How could you feel REAL LOVE? How could you experience REAL LOVE?

I’d like to write about love, or being loving today.

In this space I’ll quote Osho, and other people… I am not going to talk about what YOU call love, because what you call love is not love… unless you can call ‘loving ice cream,’ love.

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Updated: Albert Einstein said: No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. Could this be applied to consciousness training?

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to go or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.

If they use the insights I give them and don’t make them their own, they run the risk of making a decision “because” I said so.

One of my students asked “is it a matter of meditating over this decision now?”

This particular student has been a meditator for five years. The particular form of meditation he is doing with some master is to open up his ability to gain insight from All-of-it.

And this seemingly intelligent move, to meditate to gain insight is what I want to talk about today.
If you are a “normal” human being, brought up by parents or caregivers, if you went to school, if

The price of pretending being kind, nice, friendly, etc. All your colors vs. your true colors painted over… choose

In this article we are going to look at pretense, and what it cost you. It cost you more than it gains you… but the biggest cost is that you are stuck and you can’t go to the next level.
“All the colors I am inside have not been invented yet,” wrote Shel Silverstein, in his children’s book *Where the Sidewalk Ends.* It’s especially important for you to focus on that truth in the coming weeks. I say this for two reasons. First, it’s imperative that you identify and celebrate a certain unique aspect of yourself that no one else has ever fully acknowledged. If you don’t start making it more conscious, it may start to wither away. Second, you need to learn how to express that unique aspect with such clarity and steadiness that no one can miss it or ignore it

In the last blog post I spoke about all the ways you hide that you are a human, unwilling to be caring, loving, nice, accommodati

The sentence that was worth $100

Sometimes it is worth buying a book for $100 that has one sentence… the rest is gravy.

The sentence that was worth the $100 is:
If you are angry at a person who is unconscious, is like being angry at a dog for being a dog.
And at another place

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So I am reading ‘Creating A Bug Free Mind’

The package, big like a tomb stone, arrived this week. I wish they had it on Kindle… but I guess they want to control every step of the sales process. Hm. Interesting.

The package is two books, both big and thick. The first: Creating a bug free mind, and the second: using a bug free mind. Ultimately the idea of this two step process that made me use Andy Shaw’s book as an experiment: everyone stops at teaching, no one seems to continue into the troubles of actually teaching you how to use, and guiding you in using what they taught. ((… and even when they make some weak attempt, they hire volunteers to do the guidance, to do the coaching, and never check if those volunteers have ever done the work. Landmark’s Self Expression and Leadership program is example for that. Only about 2% of the people actually do a successful project, the once that would have probably done it successfully wi

How many shades of gray can you tell apart? Is Mary Morrissey’s teaching is true?

The tribes that live near the North Pole have lots of words for snow. Syracuse people have one: snooow… that is pronounced with a guttural growl.
Tailors of suits can tell the type of black fabric they are looking at, though, for most people black is black.
A Sherlock Holmes can tell, from a…

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What is the work to become an Expanding Human Being? A case study

The sentence I hear only occasionally, is “But what is the work?”
It is not because it is not a question that concerns many, it is because you are trained to know the answer, or at least pretend that you do.
I didn’t realize this until yesterday. I did not connect the dots… I didn’t see the…

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Change the context… and watch life unfold differently

Context is like meaning… it is not part of what it is referring to, it is added to it, by a human. And if it is added, then you have a lot of freedom about it: if you can see, that is.
Most people can’t see the forest for the trees… so if you are like that, you won’t see context, until you…

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Are you good? Are you bad?

Our last Playground, earlier today, was on the topic of “good/bad.”
It’s a great topic. Why? Because you are limited by that, good and bad, more than most any other adjective: you want to be good, you need to be good, you pretend to be good, you fancy yourself as a good person, you sell your…

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Your attitude: are you mirroring the attitude of the other?

I consider myself quite aware, quite present, and yet… I am still finding out stuff that I have had no idea about. Your attitude, more often than not, comes as a mirror of your “opponent’s”… partner’s, “the other”. One of … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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