The newest measure to predict your future success… this one is like a ladder

are you a twitchy little bastard?Every human is moved by their emotions and feelings plus thoughts: words, ideas, concepts. In this order.

The motive power, the stimulus to act comes from the feelings.

The words, ideas, concepts only modify them, or direct the actions.

Without the thoughts, the words, the ideas, every human would act the same way. They would have to.

So the main difference between people is really the words, the ideas, what they say about what they feel.

One extreme is the “Twitchy Little Bastard”, while the other extreme is Jeff Bezos.

I trust, even though trust is my soul correction. In many areas I am still short on trust, but yet: I do trust.

I never have a topic I plan to wri

Learn awareness, the strongest indicator of health, wealth, love, and happiness

sm2w_700-1Changeability, adaptability is the secret of living a consistently good life… but changeability and adaptability depend on awareness. As your awareness grows in the four pillars of the good life, so your success and the quality of your life… By … Continue reading

Why is awareness the predictor of future success, why not skills or knowledge?Develop your Awareness, your conscious awarenessRaise Your Vibration: New Call ScheduleKnowledge is power… but not all knowledge

In life you are either a nerd or you are a floater

watch the movie gattacaAre you a nerd? ((One description I found on the internet is this: a NERD is an individual of vast intelligence and curiosity coupled with a natural knack for academics and discovery. You not only appreciate technology, biology, and all the other ‘ology’s – you know what they mean and how they work, too! While Geeks are busy flooding comic-cons and using the internet while pretending to know how it works, you are busy coding the damn internet and earning your Masters or Doctorate (if you don’t already have it/both). Of course t