Left out, left behind… and you are scrambling or resign…

others bragging make you feel left out, less, inferiorWhen you become aware of your urges… a feeling that urges you to do something, mostly to relieve a tension, a pain, a fear, you’ll probably find this fear of being left out, being left behind.

Urges make you do self-destructive, self-damaging things. Things that when you watch other people do them, you shake your head.

Fear of being left out, fear of being left behind has an age associated with it. It’s young. And your behavior to “fix it” will be young too.

As you may know, I am working with a group of people to take them through the “Gate of Heaven” through the Detached capacity.

As usual, unexpected snags abound. Who ever said it was going to be easy?!

The issue I am encountering is the ego doing its darned best to prevent the capacity from functioning.

When I observe the gritted teeth tenacity of the ego, I have a suspicion that the ego is a hireling of society, of the horizontal plane, and the passage will be harder than I thought.

Everything that is between you and you is becoming active and pulling the participants down.

This article is about what you can do to help me and help yourself to become all you can become, to become a human being.

I used to have it in spades. I used to have no tolerance to a closed door, being inside when children played outside, I wanted to be with them, “me too”.

It looked that people were having fun, and I wanted in. But I didn’t have that much fun, and I got into a lot of troubles, with parents, with school, with my health.

The reason you are so afraid to be left out, because you are afraid to be alone. To meet yourself. To face yourself. To face your emptiness.

So you postpone it by joining in the fun.

One way is to talk too much. To send email after email… don’t ignore me. But when you are in… you have nothing to say. You have, maybe empty inside, empty outside syndrome.

But you desperately want to matter.

What you want is echo. What you want to feel is that you matter, that your life matters, that you are not alone. That someone cares what you do, that it is important to someone what you do.

And being human, it is as important a need as water, air, you have to have it.

But you are looking at the wrong place to get it.

You are looking for it outside.

You hope to get it from the outside, from people, from sex, from success, from money… but what you are really looking for cannot be found outside.

You are like the drunk who is looking for his car keys under the street light, but when asked where he dropped the keys, he says… over there… where it’s dark.


teen-feeling-left-outWe are looking for proof that we are worthy, likeable, deserve to live, but the world will not give it to us. The world doesn’t care about you, but more than that: if I told you you are worthy, likeable, deserve to live; how long would it be nourishing you? A second? The next you would say: But you don’t know me. I am this and I am that, and I did this and I did that.

No one word is going to be strong enough for you to finally feel heard, witnessed, and worthy.

You are really waiting for YOU to say that… but the small you, the worldly you is comparing you with others, and there is always someone who is prettier than you, smarter than you, more graceful than you.

The lower you is in cahoots with the world.

But the higher you is not like that. The higher you knows who you are, even though you are doing your darned best to cover it up. And it accepts you. Accepts you exactly the way you are and accepts you even though you are not better, more or different.

You disconnect comes from all the stuff you and society piled up in between the two yous. Stuff. Worthless stuff. Opinion. But it’s there, and the small you doesn’t feel the light and warmth and acceptance of the higher you.

Powerful energies are needed to remove that stuff, piece by piece, thread by thread, so you can feel, finally, at home with yourself.

When you remove all the stuff that is between you and you, you’ll stop chasing others, stop chasing acceptance, respect, being heard, being well-thought-of. Seriously.

You’ll become your own person, and that’s that.

My remedy, the Unconditional Love Activator is a powerful energy remedy. 40 energies bundled, to handle any and all stuff that stands and separates you from you, you from being loved, you from being accepted, your life to be witnessed.

Are the effected permanent? Unfortunately, the effects are not permanent. When I stop taking the remedy, I start feeling the separation.

Is there a permanent solution?

No. The world will always be worldly, and without strengthening your inner connection, the world will win, hands down, every time.

And by the world I don’t mean existence. I mean society.

Society is a political construct, and political constructs only care about controlling, overpowering, herding sheep.

So, no. Unless you take the remedy regularly, you’ll fall back to the world’s way: competition, pretense, longing, feeling left out.

It’s winter, and I don’t ship liquid remedies in the winter: they freeze.

But you can make your own remedy with the Unconditional Love Activator audio. It takes 15 minutes to make enough for a year. Then just put a splash in all the water you drink and you are set.

Or alternatively freshly infuse your water every day.

I freshly infuse my water every day… but I don’t work outside of the home, I don’t have a family, I am not busy.

Do it the way it works for you. Just do it.

Without it you have no control of your life, no control of your urges.


After payment you’ll be forwarded to the Unconditional Love Activator membership site. You’ll be asked to register. Please register.
If you already have an account there… then you’ll be told. Then log in. Don’t leave the page, or you’ll force me to add you manually…

Either way, please make sure you use the remedy, every day, every sip of drink you take, including your tea, coffee, and you can infuse your soda if you still drink soda.

Read the original article: Left out, left behind… and you are scrambling or resign…

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