Updated: Truth value… let’s talk about truth value

beauty-vs-intelligence-23-638During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.

We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?

We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.

Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.

This article will attempt to answer truth value.

What is the opposite of truth? I have no idea

Conscious awareness… what is it really? And what does your vocabulary have to do with it?

We throw about big words, and we pretend that we know them. Even “scientists” just pretend. If they didn’t, they would be explaining, clarifying the words, but they don’t.

In the Starting Point Measurements the vocabulary number is what indicates this. I originally intended to call this clarity, but then I decided that if it refers to words, then maybe it can be instructive.

It hasn’t been.

So this article will be, mostly, about words.

Whenever we say conscious awareness, we are talking about words. No words, no conscious awareness.

Whatever you don’t have words for, whatever you mislabel, whatever you just have feelings or emotions about, no accurate words… are not conscious awareness.

I will add: accurate w

Can your vibration be high if you live on the Tree of Knowledge, where every word has its emotional load? Can you be free? Can you be happy?

I had a “Talk to Me webinar” yesterday. I have it every month, on the last Wednesday of the month. This type of webinar is question and answer. I have no agenda. I learn more from unstructured conversations than from … Continue reading → Related Posts: Turning Points Part 2: commit to life You Cannot […]

Emotional Intelligence: How learning what feelings are, what feelings do will help you live life as a human, instead of a puppet

Yesterday I was on the phone with a client.

Her soul correction is Fear/Fearless. In the conversation it was becoming obvious that she had read the book “Feelings”. I have been so excited about. So the conversation was on a more even footing that most of my conversations: she has been paying attention and recognizing at least some of the dynamics the feelings have, and has been managing her fear quite well.

Buy the book “Feelings” Show proof of purchase for a pdf… you’ll need it. It’s hard to see the illustration on Kindle…

You have always wanted to get out of your head. You tried meditation

Ignorance is not bliss. Knowledge is not power. But you can be happy on a sinking ship of a humanity that is annihilating itself

The paradigm we live it has no access to happiness… no bridge, no path, no door… We are locked into unhappiness

I just hung up with my friend from university. ((Budapest Technical University, Architecture School, Class of 1971.)) Frenzied gossiping about Trump and the hopelessness of the future… Just like we would have done during the Second World War… An activity (gossiping, complaining, blaming, etc.) that will make no difference. But what will? What could?

I have to admit, this conversation lead to a turning point for me… and if and when I turn about-face, I can lead you to do the same… The turning wasn’t instant. But it is done. I am happy again.

This is what I learned in the c

The game has changed, and I cannot speak my mind as I used to

America destroyed from the insideI have been doing, for the past 4-5 hours, what I haven’t done, ever, since I’ve been writing articles.

The game has changed, and I cannot speak my mind as I used to: Free Speech, the First Amendment, hasn’t been officially lifted, but it will be… all signs point to a police state… a racist country… fascism.

So it is dangerous to speak… already. Articles on the internet are there for the duration…

The other reason I have been thinking is this: a strategy is needed to turn around the unfortunate coming to power of the Rich and uncaring.

And it seems to me that strategy is the weak point of humanity… people can only think one or maybe two

My 67 step coaching program was inspired by a Neal Stephenson novel

The inspiration to coach using Tai Lopez’s 67 steps came from one of my all time favorite books, the Neal Stephenson novel, Diamond Age.

In that novel, science fiction, far in the future, a scientist puts together an interactive book, a primer, for a rich and influential client’s grand daughter. And then he steals it… meaning: duplicates it without permission.

He means

Truth value… let’s talk about truth value

beauty-vs-intelligence-23-638During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.

We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?

We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.

Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.

This article will attempt to answer truth value.

What is the opposite of truth? I have no idea.

Become an Expanding human being aka living an interesting life

tumblr_o59w74rBvA1szqwnwo1_500I am reading one of my all time favorite books. Again. I was guided to read it again. As I have been guided to watch everything I watch, read everything I read.

Sometimes the key to the insight is on page 800 of a book, or in episode 60 of a Netflix series.

The tricks are: trust, don’t be in a hurry, don’t expect the “key” to be a direct answer, and once you have what you were needing, acknowledge it.

This book is full of clues for me. Clues for why you are living a life of quiet desperation, why you don’t live an interesting life.

The book is abo

Do you have free will? Free choice? What is the ego’s role in that?


Genetic determinism ((Genetic determinism is the mechanism by which genes, along with environmental conditions, determine looks and behavior.)) and the ego’s role in it.

I could also have made the title: your horoscope and your ego’s role in it, or your soul correction and your ego’s role in it.

There is a lot of different ways people define ego, but what if the ego is none of those. Not what Freud called ego, not what gurus call ego.

What if the ego is simply the mechanism by which the Selfish Gene perpetuates itself… like an old dog that is un