Left out, left behind… and you are scrambling or resign…

others bragging make you feel left out, less, inferiorWhen you become aware of your urges… a feeling that urges you to do something, mostly to relieve a tension, a pain, a fear, you’ll probably find this fear of being left out, being left behind.

Urges make you do self-destructive, self-damaging things. Things that when you watch other people do them, you shake your head.

Fear of being left out, fear of being left behind has an age associated with it. It’s young. And your behavior to “fix it” will be young too.

As you may know,

Being in your head… being out of your head… choose one

voices go silent

  1. I don’t do well with people who are intense. I am not sure why, but my physiology gets all tense, resistant, and I just want to go away, or watch a movie, or go to bed.

    All those sensations are in the horizontal aspect of me. We could call it “my head”, even though the feelings are in my body. But it’s shorter and more popular to say “I am in my head” than to say: I am pulled into my horizontal, lower self. Right?

  2. I used to live in my head. I didn’t notice until there was something happening outside of my head. I only noticed that I

New Weekend Workshop: Get unstuck with the detached capacity

I am working on creating a communication course, but first things first:

so many of you are stuck in your doom and dominant belief behavior, I see getting unstuck is an emergency.

So I am going to do weekend workshops to teach you how to get unstuck.

The workshops are designed to teach you to use the Detached capacity to get you unstuck in the moment.

Having the capacity is nice, but unless you know exactly what to do with it, it works only like a remedy: in the moment. Whereas true getting unstuck means that you start moving.

The purpose of the workshop is to get you from your stuck state to where you are moving and starting to create a life worth living.

Your first session will include the activation of the DNA capacity: Detached. And me checking that you actually know how to use it.

The Detached capacity does not automatically detach you… just lik

What makes soap operas addictive? What are YOU hooked on?

got-its-hooks-in-youVery “interesting” experience. I watched the first year of Dexter, and although I wanted to watch all episodes, the first year was not addictive.

But I had a premonition about the rest of the series.

Made up by skilled television writers, I knew it was going to be something dangerous to my well-being.

Unneeded complications, many different side-story lines, all dramatic and irrelevant, all stories I would not watch Netflix for. But all of these side-stories had a claw as sharp as the tiny hooks of burr… of v

Updated: Happyness vs happiness, being vs. doing

Happyness and happiness I just looked at the cover of the book The Pursuit of Happyness and it hit me that the difference between those two words is: the first, happyness is the journey, your beingness and the second, happiness … Continue reading → Related Posts: Who or what is The Creator that loves you […]

Activism, reforms, revolution…

demostration, reforms, revolution, protestDid you know that every revolution has been, historically, just a re-shuffling of who is going to have power over who?

When I first read Osho’s book, Rebellion, Revolution and Religiousness, I actively worked on understanding.

In Hungary we learned a lot more history than American students, and I personally have seen revolution, and reform and all that never changed anything on the long run.

A lot of people repeat Osho’s words: he is very eas

In life you are either a nerd or you are a floater

watch the movie gattacaAre you a nerd? ((One description I found on the internet is this: a NERD is an individual of vast intelligence and curiosity coupled with a natural knack for academics and discovery. You not only appreciate technology, biology, and all the other ‘ology’s – you know what they mean and how they work, too! While Geeks are busy flooding comic-cons and using the internet while pretending to know how it works, you are busy coding the damn internet and earning your Masters or Doctorate (if you don’t already have it/both). Of course t

It is all about where the finger is pointing.

revolutionwordsActivism, campaigning

We all want change. The circumstances to change, others to change… We want people to change to what we deem the correct or good way to be.

We want reality to be different.

We put our attention to what’s wrong, in our view, what is missing, in our view.

In essence, we want the world to conform to our norms.

I am describing, to a more or less degree, humanity… though a segment of the population is very loud about it, very verbal about it: activists and campaigners.

The number one ingredient to become an

Spiritual Laws that you obey or disobey at the expense of your vibration: The Law of Flexibility

Ask anyone; the happiest moments of one’s life are the moment when we find ourselves in our vertical self… or at least centered and grounded in the bottom of it.

It doesn’t happen a lot, because we are brought up and encouraged to live in our horizontal being.

Go read the rest of the article

Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read if you want to become confident!

Lacking confidence?
Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.
A confident person can do almost anything….

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12148/path-to-enlightenment/