Dethroning the mind… not a minute too early.

I have muscle tested dozens of teachers that teach or have taught the power of your mind religion. They are all miserable and wretched. Low vibration, inner disharmony, incoherence.

If the teachers that teach it can’t make it work for them, probably it is time for you to decide that it doesn’t work. That it’s junk science. A lie. Fraud. Deception. Tool to enslave humanity… successfully enslave it, so far.

Humanity as humanoids is about 200,000 years old.

Life has been largely the life of little kids, who are afraid of some god and some devil and of their own shadow.

Because humanity’s knowledge about what is behind the curtain has been faulty

Why you are unhappy when you are unhappy

This is a brilliant article… except one thing: I see this same thing across the board, across all ages. 20 to 70…

So this article is probably written about you, accurately, if you are not happy when you are not happy.

Why Generation Y Yuppies, and you! Are Unhappy ((By Tim Urban))

Say hi to Lucy. lucy

Lucy is part of Generation Y, the generation born between the late 1970s and the mid 1990s.  She’s also part of a yuppie culture that makes up a large portion of Gen Y.

I have a term for yuppies in the Gen Y age group—I call them Gen Y Protagonists & Special Yuppies, or GYPSYs.  A GYPSY is a unique brand of yuppie, one who thinks they are the main character of a very special story.

So Lucy’s enjo

Want the good life? Use the Edge effect. Finding your niche where you can win. living life creatively

theodore-roosevelt-quoteYou want the good life… Creating the good life, health, wealth, love and happiness, will require creativity from you… ((This is the biggest difference between the age of The American Dream and today… then some work was enough… today just work is not enough.))

The opposite of creativity is timidness. ((And cowardice, and complacency, and having your hand out, and hoping that other people will do it for you. Am I describing you?))

Creativity is living at risk… Existential courage. ((Existential Courage
The antidote to the comfortable coma

The other day I stumbled across an ad for a workshop helping you to release your intuition. It used the standard approach to sellin

Awareness… it’s seeing and knowing what you are looking at… Accurately.

cherry-hazelnut-muesli-2I have been in this inquiry since February when I first heard Tai say: the strongest predictor of your success, in any area of life, is the level of your awareness.

So what is this awareness that is so important.

Nine months… it’s taken me till today to get complete clarity of what this “thing” awareness is.

Six million Jews perished in the gas chambers and mass graves during the holocaust, because they were not aware.

Tens of millions of people were ashamed of themselves and their association with Germany, people who elected Hitler and the Nazi party… because they weren’t aware.

And millions of people will be voting today for the new Hitler… figureh

More about what is using your life… prepare to be surprised

when-youre-barely-scraping-byI am continuing the work of gathering all my products on one site… More than 200!

It’s amazing how much I have to offer… I am embarrassed to tell you that with more than 200 products that work, I am barely scraping by on what I earn.

But, this is how it goes.

If you don’t know what you have, if it is all over the place, if people don’t know what you have, or how to get it from you… you’ll be poor.

This applies to most of you, maybe all of you.

You have a lot more to offer than what you are offering.

Why? Mostly because what is using your life isn’t interested in you being rewarded for your talent, skills, or products.

What is using

How to use Charlie Munger quotes to get insight that are totally hidden from your view

the-iron-rule-of-nature-is-you-get-what-you-reward-for-if-you-want-ants-to-come-you-put-sugar-on-the-floor“The iron rule of nature is: you get what you reward for. If you want ants to come, you put sugar on the floor.”
~ Charles T. Munger

Let’s reverse engineer this quote.

You could look at it straight… and see nothing.

You look at it in reverse, and a whole world opens up.

This is true to all of Charlie Munger’s quotes… they show their true colors, their true teachings in reverse.

So. let’s see… Look at wha

Want to find your self? Express it? Be true to it? Be motivated by it?

brett-wilson-find-yourself-and-be-thatI started to read the book by Edward Deci, “Why we do what we do. Understanding self-motivation”.

This is the first book, that I know, that defines self the way, or similarly the way I do…

To become a person, to have autonomy, self-determination, self-expression, integrity, self-motivation, the most important job is to find the self, by distinguishing what is the driver of all your actions, whether it is inner or outer.

And if it is inner… is it the self, or is it the “not-self”?

Greed, narcissism, hate… area inner motivators, but they are all the not-self. So are all the “negative” emotions, like frustration, haste, the desir

Everything that is valuable is invisible when things are fast.

going-nowhere-fastThe psychologist, Paul Ekman. who discovered the micro expressions slowed down the film to see the emotion that gave the suicidal woman’s despair away. Slowing down your reactions will show you your real emotions… so you know, so you know … Continue reading

Journal Day 6, Entire USA ActivatedSlow down!Respect: look again… but this time differentlyBumbling idiots vs. Having All Your Ducks In a Row: which one is better?

Diet cults vs. how life intends that you eat

how-to-chop-onion-800-dmI just finished reading the book “Diet Cults”.

I mostly hated it, especially when he is elaborating on his non-cult cult’s rules… ugh.

What is most striking in all the diet-cults, to me, is their ignorance of the fact that food, unless it is prepared in a tasty, mouth-watering way, isn’t nourishing for most people.

I had two health calls in the past two days, and both people ate in a cultish way, for health. What they shared are these:

  1. Their essential nutrients were not fully supplied to the body, even though the foods they ate had them.
  2. They ate according to someone’s idea of healthy eating.
  3. Both had a fa

A different take on enlightenment… profound and funny… unexpected

AsiaGregg_And_IndyBeagle_KiaI clipped this from Monday Morning Memo… because it is so fabulous… A fast way to enlightenment.

Because you get your wisdom where you find it!

First things first: If you can’t imagine yourself tearing up the streets in this whip without feeling embarrassed, then get out. Your ancestral bloodline is anemic, and you are dismissed. The Spectra does not tolerate weakness.

As for the rest of you — put your helmets on, because I’ve got a metaphysical bomb to drop.

I’ve discovered the secret to happiness.

No it’s not religion, drugs, or don