plagued by a nagging sense that we are out of control, that no matter what we do won’t change anything. Some of us feel doomed. Some of

The feeling that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you

3052758966_aff579c03d_zThis feeling can be colored by fear, dread, can feel like anxiety, but at the root of most fear is a sense that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you.

Not big enough, not smart enough, not fast enough… Not enough = insufficient.

Now, for most people, feeling this is all they need to run for the hills.

For some people, they can hang in there, waiting for the feeling to subside.

For some people, unless they feel up to the task, they won’t even start.

For me: I know that unless I feel that and go beyond it, doing what I don’t feel I can, several times a

The Chess Master’s brain… and how can a real smart person be so stupid?


…or what is the secret ingredient in The Machine that a chess master has or doesn’t…

I have been observing, for no reason, chess masters. Haven seen movies, read books, watched videos… for no reason… other than to allow consciousness to see.

WTF, right?

It is normal to do things for a reason. For fun. For research, For learning. But to take consciousness, like a baby, to the zoo? Who has ever heard anything like that before?

But, as you will see, this is one of the defining differences between humans and human beings… Human beings have layered intentio

Why do people think that taking a little energy remedy, doing a little meditation will raise their vibration?

being churchWhy do people think that adding a little energy remedy to their low vibration life, doing a little meditation will raise their vibration?

Vibration number is an indicator to how close you are to becoming the peak of evolution: a human being.

If raising your vibration were a school curriculum, you’d start where you are, and move onto the next level only when you have maxed out the previous requirements. No jumping, no passing grades.

The subjects in the curriculum: Increasing awareness, the using and activating of your internal and external capacities

Do you have free will? Free choice? What is the ego’s role in that?


Genetic determinism ((Genetic determinism is the mechanism by which genes, along with environmental conditions, determine looks and behavior.)) and the ego’s role in it.

I could also have made the title: your horoscope and your ego’s role in it, or your soul correction and your ego’s role in it.

There is a lot of different ways people define ego, but what if the ego is none of those. Not what Freud called ego, not what gurus call ego.

What if the ego is simply the mechanism by which the Selfish Gene perpetuates itself… like an old dog that is un

Why you are not confident… Why you don’t trust yourself… Why you aren’t happy…

self-confidenceI watch, I observe people’s behavior and the emotions that go with it.

Unless I can see what you did, your emotions and much of your behavior don’t make sense.

And occasionally I get the opportunity to see both the actions and the emotions…

  1. The most frequent behavior is you acting without looking.

    Much like a drunk jumps into an empty pool… expecting it to be full.

    You buy something. You are on the payment page. You assume you know what’s there… you are not looking. You don’t even suspect that you are singing up to a monthly program as well… and

Learned Helplessness: 50% of humanity is a wuss, a sissy… a cry-baby. In 1945 it was 7%… In Jesus’ time it was 1%

lazy-vs-learned-helplessnessLearned helplessness, this is today’s topic. The opposite of “Bring it on…!” Your life depends on which is your dominant attitude.

Which attitude will get you what you want?

No contest, I hope, learned helplessness will get you more of the same.

50% of the world’s population behaves like they can’t handle it. It is learned helplessness… it is not innate. But it feels innate…

But it is, in reality, a reflex built and initiated by parents, religion, school, and politi