Your Blessings are Trapped… Want Them? Go Get ‘Em

Your blessings are trapped … in other people.

Take back the Light! Go to one person today, with whom you’re having trouble seeing eye to eye, and tell them (in a proactive manner) something they are right about.

The more difficult it is to confront the person, the more Light you will reveal. Now, go get back your Light that you are giving to other people!

This is a Kabbalistic way to say: you’ve been giving away your power to everyone you are “incomplete” with.

Incomplete means that there is some charge on something that happened, they did, they said, or didn’t do, didn’t say. The bigger the charge, the more of YOUR light is trapped there.

And only YOU can release it.

Remembering Yourself… Staying Awake

Colin Wilson The OutsiderI have been reading Colin Wilson: The Outsider.

Colin Wilson is one of my favorite writers. I started my course of study with him with The Mind Parasites, a science fiction novel, back in 1987.

In the books I have read, Colin Wilson is only interested (really) in a few questions: What does it mean to be a Human Being, and how to accomplish that? What is the purpose of life, and how to fulfill on that purpose?

These are exactly the questions I have been pondering for about 23 years. Posted on in Evolution Modalities | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sharing. The misused word… just share… i.e. sell?

I know the word sharing gets thrown around in these emails quite a bit. Sometimes we become numb to the word. To get back to basics, sharing means giving something of ourselves.

It can be sharing with someone we’re not used to sharing with. It can be opening up with someone we’re not used to opening up to. It can be calling someone with whom we’re holding a grudge and wishing them well and saying something nice, some words of wisdom. It can be anything. It just has to be an unconditional stretch.

As a certified est-hole and Landmark junkie, I have heard the urging “Share, share share.”

In Landmark they mean “Bring more chumps like you so that Landmark can becom

Can you predict the future? Can you pick the next big winner?

My last article, the shotgun method has missed its target… few even understood what the heck I was talking about.

Regardless, I am continuing on the theme, because this is one of the stumbling block for most of you… so although you don’t know what is eating your lunch… although you have no idea how you are screwing up, I do, and I am here to help you till you get it. I already have a third article in the pipeline… ;-/

About a month ago I finally and suddenly got ready to pick a marketing mentor. Terry Dean is his name… and as soon as I can aff

Satan? Ego? Useful or Faulty Design?

gurdjieffI have been observing myself as a spiritual practice. Trying to “remember myself” as Gurdjieff would say it, call upon the “witness” or “observer”. Be awake. Either way, I have noticed something remarkable about myself: see if you can relate.

When I am in front of my computer* (where I spend most of my day) and I encounter something that requires the slightest push on my end, I see myself automatically going to the computer game of my choice, freecell.

I began observing this phenomenon about 6 months ago (it was there, unobserved, for many years). But 4 days ago I decided to employ “restriction,” which is one of Kabbalah’s main tenets, and see what will happen.

For about 36 hours I closed the freecell program as soon as I opened it. Then every time I was “awak

For you everything is the same as everything else, except that not always…

The second part of the title, “except that not always” is doesn’t apply for at least 10% of you: you won’t even see the difference when I point it out. ((Another way to say the title: You can’t tell your ass from a hole in the ground…

The most frustrating thing is, that you are sure you are saying or understanding the right words… but you don’t. And you blame it on the speaker saying that what they said doesn’t work.

How do I know?

For most people, who become a student in my programs, this is the first hurdle to pass.

You come into my program with a 300 accurate vocabulary, and you only hear the words you think you know what they mean, but that is not what I

What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate? The energy that blocks you?

Before i say anything else, all the illustrations about negative energy, negativity I use in this post are b.s. and harmful… The Hungarian Christmas pictures… I remember being a child…

Yesterday I was on a group coaching call where a so-called energy practitioner ((here are the starting point measurements and some guesses of this person…
1. your vibration (1-1000): 100
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.: 50
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have: 1
4. your soul correction (your machine): I don’t know

It’s all about the memes. If you catch them, life may start working…

I have 2-3 conversations a day with my students, conversations that should be made public.

Here is one from today:

helpless-haplessHim: Wow. I realized on yesterday’s call that there are memes and voices when I am on the call and they are disturbing me to get things more than I am doing. Or disturbing me t

New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, your immune system, diabetes, cancer, and your life expectancy

  • If you pee often
  • If your pee is light
  • If you have to get up in the middle of the night and pee
  • that means: your cell hydration is low.
  • it may also mean: you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Diabetics have low cell hydration. this may be the reason they don’t accept the sugar into the cell… Because sugar would break even bigger havoc in the cell… it would dry out the cell completely.
My hunch is that hydrating the diabetic’s cells can end the diabetic misery… But it needs testing. If you have diabetic friends, family members: you owe it to yourself to test the Energized water on them. Diabetes can cost tens o

One model for a satisfying life is the battery.

cell-battery-rundownIf you suck the last little bit of energy out of your battery and then charge it, next day it will give you a little more… ((I just read that this is not true for all types of batteries… well, it is true for most people…)

But if you suck the energy sparingly, if you are more worried about the battery than about building something with the energy… at the end of the day energy is left in the battery.

You charge it overnight, and next day the battery will show full, but its full is only the 70% you used the day before…

And little by little, your sparing the battery attitude, your stinginess leaves you with hardly any energy to get things done, to think, to dream, to imagine, to be