I activate a new capacity… will it change your life?

AYJG8J StopwatchI activate a new capacity. If you used it, a whole new world would open up for you… But for you nothing happened… But what just happened?

When I activate a new capacity, you have an opportunity. You either take it or you don’t.

Opportunities come with a count-down-timer… They expire. That’s why the phrase says: window of opportunity…

You continue doing what you have always done, exactly the way you have always done it.

What happens? The opportunity closes. That’s it. Good bye.

There are 160 capacities that you could, potentially, activate.

I wa

Fresh Insights on the DNA capacities activation

constant-gardener-blu-ray-cover-21As I often do, this morning I revisited a movie I saw a few years ago, The Constant Gardener.

In that movie, a British activist and a Kenyan doctor work to expose the pharmaceutical companies that experiment with new drugs on Kenyan people, who die from the experimental drugs. The activist and the doctor get gunned down by Kenyan hired thugs.

No big deal, so why am I weeping every time I think of it?

So this morning I looked at it.

This is what I saw:

It’s a purely cultural rule to see value in life. Without that rule, human gre

An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?


What ISIS Really Wants

from the Atlantic

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What is the Islamic State?

Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comme

One method to force your new capacities work for you

OB-PH996_JOBSQU_F_20110824193502It seems that one method of making the newly activated capacities real has been found.

As you know, having activated DNA capacities is nice, but unless you need it, they won’t do anything. They will be like lights that are on in streets that no one passes.

The methods I am looking for are methods that make you go into those streets, so you use the light and find ways to be different, do different, have different results, different reactions, different feelings.

The issue with comfortable and somewhat successful people (you) has been is that ego won’t

Let’s talk a little bit of what would make you first want to participate with me, buy stuff, and then go away?

Hope-whispers-maybe-245x300What attracts you to me and my site is hope. And what takes you away is also hope.

Hope is a state where you don’t accept the way it is, you, others, the world, and you are looking for some light that others promise, that others seem to get, but not you.

You base hope on the view you have of others.

Hope also signifies a state where all needs to come from the outside, because you’re sure don’t have it.

You are like a moth being attracted to any light, even if it is fire that burns it.

I got a vibrational measurement request from a client. His vibration dropped 70 points. I c

What you see will give you your mood, your emotions, and your actions… what do you see?

automatic thinking leads to confusionWhen I find an issue that a student is struggling or not dealing well with, I often write an article.

The issue here, I guess, is universal. It has two parts:

  1. you can’t see the big picture, the forest, for the trees.
  2. you are not good, practiced, skillful at taking advantage of the practices I have taught.

A student of mine has a daughter. The daughter decided to join the swim team. She is 13 years old. The only person who can take her to her swimming is my student.

And although it is great that the daughter wants to do something that she likes, it takes a chu

Yet another lie that renders you ineffective and stunt your growth…

Yet another lie that renders you ineffective and stunt ((stunt1
st?nt/ prevent from growing or developing properly.
“some weeds produce chemicals that stunt the plant’s growth”
synonyms: inhibit, impede, hamper, hinder, restrict, retard, slow, curb, check More)) your growth…

Our minds are filled with truisms, memes, quotes, that are actually lies.

The lies are carefully designed. Designed by Dark, Evil People… who benefit from you being sheep.

If you believe them, you’ll do their bidding… you’ll make them money, you’ll put them in power.

There are a lot of lies, but in this article I am only concerned with th

what does spirituality have to do with the quality of your life? The Computer Story

servicespicYesterday my computer started to misbehave.

It shut down without an error message, without the dreaded blue screen.

I went online and researched the potential causes for it.

I have three computers, but this is my newest, and the one I do webinars on, the one I coach on skype, and I have a call already paid for this afternoon… so it was important to make the computer work.

I started with the hardware, the physical parts of the computer, and no matter what part I changed or disconnected, the error, the computer shutting down, persisted.

I was afraid, I was anxious.

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Vibrational Review: 5 stages of Consciousness Evolution by Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen Lakhiani becoming limitlessVishen Lakhiani is the owner of MindValley… a huge company promoting gurus and their programs.

The original article was to promote his webinar workshop on becoming limitless, on October 13. The webinar’s job is to promote their continuity, i.e. subscription to the $29 a month Mindvalley Academy.

Because so many people are interested in becoming limitless, or at least happier, I am going to review the article… I can’t review the webinar, or something I haven’t happened… but I can look at the person and his work any time, and make bold assertions to their resu

Spiritual Practice: Angry? Frustrated? Anxious? Ask: Does this benefit me?

anxiety-and-careerYou get angry, you get frustrated, you get anxious, you get jealous… you name it, the emotions pop up and you have nothing to do about them.

But… and this is a BIG but: A normal emotion comes and goes, like clouds on a windy day. Com and go… sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy.

Emotions and feelings are energies, and energy’s nature is to move. If they don’t, you have the static electricity thing going: and because energy MUST move, it will explode… like lightening.

You just have to hold onto the emotion by resisting it.

After all most emotions don’t f