Making choices: are you a rank amateur?

Risk-Management-2This may be the most important article you read this year, this decade… because this article may inspire you to become a professional at living, instead of remaining a rank amateur… aka bumbling idiot.

Risk Management

You have two options. You need to choose. You need to choose the option that has the lower cost to your reproductive success if it turns out to be wrong.

Now, I suspect, that almost none of us think about cost in terms of reproductive success, but according to evolutionary psychology, you are a mere vehicle to your genes, your genes are only inte

Updated: Why are there so many fake gurus?

michael jordan taught with his behavior and his attitude. how many listened? not manyI had an interesting insight today.

Recently a man from Switzerland came to the site, bought some of my energy audios, and even came to a call. Although his vibration was very low, he had interesting ideas, and I was excited to work with him.

Today he wrote meĀ  a “Dear John” email, saying

Sophie, …you probably wondered why I did not attend the seminar yesterday.

when trying to connect, my computer refused the connection.this expresses a change of mind I felt yesterday.

I knew, that this path is not for me. t

Another way to illustrate the level of your consciousness

cutting with dinner knifeWhen you managed to open yourself up to the guidance of consciousness, the guidance is pouring abundantly.

Before, it is a trickle of guidance here, and trickle of guidance there.

In the previous article I told you what I did to get guidance from consciousness in the area of defining the five stages of consciousness, through my methodology can take you through… all the way to the top.

I wrote the article, and then I went to cook some lunch for myself.

As I was slicing onions, then cubing turkey, I saw another way to illustrate the l

Ideas are like babies… the process you need to honor to be happy, healthy, and successful

elephant26This is one article, with two separate yet connected parts.

Part 1: Flashes of brilliance

Growth is not linear. By that I mean that you don’t grow a little bit every day. It is much like evolution: something tiny changes, and it creates a dramatic shift.

When things feel linear, it also means that you are simply stirring the soup… no growth. It’s OK.

Yesterday I had a glimpse at something that I had never seen: I saw that if opportunity favors the prepared… then I am in trouble: I am not prepared for any opportunity.

I am not prepared to roll with the punches that t

In life you are either a nerd or you are a floater

watch the movie gattacaAre you a nerd? ((One description I found on the internet is this: a NERD is an individual of vast intelligence and curiosity coupled with a natural knack for academics and discovery. You not only appreciate technology, biology, and all the other ‘ology’s – you know what they mean and how they work, too! While Geeks are busy flooding comic-cons and using the internet while pretending to know how it works, you are busy coding the damn internet and earning your Masters or Doctorate (if you don’t already have it/both). Of course t

There are no aliens. But there are alien-like bugs

crystals that are aliveThis article will make you angry, or scared… And neither being angry, nor being scared is a good sign… they show that you have only a few human capacities active… and I probably can’t help you. Your best choice is to leave… Unsubscribe if you are a subscriber.

OK, here is the article:

There are no aliens.

There are no Aliens. But there are alien-like bugs.

When you search on google for alien bugs, you see bugs like you are used to, legs, eyes, pincers, and then something added… The imagination of graphic artists, movie makers, com

Getting really smart is scary

flowers for algernoon, a tale of getting smartOne thing the book Flowers for Algernon did not prepare me for is how scary it is to get too smart too quickly.

I have been experimenting with different capacities… what they do, what behavior, what insight they possible.

One of these capacities increased my capacity (it had been turned on, but not ful

Can you feel energy? I mean you, personally… Different energies?

benders bend energies... in a certain spectrum. avatars bend all the spectrumsWhen I put the word “energy” into the search box on google, most listings are about electricity, and the rest are about woo woo sites.

People still don’t understand energy. Why? Because our receptors for energy are not differentiated enough, and not connected to the conscious mind enough for us to have more words… and without words there is no understanding. ((Some people, example are the crime lab in Criminal Minds, have machines to connect between energy and our senses… spectrometer (an apparatus used for record

DNA capacity: Flexibility

reedsSometimes people get an idea of activating a capacity that is so alien to their culture, it takes a good 5-10 minutes for the history channel, the ancestors backwards, to build.

It is so unfamiliar that ego doesn’t even know to protest. It is like a way of being that is totally unfamiliar… you can’t see other than special people, like kung fu fighters, or shaolin monks to demonstrate.

Flexibility is the capacity to be able to keep your balance even though the world is pushing you hither and tether…

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The capacity of the sight… that gives people like Warren Buffet the edge

warren buffet has the capacity to see the consequences of his actions openWarning: as always, the most important things are explained in the footer part of the post! Don’t miss them!

Some weeks are like this: I do something, see something, write about something important, and on Monday Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo echoes it.

This is the case this week… You know when you manage to do something whose time has come? Gratifying, rewarding, like the Universe nods in your direction. ((Roy Wil