Can you be well, can you get well if you don’t know if something is true or not?

This article has long been in the making. It’s about our inability to tell what is the cause of something. Or even if there is a causal relationship between two things… Between tithing and a sudden windfall… between lying and breaking your leg… between eating peanuts and feeling better/worse… Is there a cause and effect …

What is the vibrational frequency of money? And how do you match it so you can have lots of money? Republished

the vibration of moneyIt is my habit to check how people get to my website. What information they searched for. I have been seeing a lot of people searching for The vibrational frequency of money Interesting question, but more importantly, it is interesting to speculate what people are really asking. So I spent a few days pondering this …

Your life and principles…

This article is stream of consciousness… I apologize for that. Principles are tricky. Depending on your level of vibration, on the size of your cone of vision, on the number and size of patterns you can see, you’ll translate the … Continue reading “Your life and principles…” Related Posts: Principle guided life… OK… but what […]

Top Five Regrets of the Dying and how to beat them

Top Five Regrets of the Dying and how to beat them 1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. 2. I wish I didn’t work so hard. … Continue reading “Top Five Regrets of the Dying and how to beat them” Related […]

A counter-intuitive strategy you’ve been missing…

Sometimes you just do what you do… but you can’t see the forest for the trees… until someone puts a label on what you do… I am talking about myself… This is what happened today… what a glorious day! Because … Continue reading “A counter-intuitive strategy you’ve been missing…” Related Posts: Pick your battles… I […]

Is life a symphony or is life chaos for you? What you manifest will be dramatically different

All my articles are inspired, are an answer to something that happens right now… something that asks for a new way of seeing things. Today is not an exception. It’s early and I have read only two of my emails, … Continue reading “Is life a symphony or is life chaos for you? What you […]

Mindfulness? No. Meditation? No. Meditative living? Yes

It was my shopping day yesterday… Through bad design, I have my webinars on the same day as my shopping day. And yesterday I felt creamed by the experience. I dragged myself through, slept like a baby, but I am …

Spiritual pattern recognition, spiritual principles… Should life have rules?

what you resist persists and enslaves youOne gift my father gave me is he encouraged me to not resist. I went through several interpretations of what he meant… I thought resisting made me a person, but I was wrong. Resisting gave the power over to others, …

The bucket of crabs… or can you grow? Are you allowed to grow?

There are two planes where existence can be experienced: the horizontal plane and the vertical plane. They are not different places, they are different dimensions of the same thing, different ways to look at them, from different places in reality. …

Success? Failure? The difference between success and failure: it’s how you look at it.

god is always joking. spirituality is fun. oshoAs I am working to strengthen the integrity of my site (slow going and a lot of mundane work) I re-read some of my earlier articles, and I am amazed how good they are. I wish I could just take …