How do you end up in the quadrant of Beauty, Truth, Goodness, or Power?

How? You choose it… and you choose it by your early life experience.

Of course, it is not what happens to you, but what you say about is, is what is your life experience. And it is influenced by your intangible capacities, even at that early age.

Let’s see an example or comparing two similar incidents, with two different choices.

  • Little boy wants to go left in the street, parents want to go home, which is straight… parents go straight, little boy is left on the corner.
  • Little girl goes too slow for mother’s taste, or maybe she is running late. But the mother decides to go ahead at her own pace, and leaves the little girl in the street.

Obviously both kids were pic

Compounding interest… the secret of exponential growth… Did you miss that in school?

There is a controversial saying by Charlie Munger, who said: to get what you want, you need to deserve what you want.

This is controversial, because the verb, deserve, is bastardized in our culture. What he should have said:

to have a chance to get what you want, you need to earn what you want. And then say: to earn what you want, you need to become the person who can ((developed mastery, methods, routine, who has the character and the attitude to be able to earn what they want. Your desire is sky high, your willingness to do anything for it (ambition) is low, and your spiritual/intangible capacities are few or none… persistence, foresight, independent thinking, etc.)) earn what they want.

And thi

My secret weapon

The Big Bundle of energies other people sell piecemeal… I am going to sell you as a bundle.

We all hear and read about energy healing, but most of that healing doesn’t work or it’s disappointing.

But here is an energy tool that works… Really.

July 29, 2018. As you may know I accidentally poisoned myself. The toxin came from food, and according to muscle test there was a 90% chance it was going to kill me. And it felt exactly like that.

After a few days I looked what I could use… nothing chemical, Source said. Nothing physical, Source said. Energy? Maybe, Source said.

When I say Source said, I mean: I muscletested while connected to Source.

Finally I settl

Everyone wants to be self-confident… why? Does changing beliefs help? Does energy healing help?

Confidence: firm trust, a sense of self, appreciation someone’s proven track record

If you look up the word in the dictionary, that is not what you find.

All dictionaries are now in step with the tendency to make words vague, not matching the reality… this word is a crucial word in your vocabulary. Unless you get this right, your chances of having a self, and thus the chance for self-confidence are between zero and none.

No one takes my Starting Point Measurements Seriously. How do I know? Because I have literally haven’t had anyone ask clarifying questions about certain key words that will make or break you… Not even one.

For example, no one has asked me what is

What do you want, really? or asked differently What do you really want?

The answer is in the values you choose to love…

I have been harping on values… and it is as if I were speaking in an auditorium where my voice doesn’t, can’t carry… there is no echo. ((My very first assignment as a newly minted architect was to create the acoustics for the rooms of the Academy of Music in Budapest. The requirements were: let the people in the room have good acoustics, while nothing to be heard outside of the room… tricky but can be done.))

Nothing and no one indicating that they are hearing me, that they are pondering, that the question is heard and taken on as a quest to answer, to ponder, to be taken with you to sleep, to your meditation, to your walks, so you eventually come up with something you value.

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Community cannot for long feed on itself; it can only flourish with the coming of others from beyo

What you value and how much tells me all I want to know about you…

What you value and how much?

I am reading Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead for the third or fourth time.

Depending on what is the focus of my inquiry at the time, the book has different highlights.

This time it is how the divine gets through to you to provide you with guidance, substance to your life, for a lifetime.

I have been weakened by some stomach bug that makes all manner of eating distasteful to me, so I haven’t eaten for two days, and I am increasingly weak with an undercurrent of depression… sleeping, napping does that to me. So I am weepier than normal.

So here is am si

I have added the capacity to be inspired to the Starting Point Measurements.

Touched, moved, and inspired… Let’s look at inspired… ((People are writing to me claiming that they get touched, weepy from certain values. But when you look at their lives, that is an experience that does NOT inform their lives, only their eyes…))

What is inspired? I am sure that as many people I’d ask as many responses I would get, so let’s get on the same page about it, OK? And here is another word: divine… we’ll call divine anything that is from the invisible domain of reality… nothing to do with some god, or angels, or other 4th plan human mind products.

First the verb: inspire: 1 : to move or guide by divine influence. 2 : to move (someone) to act, create, or

This article is all quotes… good stuff. Enjoy

Here is a Landmark distinction in a TED talk… delivered in layman’s terms. Just listen to the explosive applause in the end… It is a missing piece for most of us. ((The distinction or principle in Landmark Education terms: “What gives your being in the present is the future you live into.” The future you live into. That future is either designed, or default. When it’s default: it is always the past… the bad past. The one you don’t want to repeat… but you unwittingly do. It is what you are afraid that will happen.

I am afraid that if I stand out I’ll get killed. really. And in spite of everything, I, somehow, make it happen in small ways, even though I barely stand out.

But to do something that would really make me st

What are you? Beauty, truth or goodness?

I am having an interesting conversation with one of my students.

The philosophy student…

He wants to write his thesis on the Feelings book, but he needs his thesis counselor’s support, maybe even his enthusiasm, or it is going to be a tough road to hoe.

It’s a sales job, or if you are a Landmark Education graduate: and enrollment job.

Enrollment is simple speaking in a way that the other person gets “touched, moved, and inspired” and may even be ready to move in the direction you describe.

You cannot do it if your “about you” score is too high. Because you don’t know what touches, moves, and inspires others. You may not even know what touches, moves and inspires you!

Unless you let yourself be inspired, touched

Biting Microscopic Mites Spreading Across the World – The Pandora Bug

This post is a reprint of an article from 2005. I didn’t write it, I found it on the internet. It was the article that woke me up that the misery I was experiencing in my own sleepless nights was not unique to me: it was shared by billions of people who are not as aware as myself, yet they suffer.

Since then I made great strides in distinguishing and managing these bugs. I also share my experiences with a small community of like-minded sufferers on my membership site at The goal: eliminate and beat these bugs at their own game. Possible? I don’t know. Mandatory? I say so.

Update: it seems that I hav