Another way to illustrate the level of your consciousness

cutting with dinner knifeWhen you managed to open yourself up to the guidance of consciousness, the guidance is pouring abundantly.

Before, it is a trickle of guidance here, and trickle of guidance there.

In the previous article I told you what I did to get guidance from consciousness in the area of defining the five stages of consciousness, through my methodology can take you through… all the way to the top.

I wrote the article, and then I went to cook some lunch for myself.

As I was slicing onions, then cubing turkey, I saw another way to illustrate the l

A breakthrough in raising my level of consciousness

climbing-the-tree-of-life-raising-consciousnessI just had a breakthrough…

I have been teaching you how to raise your consciousness, your level of consciousness, by allowing something or someone guide you to look at things beyond where you always look, and differently than you have always looked.

I consider myself always a student as well… so I have been listening to myself, and following my own teaching.

But the results, in the area of growing visibility, increasing my following, increasing my

This is just for my empath students…

little-girl… when I snitched on my brother and he got beaten…

When you are young, and you don’t know you are an empath… life is very confusing.

It was confusing to me until, at around age 50, I decided to grow up. So it may be still confusing to you.

You feel being beaten when another is beaten. Very confusing. You feel their feelings, their emotions, and your own. It is often enough to push someone into schizophrenia. You are two people at the same time.

If you are not strong enough, you are gone.

Now, if your originating incident, the incident you made a big decision about yourself and

Sell an idea for a buck… then do it again. Make your first dollar…

One of the best life lessons I follow, I learned in a course, 30 years ago. The course was called “more money workshop” The lesson was: sell an idea for a dollar to at least three people. It’s not easy, … Continue reading → Related Posts: How to develop the wisdom you need to be […]

The map of consciousness… in practice: climbing the tree of life

fledglingsI am often asked to map out the path to raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, and become a full fledged human being.

The first step to any journey is to find out where you are at now.

As I muscle test people’s vibration… as I am merging my senses with theirs, feeling their feelings, I feel their overall relationship to life. I feel it stronger than they feel it… like a tool that puts your heartbeat on loudspeaker.

Most people give me feedback, saying “spot on” if they are from England, and then follow my first steps to feel better.

How to have all the skeletons in your closet come alive and conspire against the future you invented, the future you desire?

There is a myth humans hold onto, that if they stay angry and something or someone, then they are better people than whoskeletons-in-the-closet they are angry at.

All pretense… which is bad in and of itself, but there is more…

When you are mad at something you did, or mad at someone who did something you recognize… then you are hooked.

Hooked in that angry mode of existence.

Locked in the anger, locked out of freedom, future, happiness.

As long as you hold onto that anger.

I think it may be useful to di

How can I tell when you are stuck in your mind… where you have no power?

hugs_428_ndogThe mind was born when language was born. New… compared to the body and its intelligence.

When you live in the mind, you are cut off from the source of your intelligence, and from consciousness.

This means different things to different people… visual, auditory, or the most cut off… the abstract thinker.

When you are kinesthetic… you experience life, the world, through your body, direction means something different to you than others…

Activist and author Naomi Klein tells a story about the time she traveled to Australia at the request o