Can you predict the future? Can you pick the next big winner?

My last article, the shotgun method has missed its target… few even understood what the heck I was talking about.

Regardless, I am continuing on the theme, because this is one of the stumbling block for most of you… so although you don’t know what is eating your lunch… although you have no idea how you are screwing up, I do, and I am here to help you till you get it. I already have a third article in the pipeline… ;-/

About a month ago I finally and suddenly got ready to pick a marketing mentor. Terry Dean is his name… and as soon as I can aff

The hardest pull to resist is the pull of your “how” nature. Or what type of activity do you rush into… headfirst…

actions-over-wordsThe hardest pull to resist is the pull of your “how” nature. Or what type of activity do you rush into… headfirst… That activity can be four kinds… four conative types, four types of conative actions… reading, planning, action, and execution.

Scientific name for your “how” is Conation. It is innate, and it is NOT changeable.

Regardless… I have been looking at taming my own… I find that it is not tamable. It is what it is.

But I have come to suspect that what you do after you do what your Conation makes you do is when the magic happens.

You see, all people belong to three types. People who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who wonder what happened. But

How to have the wind in your back? How to have a Silent Partner with immense power?

politically correct pansiesYesterday’s article was the tree that fell in the forest that didn’t make a sound. No one was there to hear it. Many read it, no one heard it. No echo. ((And I predict the same will happen to this article… lol. Catch me giving a hoot…))

Why? How come?

Probably because you were reading it from the rarefied air of positivity. Or some other filter blocked the genius and the simplicity of the blueprint I was so very proud of.

I actually knew that this was the best article I have EVER written. But it made no echo.

Why? Really why?

In my last Talk to Me call I asked one of my students to get angry. And do it in any language he wishes.

Because without anger you can’t ac

Why is rape so traumatic, while sex is so commonplace?

modern slavery numbers countries

  • Why is rape so traumatic, while sex is so commonplace?
  • Why is slave labor so traumatic, while working is so natural to us.

If you have ever been pinned down, not able to free yourself…
If you have ever been forced to do something you didn’t want to do… anything…

…your trust of life, your trust in people, your confidence has dealt a big blow.

Recovering is not guaranteed, and the wound can be torn open again quite easily.

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Are mind movies and vision boards useful? Are they mental representation?

movie-mind-controlYes. Mind movies and vision boards are a mental representation of some fancy that you have… creative or not so creative visualization. Low vibration, low consciousness, wishful thinking stuff. ((It is created for people and bought by people who have no business to use it, because it only increases their misery, their sense of inferiority. Why? Because mind movies and vision boards are based on a false theory, that if you really really really want something, then it will move towards you. But as an empath, I can tell you with certainty, that exactly the opposite is true. The really wanting is actual

Knowledge, Strategy, Execution, is that enough for success?

michael-jordan-mental-representationI lead a workshop on Sunday. I had knowledge, I had strategy. I executed it. It was sloppy. What was missing?

I didn’t know. But “god” works in mysterious ways, the book I am reading has an answer that shows me what has been missing for me on Sunday and all my life.

The book, Peak, the new science of expertise, calls it Mental Representation.

Mental Representation is being able to see the finished product in your mind’s eye, and also see the process getting there, so you can anticipate missteps, and can correct, given that you

The capacity of seeing patterns…the threshold capacity

alberteinstein118979I am reading a book, Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise. I am reading it because I want to be able to teach my students better, so they can leave behind the level of ordinary school learning, the pedestrian learning that always produces pedestrian result.

Amateurish performance, amateurish life. ((Your level of fulfillment is exponentially correlated to the amount of effort you invested. Easy: no fulfillment. Hard, lots of effort, hardship: lots of fulfillment.))

Does having more capacities turned on raise your vibration too?

presidential-election-2016Superiority… The word comes up a lot in my coaching. Mostly in the context of your soul correction.

But in reality, some things are superior to other things… because all exists on many scales.

On the DNA capacities “scale” someone with 30 capacities is superior to someone who has 29, 20, 10, 7.

I haven’t found anyone with less than seven capacities, though I am sure there are.

So superior is not the issue. Acting superior is the issue.

It attacks people’s egos, the part of a human that makes sure the person survives. And as in any competition, it can get ugly. ((Ug

Why can’t you change? What is holding you back?

Why you can't change: to change, you need to own the past and complete itIn spite of The sight, and other capacities newly available to you, you don’t seem to be able to change…

You have been unsuccessful getting their guidance, getting your information from outside of the mind.

This manifests, among others, in the inability to muscle test correctly.

The question is why?

The phenomenon, what actually seems to happen is this: you understand where to look, how to look, and you nod rapidly. You bring great examples to show how you just succeeded in using the new capacity… but I can smell the mischief… you are trying to throw me off my tra

Republished: There Are 3 Categories Of Gurus Mirrored In The Three Types Of Seekers. Locate yourself by identifying your guru’s type. Clarity is power!

[This article needs further editing for clarity]

There are three categories of gurus and three types of seekers:

Category 1. The Hopeful Path: Naive, pliable, hopeful. Hoping that what you are doing is going to take you out of the misery: having feelings, and a constant battle inside between the aspects of a human being, each pulling in a different direction.They really really really want to be enlightened! Really… lol. But they know they aren’t. There is shame and guilt and sadness in their emotions, and often anguish: the fear of being caught.Ultimately you “do” this spirituality stuff to get away from being human.You fail. There is no escape… you are human, with all that comes with that territory.You are doing it all to fix a problem, and all solutions will become the next and bigger problem. You cannot fix being human… and that’s a problem for yo