Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

try-time-to-reinvent-yourselfYou live in a world of your own design… Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

Your own design is like a filter you look through. You can’t see the filter, just like you don’t see the window unless you touch it…

A filter is like a pair of glasses…

A filter is also like a pair of glasses… They can be dark tinted, they can be yellow, green… and the world occurs differently with each pair of glasses. You can’t see that it’s the glasses that make the world look the way the world looks to you… unless you can take it off…

You can see only the ripples.

True or false: “You have to believe that you can succeed to succeed”?

#1 lie that makes you sheepPossibility-Thinking-BSThe teaching that you have to believe that you can succeed is utter b.s.

This teaching has been the secret to more failures than anything else I can find.

  1. You see, you cannot force yourself to believe anything that you don’t believe.
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