The Detached capacity: Gateway to heaven

gateway-to-heavenThe Detached capacity is the gateway to heaven… and the gatekeeper to heaven. All ways to heaven, to higher functioning, to human beingness lead through this capacity…

It’s very interesting: whenever I start a new course, or a workshop, suddenly everyone gets quiet.

They are waiting for the other shoe to drop. What shoe? lol… so see if it works… holding their breath.

Anyway, the workshop started this morning, and I enjoyed it. Even I learned a lot…

If you are in the workshop: I would appreciate a little bit of public feedback.

The first session (o

How to get transformed into happy and fulfilled by simply reading articles?

we are like sloth, having a spiritual dreamIf you look on my site, I have more than 2000 articles. All meaty, full of information.

Why am I not afraid that giving so much for free will mean no one will want to pay for my paid information?

Ok, let’s look at that.

What you read is falling into your mind and makes you feel smarter, or stupider, and smarter again. But will you ever get what you want from reading? No. Will you get the illusion that the more you know the more chances you have for success? Certainly.

But here is the issue: What you read (information) falls into your morass. Morass is like mud. Not necessar

Greed, reactivity, wanting

You may or may not know, but I have been battling some energetic attachments, that keep coming back. An attachment is like a snake: it goes deep and eats you from the inside out. It’s been a week, maybe more. … Continue reading → Related Posts: New Weekend Workshop: Get unstuck with the detached capacity […]

Being in your head… being out of your head… choose one

voices go silent

  1. I don’t do well with people who are intense. I am not sure why, but my physiology gets all tense, resistant, and I just want to go away, or watch a movie, or go to bed.

    All those sensations are in the horizontal aspect of me. We could call it “my head”, even though the feelings are in my body. But it’s shorter and more popular to say “I am in my head” than to say: I am pulled into my horizontal, lower self. Right?

  2. I used to live in my head. I didn’t notice until there was something happening outside of my head. I only noticed that I

New Weekend Workshop: Get unstuck with the detached capacity

I am working on creating a communication course, but first things first:

so many of you are stuck in your doom and dominant belief behavior, I see getting unstuck is an emergency.

So I am going to do weekend workshops to teach you how to get unstuck.

The workshops are designed to teach you to use the Detached capacity to get you unstuck in the moment.

Having the capacity is nice, but unless you know exactly what to do with it, it works only like a remedy: in the moment. Whereas true getting unstuck means that you start moving.

The purpose of the workshop is to get you from your stuck state to where you are moving and starting to create a life worth living.

Your first session will include the activation of the DNA capacity: Detached. And me checking that you actually know how to use it.

The Detached capacity does not automatically detach you… just lik

What makes soap operas addictive? What are YOU hooked on?

got-its-hooks-in-youVery “interesting” experience. I watched the first year of Dexter, and although I wanted to watch all episodes, the first year was not addictive.

But I had a premonition about the rest of the series.

Made up by skilled television writers, I knew it was going to be something dangerous to my well-being.

Unneeded complications, many different side-story lines, all dramatic and irrelevant, all stories I would not watch Netflix for. But all of these side-stories had a claw as sharp as the tiny hooks of burr… of v