How to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency

let me measure your vibrationThe vibration number, often called “vibrational frequency,” tells a lot about a person.

Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding.

“Vibrational frequency” is a number on a logarithmic scale, and it measures how accurately your world view and your emotions, thinking, behavior match reality, to what degree you have departed from human animal and rose to the level of human being. The current level of vibration of humanity is 130, which is about 1% of the way to human beingness.

It is good to know where you are at. You cannot change something that you don’t know where it’s at… With all the pretending, with all the charts, you probably overestimate or underestimat

Epigenetics… the path of human evolution: from human to human being

How I use the energy that I download during the Days of Power After I moved out of my parents’ home, I met this guy who became my boy friend. My first boy friend. He was a philosophy student, son of a well known philosopher. I didn’t understand a word they were talking. When I […]

007 Producers… are you a producer or are you a moocher?

I am using Ayn Rand’s terminology. The audio explains what I mean, I hope. I am also measuring the number of people, in different cultures, who are producers. Be prepared to be surprised.

Th world average is 3%. 3% of humanity is carrying the 97%.

Agenda vs. Possibility: Can’t decide what to learn, how to grow? between two chairs…

Being stuck with two diametrically opposing world views is tough, because often neither is going to take you where you could live a life worth living.

This podcast is a personal coaching session… chock full of nuts.
Some coarse language…

Your days of power energy download

It’s a Days of power day today. I had the worst day in decades yesterday, and I am having the second worst day in a decade. the two days separated by a night… horrid… night… Today I have another webinar … Continue reading

I found myself saying: I don’t need you to be different than you are. Refuse to be governed!

refuse to be governedYesterday, at the Days of Power energy download, people were blocking the flow. In the end I had to remove everyone from the call, and do the download by myself. Today, when some of the people apologized, I found myself … Continue reading

The crash and burn style of life… are you guilty of it?

The hardest thing for people is to find the middle ground, the sustainable, the mean. The smooth. The life they claim they want. Everyone, on and off the internet, is trying to monopolize your time.

It is a lot like walking on a rope… any movement, leaning to the left immediately needs to be balanced to the right.

In rope dancing the consequences are clear and immediate.

In plate spinning: the consequences are clear and immediate.

In life, even in business, the consequences are removed, timewise, and unless you are astute with a very wide cone of vision, you don’t know what you are causing with each and every movement you make…

No movement is also a movement, by the way.

October special… Can the Power of this special day break through your resistance?

days-of-powerNew experiment: Can the spiritual power of the Days of Power be used to power an activation?

Activation of a spiritual capacity?

I am thinking of combining the Day of Power on Sunday, October 16, with the Unconditional Love Activator live activation.

If you have the activator already, then you are welcome to the call. If you don’t: you can buy any version between now and the session, and be eligible to be on the call.

Here is how the call will go:

In the first 15 minutes I’ll download the energy of the Day of Power for everyone on the call. People who don’t own the Unconditional Love Activator the

What the Light taught me about YOLO

the secret for a long life well livedIt’s been an interesting week.

Ever since I’ve started to download the energy of the Days of Power, I’ve been wondering how I am going to know it’s working… how it will manifest, practically, in my life.

Whenever something new comes in, my imagination goes to the known, the familiar, and I guess that is how the human mind works.

So I had no idea what may happen, what could happen, given the energy.


Do you have the moral right to impose your belief system on your children, on your spouse, on your students?

netflixIt is Saturday afternoon and Netflix is down… and half of the United States is scrambling, wondering what they should do with their lives. lol…

I have been downloading the Spiritual Energy that is available on this Day of Power, several times today, and it is the nicest energy I have ever encountered…

It’s not physical. It is all spiritual energy, the energy you need to grow, spiritually and as a person, the energy you need to engage in serious self-examination… So here is mine.
