Are you stuck on the binary level of thinking? Let’s look

binary thinkingMost people, 99% of the time, are stuck on the systemic judgment level… where everything has an opposite, and it is either one or the other.

Binary thinking. What is Binary Thinking? Binary thinking, also known as dichotomous thinking, happens when even complex concepts, ideas, and problems are overly simplified into being one side or another. The gray area in the middle is ignored or goes unnoticed. Binary thinking helps us feel a sense of certainty.

Another way of looking: reality is 3d… Your thinking is binary… No match. No astuteness. No correct

Can you change? or you just become more of what you are?

you only live 3% of your potentialLet me start with something I had to sleep on to see: you are not all you can be, even not inside the box you live in.

What box?

Well, you are born with a certain DNA and it gives you a box. Your DNA predetermines the size of your box.

In my experience people fulfill on their box-given potential, to an average 3%. In every area of life… health, wealth, love and happiness. People who do very well: above 30%. (What limits them? really good question… I’ll write an article on that soon…)

People, you, can grow inside their box… but mostly they, you don’t…

You can estimate to what degree s

What is transformation? Why is it so important to know exactly?

Everyone talks about stuff… using big words, like transformation, but no one actually knows what the word means, and what do people actually do, or promise to do, who cause transformation.

If you really look, you can talk for half an hour, and you won’t even get near to it…

Why? Because transformation is based on something that people either don’t know, or don’t consider sexy enough.

They talk about beliefs, and they talk about subconscious mind, and blockages… but none of those is actually how the human mind works…

Why am I so sure of that? Because certain things don’t disappear or don’t become unimportant during evolution…

The five senses, seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smell won’t be completely basta

I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

intelligence and cone of visionI am working on a new definition of intelligence.

A definition that gives someone access to growing it. What we have now is, essentially, ‘do well on the IQ test…’ which is not really useful.

So here is the first aspect that is definitely growable, and measurable:

Intelligence is how much you see of reality, accurately.

You see, you, me, anyone, only sees a fragment of reality at any point… for many reasons of which I’ll distinguish for you a few, so you can get some power… as far as growing your intelligence goes.

1. your cone of vision
2. the strength of your concern… for whatever
3. your about-me score

So if it is one of the most imp

Molecules of Emotion… Are you suppressing the negative?

Summary: Emotions… without emotions you feel deadened. But you only want good emotions… unfortunately, for you, you can’t have the good without the bad, life is a roller coaster, and you would hate to be stranded on the top of the peak anyway…

I listened to the audiobook, Molecules of Emotions some 10 years ago in the car. It’s a book written by a scientist, Candace Pert.

I did not set out to be a scientist of emotions… but I was eminently suited: inste

Life is funny and fun when it is not all about you

what's funnyLife is funny… Funny as in tickles your funny bone. You chuckle.

Anything is about you, says something about you beyond just being what it is and it stops being funny, and life stops being fun.

Thank you to Wendy… one of the people who got the gene adjustment.

These whole issue of checking if I did it right could have been a big ‘not funny, not fun’ experience. Or serious. Or W.O.R.K. of proof that in am conscientious, high integrity, thorough, or whatever the f… people acknowledged for…

But it was 1. a privilege to get to visit with all those people 2. it was funny.

You see, when I identify an action I c

Being open is the hardest but most profitable ways to be

being open and vulnerableAbout a year ago I bought into a business coaching program where there are several calls a week with different coaches, and, for the most part, I think it is not a good program. Why?

I have been seeing that the coaches look at the program where their job is to say what they have to say… So when you really look there is a them and us, them and me separation… they are up there, and I am down here… and I have a few jobs: 1. admire them 2. participate if asked so they can sound even more awesome 3. if possible, talk only when what I have to say is ‘I bought this thing from this coach and it is awesome’ like a ‘witnessing’.

And the participants, about a hundred people, only want

Why would he with a 160 IQ produce low truth value science?

iq vs characterOr an even better question: can that same dude see clearly that his science is only 10% truth value?

And another puzzling question: what does it feel like being a shyster?

Does it matter that he is a Pisces?

The issue is, I say, character.

What is character and why is it more important than IQ?

This dude’s soul correction is the same as mine… Forget Thyself. Is lying part of my soul correction? Hm.

Soul correction is a machine with a set of character defects. Lying is a character defect.

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Permission to grow… permission to experience discomfort.

permission to growI read this quote in an email today.

I have done nothing all summer but wait for myself to be myself again.‘ — Georgia O’Keeffe.

What she doesn’t know, that if and when you become new, bigger, etc. then you’ll be yourself… but bigger… And in the meantime it won’t be very pleasant to grow. There is an expression: growing pains… and it is true, it is real.

This quote could be your slogan while you go through the brain balancing sequence for the next weeks, months, so you emerge more whole, more complete than you have ever hoped to be.

And you’ll need it.

If you think it is difficult and painful get your car out from two vehicles that are an inch from your car… then you kno

Do you have permission to be happy, joyful, successful?

permission slipDo you BELIEVE you have permission to be happy, joyful, successful?

What’s the difference between believing and knowing?

Let me preface that belief is a human word… Source says that what we call belief is really using our word to create a personal reality… So what we call belief is really words considered reality… You’ll see why this is an important distinction in a sec…

If you haven’t read the relationship between reality and personal reality, read some of my older articles… like this one. We call personal reality