How to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency

let me measure your vibrationThe vibration number, often called “vibrational frequency,” tells a lot about a person.

Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding.

“Vibrational frequency” is a number on a logarithmic scale, and it measures how accurately your world view and your emotions, thinking, behavior match reality, to what degree you have departed from human animal and rose to the level of human being. The current level of vibration of humanity is 130, which is about 1% of the way to human beingness.

It is good to know where you are at. You cannot change something that you don’t know where it’s at… With all the pretending, with all the charts, you probably overestimate or underestimat

Where you are looking from, the angle, is probably the most important of all

The view is different from the foot of the mountain than from the top

One of the weird thing about humans that they are stuck in their limited view of reality.

They don’t even suspect that there is a different view from different points.

This is why almost every otherwise worthless therapist or coach can cause temporary results… because all they need to learn is to ask you to look a different way, through a different perspective, and voilà… magic happens.

The problem is that when you are left to your own devices, you rarely if ever think to activate the magic. The magic that is magical, but isn’t magic.

Things look different from different perspectives, because that is what perspective mean

From the limited perspective of the human mind… why you make so many mistakes??

Most authors, most gurus, most spiritual/money/prosperity/marketing teachers contributed one distinction to me… if any.

Actually, most didn’t… Famous ones, successful ones, amazing ones… nothing. I was left with nothing.

One of these distinctions, by Robert Scheinfeld, is considering that all you see when you look is through the limited

Your behavior is always consistent with what you see… All your mistakes come from here…

Your behavior is always consistent with what you see.

And what you see depends 100% of your available capacities.

You don’t even look… because you know what is there… you know there is nothing to see.

The difference between a blind person and you is that the blind person knows she cannot see.

Why can’t you see? For two reasons:

  • 1. your prejudices and cognitive biases
  • 2. no one demanded that you actually see. The school system, your family, even the places where you work expect you to be blind, stupid, waiting to be told… and you don’t disappoint.

The few of you that can see are called trouble makers, or simple “trouble”.

So you go through life pointing the

Create a life you love

Oh no! This video software that used to work doesn’t work any more. I cried out… This can happen to anyone. Technology changes so rapidly, keeping pace with it is both expensive and time consuming.

Sometimes there is an upgrade. Nowadays upgrades cost money… or the software developer simply abandoned you… and you are stranded with a software that doesn’t work any more.

I have been teaching what I teach for seven years. Teach people a world view that has been tested and true, and includes the invisible. This world view is sharply different from the accepted norms… but it works, instead of just being a nice theory like what psychologists and philosophers teach. Or even Landmark Educati

Want to be the one who is making the decisions in your life?

back-to-the-future-2This week has been a success for Life, and a disaster financially. Everyone was spending their money on turkey, I guess.

So I am going to announce some sales for this coming week. I’ll make them good… so you’ll buy.

Now, about the successes that lead me to a huge insight.

All that people do is guided by memes, and they think they decided to do it. And you think they decided to do it from the goodness of their heart, from the badness of their heart, whatever seem to be the case. But in fact they never decided anything… It is the memes that are doing the deciding.

This is a totally different way to look at people, at life, and at what’s happening.

You can use this to re-interpret your past.

Why Most People Will Remain in Mediocrity

Most people will never become truly successful.

“It’s lonely at the top. 99% of people are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for ‘realistic’ goals, paradoxically making them the most competitive.”

-Tim Ferriss

Most people will never be truly successful.

The pull towards mediocrity is too strong. As David Schwartz once penned, “All around you is an environment that is trying to pull you down to Second-Class Street.”

Most people will never escape the pull.

Much of the thinking around us is small-minded. Most people are overly conce

I make decisions really slowly. One may even accuse me of procrastination…

Let me correct that: I consider most decisions I make a test. Experiment. Rough draft. Huh? Yeah, I thought so. I thought it will sound foreign… But you will learn something, through this article, that is not common knowledge… and it is even new to me! Decisions are an expensive activity for the brain. Any […]

People who make fast and good decisions, go further in life. Success loves speed

Since the last article, I’ve kept on poking at simplicity… and the idea of decision making came up… fast and furious. I didn’t expect it. Like everything else, this rabbit hole is a mile deep, but I can see that the benefits of seeing what’s there are priceless… People who make fast and good decisions, […]

Simplicity… Instead of asking what is the opposite, why don’t you ask a different question?

You tend to look at the world in black and white terms. This or the opposite… But often what you think is the opposite is not… My current favorite book, 46 rules of Genius, says: “Rule 24 (of Genius) “SIMPLIFY “People tend to view simplicity and complexity as opposites. But this isn’t strictly true. The …