How to have the wind in your back? How to have a Silent Partner with immense power?

politically correct pansiesYesterday’s article was the tree that fell in the forest that didn’t make a sound. No one was there to hear it. Many read it, no one heard it. No echo. ((And I predict the same will happen to this article… lol. Catch me giving a hoot…))

Why? How come?

Probably because you were reading it from the rarefied air of positivity. Or some other filter blocked the genius and the simplicity of the blueprint I was so very proud of.

I actually knew that this was the best article I have EVER written. But it made no echo.

Why? Really why?

In my last Talk to Me call I asked one of my students to get angry. And do it in any language he wishes.

Because without anger you can’t ac

What makes soap operas addictive? What are YOU hooked on?

got-its-hooks-in-youVery “interesting” experience. I watched the first year of Dexter, and although I wanted to watch all episodes, the first year was not addictive.

But I had a premonition about the rest of the series.

Made up by skilled television writers, I knew it was going to be something dangerous to my well-being.

Unneeded complications, many different side-story lines, all dramatic and irrelevant, all stories I would not watch Netflix for. But all of these side-stories had a claw as sharp as the tiny hooks of burr… of v

Pursuit of happiness? or Noticing happiness?

The pursuit of happiness pushes happiness away, like a snow plow pushes snow
I find myself more often than not, in complete sync with my favorite people, one of them is Roy H. Williams, the Wizard of Ads, famous ad man with a whole school of like-minded amazing expert, and thousands of students.

Roy H. Williams is a Christian, and that bothers me, but it’s the concept that bothers me, not the man. He writes about the subject I have been pursuing on this blog for the past week or so… so here is his piece from today’s Monday Morning Memo.

Go read the rest of the article

How to enslave a person, a nation, the world? History teaches us how…

An all out attempt is brewing in Canada to create a fascist state… and they are doing well. And the world is sleeping, the world is ignoring, because Canada is such a nice country, and the people are so positive! But all that positivity is a sign of evil, instead of good… Wake up world… or it will be late!

Go read the rest of the article

Updated: What is Source’s Take on Negativity? Prepare To Be Surprised!

People talk about positive and negative, positivity, negativity, and other Law of Attraction b.s. but they are completely misdirected, mistaken, shallow and involved in magical thinking. The only real divisions of “content” when it comes to your mind, your actions, … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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