Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated

Building Bridges Update 7/10/16: New insight: Building Bridges needs to build a bridge between their talking and their doing. They talk a good talk, but do nothing… literally not a thing, except rarely. All unevolved Build a Bridge people are … Continue reading → Related Posts: YOUR Soul Correction Updated: Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind […]

Leaky gut… 90% chance you have it… Now, how you feel, will start making sense to you


4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease

by Dr Axe

Article truth value: 10%. Why so low: because the author doesn’t know about the fact that all food is toxic to some level to people whose ancestors did not adjust to that food, and develop counter measures.

Also there is a lot of Tree of Knowledge in the suggestions. I’ll add my notes where I can.

Leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions (about a billion according to my muscle testing) of people are struggling with and don’t know it.

From the sound of it, you m

Do what is hard when it’s easy… what does it mean for you?

do what is hard when it is easyI am hearing that you can’t wrap your minds around Seneca’s principle: “do what is hard when it is easy”.

So I am going to give you some examples… and then ask you to add your examples to the comments section. Let’s create at least 50, OK? Together…

Maintenance is a good example. Exercising is easy while you still can. If you don’t, movement becomes difficult… and then you are seriously limited.

I think the “do it what’s difficult while it’s easy” is vague, so all of life fits into it well. It’s a principle. It’s a distinction. It is a way to look at the world…

Find examples. Make it a swiss cheese: shoot holes i

The core influence exercise

heart-1This post is a summary of the presentation of Frank Kern about Core Influence.

This is really powerful EXERCISE for everyone. It will definitely change the way of you relate to yourself and your life.

What is your Core Influence?

When you interface with “your crowd” core to core… this is what you want them to do… and they will do almost anything.

How to make lots of people do almost anything

There are 2 “easy” steps:

  1. Know what you REALLY want and who you REALLY are.
  2. Know what your crowd REALLY wants and who they REALLY are.

Most of the people have two versions of themselves. The identity they

A good method to find yourself and know yourself… your core

core influenceI often catch myself stingy… if that is really what the beingness is

Some 30 years ago I started a magazine. I didn’t want to put my own picture in the magazine, so I put a woman’s picture there who was a lot like me, instead.

It was self-protection, the sign of an intense aversion of being touched by someone I didn’t want to be touched by. I can feel it now that I am talking about it.

The same feeling but weaker comes up when I think of all the people coming to my site who I would not want to talk to.

A few years ago I listened to a talk by Frank Kern (personal vibration: 300). The video of that talk…

…is almost two hours long… bookmark it if you don’t have time to listen to it in its entirety. I

Opportunity favors the one who is prepared… or do things when they are easy

ff59a96Business, marketing, and other business things are not my favorite things to learn or do. Even though I come from a family where three out of five (I have two brothers) have MBAs, and my father was god of the topic in Hungary…

I gave up going for it one credit short: an enemy of my father would not let me pass an exam…

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

~Thomas A. Edison

I don’t like these topics because they need organization, creating systems, and I am not good at them. I tighten up when I have to do things I am not good at.

I could learn to be good at them, but everything comes at a cost, time and brain cells taken away from what I am

For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

soccer-ball-in-the-faceWhat I didn’t say in the last article about conscious awareness and discipline, is probably as important as what I did say.

Lots of people argue that your subconscious or your ego are more important than what you are aware of consciously, but that may not be true.

Your ego, your drive given to you by the genes and their selfish desire that is so often counter to your conscious desire: unless you know thine enemy, the enemy will always win.

Your decisions from the past that are now not in the conscious part of your brain: ditto. If you don’t know at least the most important decisions that have taken you to where you are… then they will continue to run the show, that is your life

Conscious Awareness is the greatest predictor of happiness, success, and health… but what about self-discipline?

i-could-use-some-helpEvery so-called guru talks about the subconscious mind, and such nonsense.

What they don’t talk about is how much of what is happening, what is real, what is in front of you is making no impression on you… how little of what is around you, what you are reading, watching, listening to reaches your conscious awareness.

And whatever you do is based on that 1-3% that you actually aware to or the 100%… and you think you have all the facts.

“Everyone operates and makes decisions based on his or her current level of conscious awareness.”

This is why your level of awareness is the most predictive of you success.

Download the pdf version of this ar

A great video training on how to build success in your relationships… I really love this one.

relationships-performanceYou can’t build a pyramid without a foundation (even if you’re in the alien school of pyramid construction!)

So, what is the foundation of your pyramid?

In our conversations a pyramid will be a code word for your vibration, for your financial freedom, for your health, for yur happiness…

The common shared characteristic of all those areas is that without a foundation you can’t build anything that is worth building.

People at large, you, lack any foundation.

Some have some spotty foundation.

And the outliers have a strong foundation.

When someone tells you you can become anything… you think, immediately, of what you want.

The end resul

If you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would

did-not-come-to-stop-hereIf you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would, you should ask the question: Why you won’t follow a system, why you lie, why you’ll never amount to anything worthwhile?

This article will attempt to point you to some answers…

Our tendency to socialize and spend time with people with our lesser (at least in our not so humble opinion) is so strong, and so “normal”, that I expect you not to recognize it in yourself.

Why? Because the desire to do that does not come from our conscious self, it comes from our “other than conscious” self, the selfish gene.

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