Osho: Baby, my whole work is to confuse you!

I haven’t had many people say that I confuse them, probably because to say that is confrontational, and only about 4% of you is confrontational. Not that you don’t think that, but it takes courage and individuality to utter those words, and you don’t have it in you.

What would it take to say those words, without animosity, without anger, without pointing fingers? If you could solve that conundrum for yourself, life would be a lot better, wouldn’t it?

Until the age of about 40, my biggest issue was what to do with my anger. I made up a story, based on accidental coincidences, that my anger kills… and that I am a murderer. Obviously, with that cornerstone of a belief, it was impossible for me to express my anger in a socially acceptable way, so I suppressed, and then I exploded, and I repeated that pattern for 40 years, to my detriment.

I had ulcers, nervous breakdowns, depression, insomnia… not pleasant.

So, for me to learn to be confrontational, confronted and response, confro


The TLB score or Twitchy Little Bastard score is one of the ten Starting Point Measurements that show to what degree you are able and willing to take on uncomfortable, hard, challenging, boring, tedious tasks that are necessary for you to achieve something. It is also a reliable measure to what degree you live in a desire-trap, where the imaginings of something substitutes for the actual having the thing…

Your vibration is probably low if your TLB score is low. Why? Because raising your vibration is work: uncomfortable, hard, challenging, boring, tedious, etc.

Read the original article: TLB

What Is Soul? Is The Soul This Perfect Small Indestructible Ball Of Light?

What is Soul? I don’t know. Although I know a lot about Soul, I don’t know what Soul is… as much as I don’t know what Source is.

In the Old Testament the word “know” had no intellectual knowledge meaning: it actually meant “get intimate with.” Sexually, or otherwise.

You get intimate with a jacket by trying it on and wearing it for a while. Same with a pair of shoes.

Intellectual knowledge is not knowing, it’s knowing about: a world of difference.

Read the original article: What Is Soul? Is The Soul This Perfect Small Indestructible Ball Of Light?

It takes two to tango

My horoscope said this today:
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Will you be the difficult wizard, Virgo? Please say yes. Use your magic to summon elemental forces that will shatter the popular obstacles. Offer the tart medicine that tempers and tests as it heals. Bring us bracing revelations that provoke a fresher, sweeter order. I know it’s a lot to ask, but right now there’s no one more suited to the tasks. Only you can manage the stern grace that will keep us honest. Only you have the tough humility necessary to solve the riddles that no one else can even make sense of.
That is really weird timing, because for the past day I have been wondering if I am out of step with the direction society, you, want to go and therefore I am out of step with life?

Read the original article: It takes two to tango

The Opponent

The Opponent is a kabbalistic concept personifying an inner force to keep you the same, to challenge you, and to make you take the lower path in life. It is easier to fight a “person” because you can talk to them. It is a very useful concept, if you want to grow, and raise your vibration.

Read the original article: The Opponent

Victim: I have nothing to say in the matter

Back in 1986 there was a seminar series, lead by no other than Werner Erhard.

I was brand new, but I was allowed to sign up. The topic was: “I have something to say in the matter”.

At the time my level of understanding was that I can change what I do, I can protest to what other people do… I did not understand that you can say something in the matter of everything that belongs to you.

Everything that belongs to you… out of which the most potent is your being. Who are you in the matter of X.

So, how does this being expresses itself, really?

Read the original article: Victim: I have nothing to say in the matter

It’s Tuesday… it’s garbage day on my street…

It’s not communism or socialism that is the enemy of freedom and prosperity. It is authoritarian systems.

Authoritarianism=my way of the highway.

I have lived in socialism. People may be lazy there, but creativity, thinking differently, individuality, ability and productiveness is not penalized… Maybe Russia was different. I lived in Hungary.

At this point Hungary’s system is really kleptocracy… stealing power, stealing stuff, stealing rights, stealing freedoms. We are seeing that in the USA happening… I hear that they are copying Hungary, a tiny country in the middle of Europe.

But in authoritarian systems who is calling the shots are the freeloaders. The looters, the moochers, the people who want something for nothing. The enemies of thinking, the enemies of originality, the enemies of production.

Read the original article: It’s Tuesday… it’s garbage day on my street…

Expanding Human Being vs an all-knowing guru type

Summary: In this article I am turning a leaf in explaining how context is so decisive, and how come your life is a repetitious movie… and how to start living a different movie, a movie that will give you the life you deserve, the life of an Expanding Human Being.
I have spoken about context before…
…but in order to understand how I know what I know, you will need to understand context, in a deep way.

Imagine going to the movie theater. Normally, what you see there is a screen… nothing on it. But it is furthest from the truth. The screen is never quite empty.

Read the original article: Expanding Human Being vs an all-knowing guru type