Can you be delusional? I bet you have never thought that about yourself…

Most of the things I find out were in front of me, in plain sight, but I could not see it.

As I am going deeper and deeper into teaching people to feel their feelings, so they can return to the Tree of Life, I am on uncharted territory. I encounter stuff that has always been there… and in this new context it hits me funny… weird… illogical… counter intuitive: to me.

Whenever I see things from the level I am, most of the things I see are things I have never had, and therefore they are new to me. Unfamiliar… Alien.

Such is the thing i want to write now: the delusion that you need to meet everyone’s expectation of you.

That it is your duty to be good enough for everyone, fast enough, smart enough, deep enough, pretty enou

A look at feelings… going under the hood

I have been saying in every article now that the 13th floor is a dynamic system.

Why dynamic? Because the feelings have direction, content, opinion… and they interact, pull, push, stop you…

Moving, changing, pulsing, etc.

Humans are not simple machines, and yet: every complicated machine is made up of many simple machines… and so are you. The more you allow the machine to inform you, the more fulfilling, the smoother, the more enjoyable life becomes, with you in the driver’s seat.

You know I am corresponding with the creator of the books, Feeli

She came from her strength…

My friend from my youth, Panni, just turned 70 years old.

Her family, husband, two sons, made a video for her, interviewing friends. She lives in Budapest, where we graduated from Architecture School together, 46 years ago.

It was interesting to watch. I witnessed friendships for friendship sake, I witnessed Americans with no insight, only asking: when are you coming to the USA?

I witnessed gratitude. She moved from the suburbs to this big old building with many apartments. And promptly organized the neighbors into a community.

This is her strength. Community builder. So

Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor. Why? Because it is super easy to influence you on that level.

Suddenly I am noticing the many articles that try to access your emotions, the advertising, the movies, all to keep you stuck on the 15th floor of your being. ((


Your emotions are moldable, like clay, and there is nothing that you can do about it… on that level. Because your emotions is the 15th floor, it is

Find yourself, find your lost paradise on the 13th floor of your existence

the hidden paradise on the 13th floorI read the beginning of an article this morning. It made me laugh. It was a great release. Then I read the rest, and it made me constipated.

I was going to steal the whole article, but I am stealing only the beginning. here you go:

One Thing You Can Do Every Morning to Be More Creative

    • STEP 1: Fill up your cereal bowl about two-thirds of the way full (eyeballing it is okay)
    • STEP 2: Pour your favorite milk (I choose almond milk—unsweetened vanilla) and fill until the cereal is peeking over the top of the bowl.
    • STEP 3: Walk slowly toward your kitchen sink, one foot directly in front of the other. Go slow

People Who Are Good At Recognizing Emotions Make More Money

Everybody writes about recognizing other people’s emotions, or recognizing your own emotions… but that is talking about the 14th floor in a building that stands in thin air… They write about what they know… because no one knows there is a missing 13th floor, because the science isn’t built for the 13th floor, or not quite. It has begun by a nobody in Hungary… And the science is valid. ((Read the books.))

The 13th floor is the floor of feelings. And the whole world of feelings we have been discouraged to explore, no one teaches it, because a person who is grounded in their feeli

What kind of soup are you?

everything soupTai uses an analogy that really talks to me. He says that we need to be like a soup, our knowledge, our lives.

You can’t make a good soup with just a few ingredients. You need a lot of ingredients to make a soup that you don’t have to make edible by crumbling crackers into it, or bread. ((Some poor man’s soups, onion soup, garlic soup, “rue” soup in Hungary, are so uninteresting that you can’t eat it without putting bread in them. The versions with poached egg, cheese melted on top, etc. are the restaurant versions of the same soups… but the soup itself is a poor man’s soup. Poor as in not having much to give.

Not surprisingly, one of my all time

Are feelings and emotions the same? Would being able to tell them apart make you a happier, more accomplished person?

Are feelings and emotions the same? …or why all techniques of increasing Emotional Intelligence are b.s. and not effecting the level of happiness, the level of well-being of people who practice it. Same is true about the Emotional Guidance System of Abraham Hicks… b.s. and ineffective. Why? Because they are trying to change the fruits instead of the roots… Putting makeup on syphilitic lesions. ((In 1969, I was 22 years old, I was hanging out with a new friend, who was gay.

One day I got a phone call from the hospital ordering me to show up… I did. I was named as a person in the ci

How WANTING and DESIRE put you squarely into the mindset of scarcity

It’s January, and a good large percentage of the searches on my site are for the mindset of money… People’s mind is on abundance this month… and it will stay there till April…

I have been observing people and businesses for decades. If you made it through March, then you probably made it another year… but the sense of impending doom begins in January.

I read a story about a woman who gave away ALL her money.

She was, a millionaire (or close to it) at the time. In any case, she came from money.

Her grandfather was a famous industrialist. Her parents had owned houses and property all over the world.

Thing is, this woman (who had been born into all this money and the lifestyle it afforded) didn’t feel

Pushing on a string.. Sometimes you are the pusher, other times you are the string

Around the time when I graduated from Architecture School, my brother impregnated a woman 10 years his senior, who wanted to get married.

I recommended that he pay for her abortion and call it quits.

To my surprise he listened to me. (This is the phenomenon, when it is NOT pushing on a string… rare) I didn’t know why and how I knew that the woman just wanted to marry a Jewish boy… that it wasn’t for love, or for mutual support. I didn’t know I was an empath.

Knowing what is people hidden nature is a blessing, and is a burden. And an invaluable tool in coaching. You can’t lie to me…

Most people want to go down danger’s, death’s path… it is their path. Talking to them it is like pushing on a