An easy way to get to the big picture that can make your life worth living, regardless of the circumstances

the-meaning-of-your-lifeGurus teach this… but obviously even they don’t quite get it… The order of things is this: Being creates the doing and the doing creates the having… If this didn’t make any sense, you are not alone… billions are in the same place… WTF does that mean?!

be – do – have

But getting it would make all the difference for you: suddenly finding constructive actions, actions that actually lead to what you want… And between you and me, that is not a small thing. I get lots of requests to muscle test for people if the actions they decided leads to

Each anchor-to-doom pulled has a chance to activate an inactive DNA

The civilized world is sheeple walking meekly into slaughter…

There is no incentive, there is not much room for independent thinking, growth, in today’s world. But how it is is deadly, both on the individual level, and on the level of world politics.

You need to become not politically correct… You need to reclaim your right and abililty to become a human being, who isn’t completely enslaved to the status quo, of doing nice-nice… Getting killed in the process… or just simply dying.

Now that the site is squared away after the crash… We can get to work on making the Epigenetic shifts, the activation of certain DNA in your genome, permanent.

Each anchor-to-doom pulled has a chance to activate an inactive DNA.
And as we have said before, actions, small actions, consistent with an active DNA are needed to make the shift permanent.

The list is long, and I don’t have it… This is why I recommend that if you have had your anchor-to-doom pulled, you participate, at le

The path to beauty, goodness, and truth is through the ugly, the bad, and the lies, not around them

We all bow to a “god”, the god of respectability. Looking good, being well thought of, getting respect. ((Even animals pretend, just watch your cat… their survival depends on looking good to you… so they pretend…

To be authentic, no need to pretend, willing to be seen, warts an all, is more human, it is in the direction of evolution.))

And while you give your life to respectability, your life sours, your dreams die, you stop knowing who you are, where you are, what YOU want, what YOU want to do with your life.

Most are stuck there, but some (you?) yearn to know and live in harmony with who they are… but how do you go about it?

Bad news: you can only get to your true self, to your inner beauty, your inner goodness, your inner truth through wading through the ugly, the nasty, and the mountain of lies.
Good news: What you need to wade through is a certain amount of ugly… 30, 50, 70? Depends on you…

There is a finite amount, though it is still a small army o

Pursuit of happiness? or Noticing happiness?

The pursuit of happiness pushes happiness away, like a snow plow pushes snow
I find myself more often than not, in complete sync with my favorite people, one of them is Roy H. Williams, the Wizard of Ads, famous ad man with a whole school of like-minded amazing expert, and thousands of students.

Roy H. Williams is a Christian, and that bothers me, but it’s the concept that bothers me, not the man. He writes about the subject I have been pursuing on this blog for the past week or so… so here is his piece from today’s Monday Morning Memo.

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Soul correction: Revealing the hidden

We could say that people with this soul correction stop at the surface, if there were no other dimension. Paper thin reality is where they fancy they live, where things are what they appear to be.

But reality is more like an iceberg: every spot goes deep below the visible, several layers, into the dark depths of the ocean.

Living on the surface, considering the visible to be all there is, gives you a life that is as vulnerable as it gets. You are not dealing with it all.

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Beingness and being, is there a difference?

Being ((The state or quality of being being; existence)) is a tricky word, in every language I know. We use it as if it were cheap, inconsequential, but it causes mischief.

When you say “I am depressed” instead of “I feel depressed”, without knowing that there is a difference, you, unwittingly, practice self-definition.

You can feel a lot of things. Feelings and emotions have a normal tendency, that when not resisted, they move. They change. They morph from one feeling to another.

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How could you feel REAL LOVE? How could you experience REAL LOVE?

I’d like to write about love, or being loving today.

In this space I’ll quote Osho, and other people… I am not going to talk about what YOU call love, because what you call love is not love… unless you can call ‘loving ice cream,’ love.

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You are a liar! That’s why you are not moving forward…

I know it is a shocking and offending title. Neither shocking nor offending is my purpose. I want to teach you something… so bear with me… I need to take you through the steps, so you get what I mean… how you lie, and why it prevents you from growing and being happy.
What is language?
Language is a mode of communication, Humans communicate, animals communicate, plants communicate.

Plants communicate with posture, with chemicals, with smell.
Animals communicate with posture, with touch, with chemicals, and with sound.
Humans also communicate all those ways, except humans, eve though they could be, are unaware, unconscious, and consider language the only communication.Not all humans, mind you, but the majority.

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The price of pretending being kind, nice, friendly, etc. All your colors vs. your true colors painted over… choose

In this article we are going to look at pretense, and what it cost you. It cost you more than it gains you… but the biggest cost is that you are stuck and you can’t go to the next level.
“All the colors I am inside have not been invented yet,” wrote Shel Silverstein, in his children’s book *Where the Sidewalk Ends.* It’s especially important for you to focus on that truth in the coming weeks. I say this for two reasons. First, it’s imperative that you identify and celebrate a certain unique aspect of yourself that no one else has ever fully acknowledged. If you don’t start making it more conscious, it may start to wither away. Second, you need to learn how to express that unique aspect with such clarity and steadiness that no one can miss it or ignore it

In the last blog post I spoke about all the ways you hide that you are a human, unwilling to be caring, loving, nice, accommodati

Are you a nice person? Let’s take a look at that

Is it fear? Or is it unwillingness?

The human DNA isn’t a DNA for kindness, caring, or any of the “nice” stuff we are supposed to be.

In fact, it will take changing the DNA to go to the next level, to the level of human being, to be able to be kind, caring.

Our “soul correction” is the path.

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