Days of Power energy download

days-of-powerOne can connect to Source on whatever vibrational level one is…

Vibrational level, in this context equals the consciousness level, or how far up you have ascended on the Tree of Life.

I know of four levels of connecting. Each higher level includes the previous lower level of capacities.

Level 0: Theta mode: you connect to your self… Here is the webinar recording that teaches it… Theta training. You have to be registered as a subscriber to that site.

  • Level 1: You can, for moments at a time, dis-identify with your mind
  • Level 2: You can measure ideas, concepts, and stuff yo

Tai Lopez reading method: can it work for you?

tai lopez book a day dietTai Lopez’s reading method… and what he can’t see he cannot teach you, because for him it is like water for the fish… invisible.

Tai Lopez started to read when he was barely potty trained. And has read, ever since.

His grandfather gave him the kinds of books that train circular reading… the history of the world, encyclopedia…

Thus he build a body of knowledge, a fertile soil, that almost any new information can sprout roots into.

In this regard, he is unique, and as different from most people, as he can be.

He has a reading method, the book-a-day method, that he teaches to people who have no body of knowledge, no fertile soil… and the question is: can the m

What seed are you growing?


Being able to be with what isn’t nice, what isn’t pretty, what isn’t pleasant, what is risky… facing the truth, facing the tiger

I had a webinar today. It was my regular monthly public webinar… but this time I wanted to show how to measure your food and supplements… so you don’t depend on me for all your answers.

I had to use my webcam, obviously, to show what I needed to show, for muscle testing is highly physical.

I look the way I look… not well groomed, I have a barber buzz-cut my hair, it is thinning, no makeup… and I had to stare at my reflection the whole time.

I don’t even look in the mirror, not even once a day.

I didn’t like the way I looked, but that is how I look.

Soul Correction: Removing Hatred

self-hateToday (9/29/2016) I saw something I did not see before… And it surprised me, and filled with compassion.

The seed level, the dominant belief of this soul correction is that something inherently wrong with them, and that they are worthless.

Of course it is not the truth, it’s a dominant belief you are born with… I have traces of it, and my soul correction is “Forget Thyself”… and every achievement, every accomplishment I had for 50 years or more was to fix it.

It cannot be fixed because it is not true. And therein lies the problem: what do you do with something that is not fixable?

Unevolved “Removing Hatred” people hide it. And they pay a price. A big price. I have two people in my family with this soul correction… one died at age 4

Your dominant forceful way that keeps you at low vibration

resistance-catI don’t want to… I don’t like it… arrgh, nooo!

This is my “response”… more like reaction to nearly every task I need to do in my business.

I am not naturally and innately the surrendering type. I am fiercely independent, and I even abhor my own ideas that make me do something… almost anything.

My dominant mode is “avoid domination”…

Your dominant mode is predetermined in your soul correction, and one of your activities, throughout your lifetime, is to tame that beast… Oh, your dominant mode is like a beast that prevents you from climbing the tree of life, from raising your consciousness, raising your vibration.

So what could be YOUR dominant mode? Your dominant approach to life, other p

Your vibration is an indicator to what degree you use force, forcefulness, and forcing

force-v-powerAnimals are not forceful. Plants are not forceful. Why? Because, while the selfish gene is quite forceful, the animals surrender to the selfish gene… and go “with” it.

Humans are animals with a mind… and the mind is forceful. More forceful than the selfish gene…

The selfish gene is clear on what it wants: it wants to increase itself in the gene pool. That is all it is interested in. It negotiates with nature, with other species, with toxins, with members of the same species continually to lead to evolutionary stable strategies…. ess in short. It adapts or it dies. The more adaptable, the more aware the gene and the vehicle, the more successful the gene is in propagating itself, and it thrives. It cannot