What do you have to prove? That you are smart? That will make you ignorant AND miserable

I have shared with you in my previous article all the juicy principles I gleaned from my conversation with the student who hated the idea to become proud of his ancestral heritage. But I had one insight that, for me, … Continue reading → Related Posts: Intellect, iq, smarts, intelligence… and the ability to raise […]

Who or what is in power in your life. You or something or someone else?

March is a survival month. I have been observing it for 30 years. If a business can make it past March, then it will make it another year. This is due to people’s (the buyers who keep business in business) … Continue reading → Related Posts: You send for a vibrational reading. I send it […]

Why you don’t heal fast?

Your body is like a factory, manufacturing daily energy units that you need to do what you need to do, and energy units to protect you from pathogens, toxins, and other trouble. and thirdly, that in case something did get … Continue reading → Related Posts: Increasing your cell hydration is the first step I […]

The size of your foundation, your astuteness, the size of your foundation, spiritual capacities

overdoing it in energizing your waterNote: this is an important article… please read. It summarizes a lot of what is not working about you… and what you can do about it.

I really enjoy the work on people’s hydration.

I love seeing how they get things done (or not) and it is a source of a lot of amusements.

Am I laughing at them? No. Laughing at someone is laughing at their expense.

I am laughing at the idiosyncrasies, the funny ways of getting things done, the soul correction I recognize.

For example, this picture, above. Very educational. It shows a lot to learn from.

You can see a polar pitcher with the mini speaker inserted in the bottom: the water is a perfect 653:

Why you don’t want what you say you want…

water energizer setupI am working, one-on-one with people who submitted their pictures of their setup of the water energizer.

This has been one of the most brilliant things I have ever decided to do.

Without feedback one may imagine a lot of things, but with feedback, eventually you arrive to the truth, to reality, and there is no room for imagination, fancy, or any other unreality.

The reality is this:

The Water Energizer works… you don’t.

There are not many “moving parts” of a water energizer setup.

There is

  • 1. the sound source. A device that can play an mp3 file 24/7. Preferably not something you use for anything else, or something you turn off.
  • 2. electricity/power. Most

The connection between your vocabulary and your deserving factor

The connection between the number of words you can correctly use in writing or in speaking and your intelligence, your worth a damn factor, and your deserving the good life… or not.

I am a reader. I read a lot. But yet, a whole new world opened up for me when I started to read on the Kindle. Why? Because it has a built in dictionary. As a result, I have added, to date, 2,000 words to my vocabulary.

It was very cumbersome to read with a dictionary before… I would lose my place, etc.

But the Kindle has made it possible.

I find the word… but sometimes the word in the dictionary is not useful.

I am reading Seneca, the person with whom my teaching of how to live life, how to be happy, i

New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, your immune system, diabetes, cancer, and your life expectancy

  • If you pee often
  • If your pee is light
  • If you have to get up in the middle of the night and pee
  • that means: your cell hydration is low.
  • it may also mean: you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Diabetics have low cell hydration. this may be the reason they don’t accept the sugar into the cell… Because sugar would break even bigger havoc in the cell… it would dry out the cell completely.
My hunch is that hydrating the diabetic’s cells can end the diabetic misery… But it needs testing. If you have diabetic friends, family members: you owe it to yourself to test the Energized water on them. Diabetes can cost tens o

I never had to really learn it… so how I teach you to live in reality? The 13th floor

This article will be deemed self-aggrandizing, or something of that sort… and I don’t care. Truth is truth…

I am 69 years old.

I have lived, this is a 20/20 hindsight, my entire life on the 13th floor. Two months ago I would not have said that: I didn’t know there is such a thing…

Having live there all my life: I am having a real tough time to say how I got there… because I never lived on the 14th or the 15th floor… the 13th floor is reality, based on your sensory organs, not on thought.

My brothers did live on the 14th floor. Both. My father also lived on the 13th floor. My mother didn’t.

The biggest difference, looking through my own eyes now, is the meanings. On the 14th

Can you be delusional? I bet you have never thought that about yourself…

Most of the things I find out were in front of me, in plain sight, but I could not see it.

As I am going deeper and deeper into teaching people to feel their feelings, so they can return to the Tree of Life, I am on uncharted territory. I encounter stuff that has always been there… and in this new context it hits me funny… weird… illogical… counter intuitive: to me.

Whenever I see things from the level I am, most of the things I see are things I have never had, and therefore they are new to me. Unfamiliar… Alien.

Such is the thing i want to write now: the delusion that you need to meet everyone’s expectation of you.

That it is your duty to be good enough for everyone, fast enough, smart enough, deep enough, pretty enou

Find yourself, find your lost paradise on the 13th floor of your existence

the hidden paradise on the 13th floorI read the beginning of an article this morning. It made me laugh. It was a great release. Then I read the rest, and it made me constipated.

I was going to steal the whole article, but I am stealing only the beginning. here you go:

One Thing You Can Do Every Morning to Be More Creative

    • STEP 1: Fill up your cereal bowl about two-thirds of the way full (eyeballing it is okay)
    • STEP 2: Pour your favorite milk (I choose almond milk—unsweetened vanilla) and fill until the cereal is peeking over the top of the bowl.
    • STEP 3: Walk slowly toward your kitchen sink, one foot directly in front of the other. Go slow