The three umpires… which one are you most like?

Last night, before I got to bed, I wanted to “talk to” Source.

OK, I actually don’t know what Source is. But over the past 10 or so years I have learned that Source either doesn’t know something, and will let me know, or what source says yes to is actually true.

The conversation was about money, about my business, about the numbers that seem to tell me that nobody loves me any more…

Now, I have been learning how to ask questions… so I asked if my business is in trouble… No, was the surprising answer. Did I do something wrong? No, was the answer. Do I need to worry? No, was the answer. Do I need to do anything? No, was the answer. Whatever is going on is not me.

OK… hm… interesting.

Can I consider this sud

How to get out of your mind to reality where life happens?

Or how to unite your two selves so you can stop hating yourself, punishing yourself, and be happy inside and out

I had an insight this morning. I saw that every health issue I have ever had came from some idea, some thought, some teaching, not from my body.

Until age nine I was skinny. Then at that age I heard that whole grain is better for you… and I got promptly fat.

I have been hovering around 122 pounds when I heard from a student of mine about intermittent fasting. So I decided to do that. I promptly packed on three pounds. Nothing else changed…

All good ideas come from some mind, not your self. Your self is a lot smarter than you allow it to be. There is a separation bet

Full self realization: what does it mean and how to be the one in 100 thousand who does it?

Full self-realization is hard… Even half is hard… even being on the path is hard. Partially because we don’t know how to do it. And partially because you prefer to be comfortable…

This article maps it all out… so you can choose. Choose to go for it or not… And, please don’t expect stuff you have read, hear, everywhere… If it worked, a lot more people would be fully self-realized.

What prevents you from full self-realization ((fulfillment of one’s own potential… become all you can become)) and what could be your pivoting point?

Self-realization is rare. You’ll be surprised why… read on…

We don’t even agree about what it is… do we?

But I had an insight this past week: self-realization is when the two selves

Can I feel you when I look at you and hear you? An empath’s struggle… A bandwidth issue

If you observed me, you would say that I don’t do myself what I suggest that you do: expand my life, expand my cone of vision, expand my social whatever… But what you see and what is are vastly different. Most of what matters happens in the invisible.

I am going to explore this difference, this seeming or real gap in this article.

I mentioned in an article that the exercise class has introduces sideways motions of my body and as a result a pain that limited my movements for 20 years eased to such a degree that today I can lie on my back and both legs will be lying on the bed. Previously I could not do that. For 20 years. Why? What was wrong? I don’t know.

A student of mine, a massage therapist wrote back to sha

Capacities, possibilities, new constructive attitudes… How do you create them so you can have what you want?

Capacities, possibilities, new constructive attitudes…

  • What these share is that they are words first and foremost.
  • The second thing: saying the words will not make you that…
    And unfortunately, it turned out that turning on the capacities in the DNA won’t create permanent changes… unless.

So what is the technology of inventing and making these capacities, possibilities and attitudes real?

This is what this article is about. It’s about you learning how to have what you want.

Let’s first talk about what people want… What you want.

In thousands of conversations, personally, on the phone, in emails, I have come to see that people want to have.

  • T

My own unstuck myself technique I use as many times as I am stuck, or see a client stuck

…Whether for myself, or for a client, whether in health, wealth, relationships, or spirituality…

The method has been asking a different question.

A different question unstucks your fixed view of the world, the fixed view that gives you what you are struggling with.

If you consider that everything you have now, is the result of what you know/what you see, then if you want to make any change, big or small, you have to turn your eyes away from what you know, and look around.

This is, by the way, why walking is so useful for high achievers: when you go outside your eyes nat

The field: The invisible distinction that defines your consciousness

We look at life through the space we locate ourselves in.

When you go home for the holidays, you have a space inside which you interact with your mother. You have a space inside which you interact with your father, another space with your siblings.

Some people live their whole life out of one favorite space.

When you know what space you think you are in, and the other person makes no sense, that is because they relate to you inside a different space.

For example, Nancy lives inside Mother-child space. She is either the mother, or she is the child. When she is the child, I am either the mother (she loves that) or Not mother… she hates that. When she is the mother and I refuse to be the ch

An exercise to begin to raise your awareness so you can start on the path to the good life

look at your world through the camera to increase your awarenessAwareness is the number one predictor of how your life will turn out. High awareness: a much better life.

In essence, awareness is a number that shows how much of your time you spend outside of the mind… how much of reality can get through to you.

I just had an insight.

Most people can’t see anything that they didn’t already see. Nothing new can penetrate their awareness… No changes even, nothing… One way mirror. And you are on the mirror side. I can see you making faces at your reflection, picking your nose, etc. What i don’t see you is seeing what is on the other si

If you haven’t been feeling well… if your water is losing its coherence…

solar storm effecting the earthIf you haven’t been feeling well… if your water is losing its coherence…

Here is another example of the limited perspective of the human mind…

I have never really thought of solar storms, solar flares, as effecting humans…

But, it seems, that we have been effected to that phenomenon, us, Earthlings, and it effects our water-filled bodies, and of course our drinking water.

I won’t last forever, so just hang in there.

Hang in there… I am doing the same.

Read the original article: If you haven’t