How hard can it be? said Father Brown as he was grinding the car’s transmission…

Countries, people, soul corrections, have different attitudes to doing things. Hungary (country), Finish What you Start (soul correction), England (country, ethnicity), especially, have an attitude of “How hard can it be?” And they fancy themselves all-knowing, all-expert at everything. My brother … Continue reading

Do you have a core identity? Something that will not change? Something that can lead you to greatness?

Some countries need to manufacture a history for their people. Other countries created one by following a credo, an ethic, that is personally binding.

Father Geoffrey invented a history for England.

The question we’ll look at: can you invent greatness for another… Can a great path that doesn’t oblige have any positive influence on the person, or instead it will give them wrongful pride… “I am better than you” nationalist or racial superiority?

Let me examine the difference between the different stories of different peoples, so I can explain the difference between the individuals who hail from different cultures.

I am going to bumble my way through this… so expect this article to be a little chunky… I apologize ahea

The story. Your story. It is either inspiring or it is depressing…

the history of kings in BritainThe story. Your story. It is either inspiring or it is depressing… either way it’s the context of your life

Your story can be your personal story. Telling what happened from your personal point of view. No creativity is required: it’s already applied generously.

Why? How? Anything that happened is turned into words… and words, whenever applied, create a story, a story line, an interpretation. Filters added creatively… Skewed.

Your story can be the story of your heritage. No matter how you tell this story: it is filtered through opinions, beliefs, and other filters.

You think a story tells something about the past.

But a story tells your future: reliabl

You want it effortlessly… Want thrilling, want pleasure, want abundance…

surviving the weekI read a lot of books. About 100 books a year. Cover to cover. I don’t subscribe to Tai’s reading method…

I left a 2000 book library when I left Hungary. that was 34 years ago.

Every book is an opportunity to shatter my view of the world. And many do. Sometimes not directly… sometimes through the effect the book has on other people.

This is what is happening with this book I am currently reading, The Upside of Your Dark Side. And previously with the book “Curiou

Life is a lot like traveling by train…

senior-man-traveling-train-15401290Life is like being in a train: you can look out on the left side, the right side, the back, the front… but it won’t change that you are on a train that will arrive to its destination, no matter where you look.

Most of us live this way most of the time.

We do our jobs, we do our relationships, we do our projects, we do our lives this way.

Fulfilling? No. Enjoyable? It depends…

Ultimately we are plagued by a nagging sense that we are out of control, that no matter what we do won’t change anything. Some of us feel doomed. Some of

The map of consciousness… in practice: climbing the tree of life

fledglingsI am often asked to map out the path to raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, and become a full fledged human being.

The first step to any journey is to find out where you are at now.

As I muscle test people’s vibration… as I am merging my senses with theirs, feeling their feelings, I feel their overall relationship to life. I feel it stronger than they feel it… like a tool that puts your heartbeat on loudspeaker.

Most people give me feedback, saying “spot on” if they are from England, and then follow my first steps to feel better.

What are skills? I bet you have no clue… or you would be building them…

7-Skill-Building-Activities-for-your-5-Year-Old-Boy-2What are skills?

Don’t feel stupid, 99% of all people have no idea what skills are. This is one of the secrets that make people stuck in the dead end job they are in… not knowing what skills are, and not knowing what their skills are.

Skills are abilities, true and tried abilities you have used and used them well enough to succeed.

Skill means: you can do something. well enough.

Driving is a skill. Cooking is a skill, Shoppin

What if you only have seven capacities? Or eight… or even nine?

sports don't normally activate any higher capacitiesThe less capacities you have the closer you are to the bottom.

Asking what those capacities are, those seven is a little dumb, but just think about it.

What does everyone who went to school has to have as capacity? Reading, using language, i.e. writing ans speaking, adding numbers, recognizing faces, smells, sounds, telling the time, basic stuff.

You may be able to cook.
You may be able to clean.
You may be able drive…

But they are not capacities: they use capacities, but they are behaviors…


Your free will, your choice is mostly inside the question: shall I shrink or shall I grow?

finally-flyingYou have been choosing the shrink most of your life… and you ended up on my site with a meager number of capacities, hoping to get more out of life than you are getting.

You have been choosing, consistently to be a fat flightless turkey, in spite of your DNA that has flying as a capacity.

Yesterday I activated the capacity of Process for a handful of people… and it seems that this is a crucial capacity… Here are some interesting insights reading people’s notes who just got the Process capacity activated

T from England writes. She now has

The capacity of the sight… that gives people like Warren Buffet the edge

warren buffet has the capacity to see the consequences of his actions openWarning: as always, the most important things are explained in the footer part of the post! Don’t miss them!

Some weeks are like this: I do something, see something, write about something important, and on Monday Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo echoes it.

This is the case this week… You know when you manage to do something whose time has come? Gratifying, rewarding, like the Universe nods in your direction. ((Roy Wil