Can you be crying and be unphased? Does the White Lotus cry?

the white lotus, the symbol of being unphasedCan you listen to insults to your family, your god, your country and be unphased?

Can you watch death and grieving and be unphased?

I am unphased 91% of the time. Very few things pull me out of the equilibrium, where I need to recover so I can return to being well and unphased. All of them I self-created, none of them are real.

I cry a lot. I feel people’s grief, I feel centuries old sadness, I feel the pain of not being allowed to grow, or even to live.

I am re-reading an book about the story of a family, the Levis, through 800 years

More on joy, and how I am learning to have joy in my life

joy is an inside jobMy first foray, my first venture into joy or joyous is trying to figure out what joy is. After all we don’t know necessarily what words mean when it comes to feelings… do we. We, children, watch and learn… but in a world where what you see is a mask, what you see does not represent a feeling accurately, because the person isn’t feeling it, because the person is faking it, the looks don’t help.

My hunch is that joy is fabricated with the intention to cause craving for it, to cause an acute sense of the lack of it.

Actually, when I watch people who enjoy something, they

Merry Christmas

Pink-RC-HelicopterIn this article I will quote the email of the most successful Internet Marketer I know. He makes many millions of dollars for himself a year, helping other entrepreneurs make even more millions for themselves. He has 30 active DNA capacities open and used every day.

I admire him. If my “product” had more mass appeal, I would hire him to work with me… but alas, my “product”, personal evolution, isn’t popular… you’ll see why in the email… you’ll see a symptom of it… he, Frank Kern talks addresses it.

OK, here is the email he wrote to his entrepreneur prospects:

Are you the gift, or are you the gift giver? Do “they” feel they need to give you a gift?

you-are-the-giftI was looking at Christmas this morning and I saw something that I had never seen before.

Your relationships can be described in terms of gift giving and receiving.

For some people, in your life, you may be a gift. You and your life. And for others, you substitute that by giving them gifts at the predetermined gift-giving time… and buy another year to not be a gift.

I know, I know, I am off my rocker… but maybe you are! Have you ever thought about that?

I was looking at my relationships. Allowing the other to be a gift takes generosity of spirit. And to be a gift yours

There is no secret, no secret ingredient to raising your vibration, to become an expanding human being.

'I can't get my computer to work.'For those of you who have been making ever tightening circle around the secret, you may call it the truth, this is first a big let-down. A disappointment.

But when you look again, it gives you your life back, your ship is again under your command… you can become a finder instead of a seeker of the secret.

“The secret of growth” you’ve known but wished to be different is this: find something th

Goal setting and other usual activities for January… should you set goals?

You want to teach what you need yourself. Why? Because that way you can teach from your own learning experience, instead of tree of knowledge. So far so good… but… Some things almost lie outside of your reach… you can … Continue reading → Related Posts: Happy New Year! New webinar to help you grow […]

Meaningful life is what you want? Let’s see how you can get that…

meaningoflifePeople who have meaningful work, want to work more… they work willingly, study willingly, grow willingly. ((Meaningful work means you see the results of your work readily.))

What could you do to steal meaning into your life? So you can have a meaningful life?

The new year is coming. It is customary to make inventory, and to set direction for the new year around this time of the year… even though you are busy planning for Christmas.

Christmas is the right time… With your Observer, with your Witness, watch your level of abundance, your level of grace and ease, your level of love wit

The capacity of accomplishment… the capacity of process

richard branson has the process capacity activatedI have tested every single person who I deal with regularly, and none of them have the “process” capacity turned on.

  • Warren Buffet has it on.
  • Steve Jobs didn’t have it on.
  • Bill Gates has it on.
  • Sir Richard Branson has it on.
  • Frank Kern (marketing genius) has it on.
  • Brandon Burchard (marketing genius) has it on
  • Jeff Walker of Product Launch formula fame has it on.
  • President Obama doesn’t have it on. T

What do you use to avoid process?

here-is-the-processI just noticed that guessing is not a good method in process… neither is faking it, winging it, etc. It’s not a process if someone else cannot follow in your footstep! Ugh.

I can see that I need to change more things than one… especially guessing… I find it irresistibly funny… lol… even though I am not sure what is making me laugh out loud. But it tickles my funny bone that all my habits fly in the face of process.

Ego is trying to assert itself, yelling that it’s boring…

Some 30 years ago I participated in a seminar series on and for creativity. I have one thing I still remember:

Is Sophie a fake? Can she activate a DNA capacity for herself? A capacity she obviously never had?

dyslexia makes you look stupidI have been re-reading Dan Millman’s The Life You Were Born To Live.

I don’t know why I am reading it, but here is what I have found that is worth mentioning:

  1. What used to be too much English is suddenly clear, concise, and applicable. The text didn’t change, I did. Obviously I am playing with a fuller deck…
  2. I get, again and again reminded of my Achilles heel: I have a missing capacity that is probably responsible for many of my failures, and all of my no successes.

My missing capacity, the bane ((a deadly po