Emotional Maturation vs Cluelessness

This article took me a long time to write, and it is so-so… It’s a difficult topic… It’s about being Clueless. The why and the how and the “now what?” And the WTF…

Once a coach of mine said: “you don’t have to be more than 5% better than others to stand out… and become a winner.” He also said: “You Don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.”

You don’t think you are clueless… You say you are confused, you don’t understand, you didn’t hear it… but clueless? No, that you don’t even consider.

But we, all of humanity are clueless… with some clues that are lead us to pay attention to what we know, and not to worry about what we don’t. And this is true across all strata o

Are you REALLY procrastinating? Podcast


In this podcast episode I spend 90 minutes to disappear all your misconceptions about what is procrastination and return you to sanity.

Read the original article: Are you REALLY procrastination? Podcast

Simplicity… Elegance… Coherence… Ask a different question…

We tend to look at the world in black and white terms. This or the opposite…

You and me… ((

I have been struggling to increase my income for a long time.

This morning the question came up again, and it was, seeming opposites: make more money or die… I caught it. And remember to ask a different question. Not what is the opposite?… Not why? I asked a different question: What brings people to my site who buy, and what

Emotions are like firestorms, they cause incoherence, and are the most manipulated aspects of a human

eft-emotional-guidance-scaleThe best way to examine whether emotions give you a reliable internal guidance system is looking at the flip side of emotions.

In emotional terms, for example, love’s opposite is hate, disgust, being appalled, repelled. But if you look at your emotions, these opposites are right there, right behind the emotion: love… They come together like the front of your hand and the back of your hand. You are in perpetual ambivalence, yoyo-ing back and forth, ups and downs, and incoherence.

Love, the one that vibrates at 525 or so, is not an emotion. Love is a commitment to love.

Love is a commitment to accept another human exactly the way they are and exactly the way they aren’t. Whether they do the righ

Can’t learn? Won’t learn? How you keep yourself stuck in life…

I am still struggling with having something or anything to say. Now I have the energy, but don’t have the … what?

What don’t I have, and why is that important to know what it is that you don’t have?

The number one need of people, I say, is the desire to make a difference.

But when I say “make a difference” I don’t mean the big flashy things, like Bill Gates curing malaria… I mean being wanted to be there. That you are not refused.

Cain killed Abel in the Bible, because god accepted Abel’s sacrifice, but not his. He, Cain, got furious, and killed who he could killed, Abel.

Feeling refused, feeling not wanted is the cause of the biggest pain, and unfortunately people carry that in their unconsc

Heaven or hell… same place, same people… the difference is your conversation

The opposite of Life is a conversation is you living in a world of object, being an object. An object. Ugh. I don’t want to be an object. But if you look, you ARE treated as an object, by nearly everyone nearly all the time.

People don’t look at YOU, they look at your body, your clothes, your hair… but not YOU.

I participated in a week long training some years ago, and the slogan of the training was “I see you”. And I remember people getting teared up from hearing that.

That is the human condition: people tearing up when they are seen as a person, as an individual… as opposed to the norm: seen as an object to use, to abuse, to blame, to

Can you be a creator and live in the machine? Yes, if you live life like a conversation

Life is a conversation… or in fact, a lot of conversations

When I say “conversation”, I don’t mean a dialog. I mean something I can’t find a word for: I mean: what do you say about something BEFOREHAND… OR AFTERWARD.

You could say: oh, I see, you mean context… and meaning… and maybe I do. But context doesn’t exactly say what I mean either.

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I am depleted. Where did my energy go?

I could say “I am depleted” as I have always said: I am running on empty. I could also say: I feel emotionally and intellectually empty. But like you, I can benefit from adding to my vocabulary of state-expressing words, and feeling-indicating words.

When I don’t feel energized, when I am not full of creativity and when I don’t have three new articles almost ready to write, when I don’t feel like I have new programs to launch, then eventually I start to wonder, maybe even worry.

It’s not like me to have nothing to say.

Why? What happened? Where did my energy go?

Of course I have more energy to start with than most: I eat well (91% well), I drink coherent water (only 40% because of all the hot beverage

Understanding, mental representation, wrapping your mind around things

What big words, Sophie… ugh. Mental representation? huh? ((We could say safely, that until you can visualize what you say you want to do, you won’t do it, or you won’t do it well. Procrastinators are especially weak in mental representation skills… that is probably why they procrastinate.))

But it is important to understand what your words mean, the words you use.

I am not sure what understanding is… I never use this word about myself. I either get it or I don’t. I either see it or I don’t. And something I cannot see how it connects to other things… but I don’t use my “mind” to approach things.

Process conscious vs result conscious… fulfillment every day vs one day someday

I have a brain that is a pattern seeking machine.

A pattern is when something is repeating, form, essence, pitch, sequence, day of the week, month of the year, etc… something that connects seemingly unconnected things together.

Seeing patterns can save lives, and animals living in the wild still have the capacity, but humans living in a comfortable world, have lost it… to their detriment.

Often the activity is called: connecting the dots… Even if Steve Jobs says: it is only possible to connect the dots backwards. He talks about different dots… he talks about the cause and effect type of dots, not the patterns.

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