What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate? The energy that blocks you?

Before i say anything else, all the illustrations about negative energy, negativity I use in this post are b.s. and harmful… The Hungarian Christmas pictures… I remember being a child…

Yesterday I was on a group coaching call where a so-called energy practitioner ((here are the starting point measurements and some guesses of this person…
1. your vibration (1-1000): 100
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.: 50
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have: 1
4. your soul correction (your machine): https://www.yourvibration.com/sc I don’t know

There is no hurry on the creative plane…

there-is-no-hurryWallace D. Wattles said that. One Hundred years ago. ((To get access on my site to the book The Science of Getting Rich (audiobook and pdf) you either need to be in the 67 steps, be a paying subscriber, or be registered in the What’s the Truth About you webinars

or if you want to have access to a lot of good stuff, go here http://www.yourvibration.com/subscribers))

Of course he was mistaken in 70% of what he said; your thoughts do not create, etc. and yet. The 30% is worth its weight in gold.

I have been practicing being on the creativ

Attunement Or Activation? An Idea Whose Time Has Come… Not yet

Attunement or activation? People who are familiar with energy healing ask me if my activator downloads are the same as an attunement . I had to do some research, because, though I have been attuned a few times, with Omega Shakti System energies, and Reiki, I didn’t know what really happened. That’s quite normal. I notice that people who get the activator downloads don’t quite know what hit them..

Energy medicine, energy remedy… what the heck are we talking about? I cannot wrap your mind around it!

Sophie Benshitta Maven

Summary: Energy remedies are the next line of defense, the next healing modality. Eearly adapters are raving… but the general population, you, haven’t even heard about them, don’t trust them. But they work, and they work fast and effectively. I … Continue reading →

Read More http://www.yourvibration.com/7054/energy-remedy/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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This article began here… so to be able to follow, please read it from the beginning Part 4: How does this look in MY life? These spiritual laws of money… I have been in business for a long time (since 1979) First I was an architect, then a land developer, later a magazine publisher, a body-worker, an energy practitioner, a webmaster, a coach, information publisher…