Removing Barriers to you being all you can be is the game

the subtle art ofI just read an excerpt of Mark Manson’s (vibration: 260) book, about the path to growing… The art of not giving a f*ck

Even the brief is worth reading…

Some people write better than me. Some people find solutions faster than me. Some people can teach ME things… Baah, right?

What Manson says is the essence of the Michelangelo Method of growing.

You remove everything that doesn’t work, everything that is not you, everything that doesn’t support you in living life you love and living it powerfully.

But the sticky part of this process is telling the truth about having been wrong.


Only fools think they can get heat from a cold stove…

ringI put all my knowledge into my articles. I hold nothing back. I am not afraid that it cheapens my brand, that the knowledge will be, suddenly had by everyone, and I’ll have nothing to sell.


I read articles on other sites, and they are quite inane, with a nugget of gold here and there, but even that nugget is rare. And hidden.

When I realized that I was in the marketing and selling business in 1998, 21 years ago, I was in for a long and very slowly rising learning curve.

I bought courses, in-person, online, and most courses, if I could glean a nugget, I was lucky. Most courses I didn’t glean any knowledge. Why? Am I stupid? No. What was wrong with me that I spent tens of thousands of d

Small thinking always indicates a small life, small opportunities, low vibration.

judgment is like looking in a mirrorBut it’s so “normal” to be a small thinker, that many people think they are big thinkers because they have big pie-in-the-sky desires.

What is a pie-in-the-sky desire? It is an end goal to which there is no ladder and there is no intention to build one.

One of the things I measure in the Starting Point Measurements is the size of your desire vs. the size of your ambition.

People with sky high desire entertain pie in the sky goals.

The easiest “test” to find out is to ask them to do the skill-finder process from the book “What Color is Your Parachute” that

Longevity, extend your life… a sexy topic for most

agingI am noticing that longevity is attracting a lot of “clicks” on Youtube.

As I was looking for pictures, I found another dude, British, long beard… Aubrey de Grey… who approaches aging more the way we do here… so I’ll show his TED talk he gave in my favorite city, Budapest, Hungary, where I was born.

He looks at aging as a side effect of living, and his approach to longevity is to work with the side effects, and one by one beat them.

It’s going to take a lot of medication, and hoopla… before this can even be working on humans… but the idea is sound, so here is his TED talk. (Truth value: 20%)

Gratitude, appreciation is for you, not for the other

gratitudeI have students who fake thankfulness, gratitude… you can hear it. And occasionally they confess.

To me, to hear the fakeness, it indicates their wretchedness.

They think that gratitude, appreciation is social grease… and you give it to look good, to fit in, to obey some social rule, or because the other needs it.

Their knowledge about how reality works is completely missing…

Gratitude, what you are getting, all live in language… have no existence in reality. Without expressing gratitude you got nothing… and of course nothing to be grateful for.

But if you get nothing, ever, then you are wretched. You got nothing… and no joy, no being moved,no nice fe

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while… but a fat girl can only smell the sweets

even a blind squirre,,, but a fat girl onlyI am observing, I am witnessing the conversation in my discussion group. Great market research! lol. I find out what people don’t know. What people don’t understand.

One of the differences between animals and humans is humans’ arrogance.

When you watch animals, the parents, the elders, teach the young ones all that is teachable. Otherwise their species would die out: there is a lot to know to be safe, to live long enough to create offspring themselves and contribute to the survival of their species.

Humans are attempting to do the same, but never tell their offspring, never told you, that the purpose of education is to know what the generations before yours discovered for themsel

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

I honestly believe it is better to know nothing than to know what ain’t soI honestly believe it is better to know nothing than to know what ain’t so

Key principles and processes that you misunderstand about your body and health

I think I have to teach a little biology to correct the misconceptions, misinformation, ignorance, and to add the accurate meaning of words… words you think you understand and you don’t.

If your accurate vocabulary isn’t in the many thousands range in your Starting Point Measurements, consider that you don’t understand clearly and accurately abo

The battle to death of the virtues and the vices…

  • aristotele's golden meanI have been reading articles, studies, even books to get more effective at teaching you. Yesterday I learned some new words for my accurate vocabulary:
  • intellectual virtues/intellectual vices
  • character virtues/character vices
  • physical virtues/physical vices

In my field… self-evolution, self-improvement, self-growth, one of the things I am seeing makes my stomach turn: a widespread phenomenon of being a Milque Toast… i.e. squeamish, i.e. looking only at the bright side of things.

If you tell someone a thousands things to be, VIRTUES, and they manage to be that way, you can raise their numbers, consciousness, vibration, etc. maybe 10%. ugh… v

Does everybody really count, or is that a seductive slogan?

change is the result of true learningEither everybody counts or nobody counts… this is the principle that makes Michael Connelly’s books so dear to me. Obviously, to me, that labels me as a commie, a Democrat, a lefty… but I really don’t care… It’s your issue, not mine. My job is to be true to my principles.

I like crime novels. Most of them are clean and most of them go into the details that allow me to be forced to ride on the surface, to turn the page too eagerly, but stay on the page I am on: savoring it. Rare to find books like that.

No FOMO, I am where I am supposed to be. No desire to be anywhere else, doing anything other than what I am doing.


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