Time Travel and Kabbalah

When we talk about time travel, what we mean is totally and fully in the 1% reality, I call the horizontal plane elsewhere.

Just watch the movie: Back to the Future, and you see the character played by Michael J. Fox physically did stuff and that changed the future that he traveled back to. It changed the people, their income level, their behavior, their social status.

But what if our limited thinking is not the only way to look at this phenomenon?

Let me tell you something that I had first hand experience with.

Some 20 years ago, in a Landmark Seminar, the Leadership Seminar, (for those of you that care,) we needed to do a group project to practice leadership.

My group decided to create a self help gro

I have decided to learn kindness.

That is the hardest virtue for me to practice… let alone master. So I have been watching kind people in movies, and I am reading Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. I am noting the discrepancy between the behavior I observe and the … Continue reading

What is the typical reason people don’t do anything with their lives?

success-will-never-be-a-big-stepWhat is the typical reason people don’t do anything with their lives?

That’s a loaded question, but it’s a valid question.

I have done a lot of observation and thinking on this.

I have come to the conclusion that the core issue is stinginess that results in scarcity thinking and scarcity behavior.

I will list a few variations: I am sure that you’ll find yourself…

This is how it goes:

  1. You don’t quite know what you want from your life. So you postpone doing anything until you know… which is never.
  2. You know what you want to achieve, what you want from your life, but there is no path that you can see. You

Awareness… it’s seeing and knowing what you are looking at… Accurately.

cherry-hazelnut-muesli-2I have been in this inquiry since February when I first heard Tai say: the strongest predictor of your success, in any area of life, is the level of your awareness.

So what is this awareness that is so important.

Nine months… it’s taken me till today to get complete clarity of what this “thing” awareness is.

Six million Jews perished in the gas chambers and mass graves during the holocaust, because they were not aware.

Tens of millions of people were ashamed of themselves and their association with Germany, people who elected Hitler and the Nazi party… because they weren’t aware.

And millions of people will be voting today for the new Hitler… figureh

Updated: Soul Correction: Finish What You Start

suck-you-drySoul Correction: Finish What You Start

Update 7/10/2016:

The archetype is the flatterer scam artist. If you are their victim: They will hook you with their compliments, flattery, while suck you dry, take you for your last dime, without ever caring about you, and without ever delivering on what they said they would do.

If you are the person with this soul correction: You find yourself with projects half started, never finished. You find yourself getting enough satisfaction out of buying a self-improvement program, but you don’t actually listen to it or use it.

Your self-image is “insignificant.” Maybe even weak, inconsequential, not important. Or you suffer from delusions of grand

Build your house on rock: Starting from what is, instead of a delusion

build-your-house-on-rockMy disastrous conversation with the zealous Christian on the other end of the phone opened my eye to something I could not see clearly before.

What I saw is where religion, the popularized version, and where modern spiritual teacherdom overlap and join forces to dupe you.

Before I start:

does your experience of yourself match these principles:
–you are already perfect.
–You are already divine, you just don’t know it.


I didn’t think so.

Now, settle down for a few minutes of pondering: If that is so, if that is not your experience,