Updated: Humility: What Is It And Why Should You Have It? Is Being Humble Meek? Powerless? Stupid? Get Ready To Be Surprised!

humility? tongue in cheek, of courseSometimes guidance comes from a student or client request.

Today I heard from a long time client who never managed to go from a to be… despite of the many courses she came to.

She had a difficult time accessing an activator, part of the Second Phase Activators (I downloaded more than 100 activators in that course!). I checked and she was right, somehow the video got corruteed in the more than three years it was moved around…

I listened to it and it dawned on me that without activating humility, of course you’ll never learn anything. Anything new, I mean.

Here is the article I wrote at the time, and in the meantime I am trying to rescue

More on stupid/smart

23979570Every success proves nothing. It can be luck, it can be accident, it can be smarts… you can’t be sure.

I am an architect by trade… and all my life as an architect I was wondering if I was talented. I could never say for certain. I could win contests, I could win awards, talent is not proven by them.

Finally I gave it up and sighed a sigh of freedom and relief.

You are the same way about being smart… or whatever is your issue. (Some people have an issue with being liked, loved, valued, respected, etc. But I think everyone has some issue with smarts. I could be wrong…)

My recommendation is that you consider the Forrest Gump saying: Stup

Vibrational reviews Abdy Electriciteh, Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar

Vibrational reviews Abdy Electriciteh, Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar

Most of the reviews were written at students’ and clients’ request.

Here is one:

“How interesting that my vibration is so low. I have been working with Abdy Electriciteh , Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar.? I have had wonderful experiences with them and the energy is strong.
I have had dreams most of my life that tell me messages. So now…. very confusing!!!”

The client’s vibration is 100. So let’s see what is her “gurus” doing in the area of vibration.

Remember: vibration is the degree to which you are growing in the direction the DNA gives you… towards the next evolutionary phase: human being.

Dreams and experiences probably mean: you are decorating your cave… not moving out of it.

Turning points: how to create them so you start having access to being

resentmentThe response to my beingness article has been a cry for help… Help to get you to beingness. This article talks about three ways you block the flow. There are, of course, a lot more ways, but we’ll start with these. When you release these, you’ve done 50% of the work to get to beingness.

We’ll look at the Three R’s, resignation, resentment, regret. We are going to create a turning point in our lives.

Most people wait for something to turn them and their lives around. We are going to take an active approach… we

Who are you? How do you define yourself?

5hgv6a9I just read an article on the Monday Morning Memo and I cringed. It hit me what bs is being propagated as wisdom.

As you have seen, if you have been with me for more than a week, you would know that I knock the idea of beliefs being important to your success in life. And after reading Roy Williams article, I am also going to start to knock the idea that the why is what’s important.

What am I talking about? What is the why, and why should it matter to you?

Here is what is being taught in the entrepreneur field today: If your why is big enough, you’ll do what you need to do, to succeed. ((Entrepreneurs, strictly speaking, are problem solvers for others. But you need to

Vibrational Review: 5 stages of Consciousness Evolution by Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen Lakhiani becoming limitlessVishen Lakhiani is the owner of MindValley… a huge company promoting gurus and their programs.

The original article was to promote his webinar workshop on becoming limitless, on October 13. The webinar’s job is to promote their continuity, i.e. subscription to the $29 a month Mindvalley Academy.

Because so many people are interested in becoming limitless, or at least happier, I am going to review the article… I can’t review the webinar, or something I haven’t happened… but I can look at the person and his work any time, and make bold assertions to their resu

The path to beauty, goodness, and truth is through the ugly, the bad, and the lies, not around them

We all bow to a “god”, the god of respectability. Looking good, being well thought of, getting respect. ((Even animals pretend, just watch your cat… their survival depends on looking good to you… so they pretend…

To be authentic, no need to pretend, willing to be seen, warts an all, is more human, it is in the direction of evolution.))

And while you give your life to respectability, your life sours, your dreams die, you stop knowing who you are, where you are, what YOU want, what YOU want to do with your life.

Most are stuck there, but some (you?) yearn to know and live in harmony with who they are… but how do you go about it?

Bad news: you can only get to your true self, to your inner beauty, your inner goodness, your inner truth through wading through the ugly, the nasty, and the mountain of lies.
Good news: What you need to wade through is a certain amount of ugly… 30, 50, 70? Depends on you…

There is a finite amount, though it is still a small army o

Are your actions effective? Constructive? And if not, why?

This may be the most important article for you to read… Don’t complain that I didn’t warn you!

One of the things mainstream (all the gurus) get wrong is this: they consider you a constant in opportunities. Constant as in fixed… As if you were the same when you are afraid, and when you are confident…

You are not constant until you are on the vibrational level of above 900. How do I know? Because I can see the difference in me and in my ability to act constructively, even though I am above 900.

Let me explain: The YOU, the watcher, the Observer, the maker of decisions is not constant.

Even mainstream can see that, but they don’t know what changes when you go from putz, ineffective, flailing limp dick to someone who can take effective actions.

They think it has something to do with your beliefs. That if you implant a belief in you then you will see what to do, and you’ll know how to go about effective actions, including the seeing, the words, the strategy.

Or they

Another review, this time of Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness…

A few years ago when I first “reviewed” Access Consciousness I didn’t check for attachments… and unfortunately my high evaluation exposed a lot of people to the nasty attachments Access Consciousness puts on people. I apologize. If you are one who got involved, please get in touch.

The Gary Dougless, Dain Heer bunch is as nasty as Scientology, maybe even nastier because of their ability to put an energetic attachment on you and keep you trapped.

Here is an article I found online:

BY CRAIG MALISOW in The Houston (Texas) Press

“This is something I’ve wanted to do for the kids for a long time,” Gary Douglas says to an audience of children in an Austin hotel conference room over the summer. Other kids across the country are watching the seminar online.

Douglas, 70, just got done hearing from a mother professing gratitude to Douglas for bringing consciousness to her kids. He opened their eyes, and they opened hers. A

How to measure vibration? How to measure consciousness? how to measure your vibrational frequency

It is good to know where you are at. With all the pretending, with all the charts, you probably overestimate or underestimate your vibration, your vibrational frequency.

Go read the rest of the article