Updated: Why are there so many fake gurus?

michael jordan taught with his behavior and his attitude. how many listened? not manyI had an interesting insight today.

Recently a man from Switzerland came to the site, bought some of my energy audios, and even came to a call. Although his vibration was very low, he had interesting ideas, and I was excited to work with him.

Today he wrote me  a “Dear John” email, saying

Sophie, …you probably wondered why I did not attend the seminar yesterday.

when trying to connect, my computer refused the connection.this expresses a change of mind I felt yesterday.

I knew, that this path is not for me. t

Authority Part 2 – how you are heard

Sophie Benshitta Maven

I received an email from a Path student. It was a link to a performance we discussed at length on the Path call. The video was to prove that I was wrong, that his performance wasn’t shabby, that he is … Continue reading →

Read More http://www.yourvibration.com/8352/authority-2/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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Example of a fake guru: what he says has truth in it, but he only heard about it.

this guy talks about what he heard, he never experienced it at 210 vibration you only share what you read, were taught, but there is no experience, no energies, nothing. He is a

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Indian “guru” living in India. Lives in a palace in exquisite riches, if the Indian TV can be trusted about things like this