One method to force your new capacities work for you

OB-PH996_JOBSQU_F_20110824193502It seems that one method of making the newly activated capacities real has been found.

As you know, having activated DNA capacities is nice, but unless you need it, they won’t do anything. They will be like lights that are on in streets that no one passes.

The methods I am looking for are methods that make you go into those streets, so you use the light and find ways to be different, do different, have different results, different reactions, different feelings.

The issue with comfortable and somewhat successful people (you) has been is that ego won’t

Notes from today’s DNA capacity activation webinar… and more. Lots of insights to share

destination-vs-directionEvery time I do something new, I hate it and learn something new.

We had the webinar where I activated self-trust and humility for people who were on the call… subscribers to my mailing list only.

They were also students and customers… no surprises here.

There have been a few surprises, that I’d like to share:

  1. one needs trust in others to allow me to “do them” on a public call…
  2. depending on the level of trust, a person can get a capacity activated even if it is not directed specifically at them
  3. people with the least amount of trust are the most fi

Really want to raise your vibration? Let’s look at your actions, not your words…

cost-of-not-buyingIf I hear you right, what you want is attitudes and behaviors that produce result. Money, happiness, power, peace, fulfillment… love… What you need is capacities… Read on…

This week I have worked on people who have sent me a long list of teachers, coaches, products they ave bought and perused, and yet, their vibration was below the tolerable level, and when I checked them for missing capacities, they had a ton… Like the guy in the previous article… 80 missing capacities.

By the way, I have six missing capacities myself… so even above 900 vibration you have some capacities missing.

Some capac

What is the real cost of not having The Sight and Appreciation DNA capacity?

cost-of-coffeeWhat is the real cost of not having The Sight and Appreciation DNA capacity?

Now that I have quite a few of you have these new capacities activated, I have an insight into the cost of not having had the DNA capacity active before… and to not have it be activated now, when you can.

My conversation with a guy from Holland is a good way to see the cost of not having “The Sight” activated:

He asks a valid question: (If this looks familiar, the first few comments are also in another article… just stay with it, it is worth your time. You’ll see yourself, and that is priceless.)

is it possible t

What does your email address tell about you?

keep calm and om... buddha on t-shirtI just sent out a bunch of emails to people that I wasn’t sure wanted to get my emails.I wanted the ones that didn’t, to unsubscribe. Why? Because I don’t like to anger people… and people anger really easily…

The people on this list asked to learn from me. Learn to connect to Source, learn to slip out of the mind, really important stuff.

Many unsubscribed. My hunch: many of them didn’t even open my email.

I removed the ones that unsubscribed, one by one… Time consuming, but it was worth it.

I gleaned an insight that I want to share with you:

90% of those

I have been working on starting to lead courses again.

course-1I’ve taken a break, recharged my batteries, and I am ready…

The first step I needed to do is to look at the courses I have already lead, to get a sense that in fact I CAN lead effective courses…

I listened into a whole lot of the recorded sessions. I learned that I have fun leading (I laugh a lot), that the material is amazing, and that the students love participating.

I have decided on doing the second phase activators course… this time with the new energies that eliminate the need for you to be connected while I download the activators… A good 20 minutes each hour was spent on making sure you are connected when I last lead that course.

The greatest secret of life is that life is a gift. And so is happiness

I think, that of all Osho’s talks that I know, this is the most significant, and the most helpful, if you EVER want to be able to return HOME, to the present moment, where you can be content, happy, and start living.

Osho talks: The Man Who Loved Seagulls
7 May 1975 am in Buddha Hall
There …

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You live in a world of your own design

You live in a world of your own design. And you create the world with your beingness.

We think that beingness is all good… But beingness is neutral.

One of the beingnesses we are really familiar with is BEING judgmental. Or the flip side of it (they always go together, like the two sides of the coin!) BEING judged.

Both are beings.

Which is more frequent? They are the two sides of the same coin: judgment. Pretending that you have the right and the power over life and death…

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Is it change your really want?

Change vs. what you really want

We all say we want to change. Change ourselves, our financial situation, our habits.

Some of us only use the word because we don’t know how to say what we mean. But most of us literally mean: change.

But there is a problem with the phenomenon: change. It actually gets you more of what you are changing.

It sounds like an oxymoron. More of what I don’t want? Yeah, that’s right. More of what you don’t want.

Go read the rest of the article

Updated: Albert Einstein said: No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. Could this be applied to consciousness training?

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to go or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.

If they use the insights I give them and don’t make them their own, they run the risk of making a decision “because” I said so.

One of my students asked “is it a matter of meditating over this decision now?”

This particular student has been a meditator for five years. The particular form of meditation he is doing with some master is to open up his ability to gain insight from All-of-it.

And this seemingly intelligent move, to meditate to gain insight is what I want to talk about today.
If you are a “normal” human being, brought up by parents or caregivers, if you went to school, if