10 ways to be boring… Are you boring?

extremely-boring-peopleI was lead to an old article of mine. Controversial, and I bet not very useful.

I wrote it four and a half years ago. I have grown a lot since then.

In the article I was attempting to guide you to detect truth value, estimate the vibration teachers and products… without muscle testing.

In the article I was making the same mistake I have been making, all my life: supposing that you can see patterns, that you can see behind the curtain, that you can see more than you actually can.

Emotional intelligence ((the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to han

Metabolic Prime review — can exercise alone make you lose weight?

metabolic-primeOK. I just spent about an hour destroying my vibration…

What I am willing to do for you?!

OK, what the f… happened, right?

Well, easy.

I got an email from Bill Harris of Holosync fame. The email is about a system that promises to activate your youngifying genes… your metabolically active tissues (????) and it takes only 60 minutes a week… short bursts of workout. ((Here is Bill’s email…

Here’s something for you if you’re struggling to lose weight, based on some quite interesting new research.

I keep up on the latest information regarding diet, health, and exercise, mainly because…

…I want to stay healt

Slow down. Most things, maybe everything that is valuable is invisible when things are fast.

slow downThe psychologist, Paul Ekman. who discovered the micro expressions slowed down the film to see the emotion that gave the suicidal woman’s despair away.

Slowing down your reactions will show you your real emotions… so you know, so you know what you are running away from.

Slowing down you may be able to find your strait and narrow… your path to your own happiness and fulfillment.

Fast isn’t going to cut it.
The fence that is built fast will fall down fast… and it is true for everything.

And interestingly everyone is looking

Everything that is valuable is invisible when things are fast.

going-nowhere-fastThe psychologist, Paul Ekman. who discovered the micro expressions slowed down the film to see the emotion that gave the suicidal woman’s despair away. Slowing down your reactions will show you your real emotions… so you know, so you know … Continue reading

Journal Day 6, Entire USA ActivatedSlow down!Respect: look again… but this time differentlyBumbling idiots vs. Having All Your Ducks In a Row: which one is better?

Your sphere of influence and your vibration: what is the connection?

they sealed their friendship with bloodPeople do all kinds of things to raise their vibration. But one of the most important things they could do, they don’t even think of it.

I had a conversation with a student last night, and finally “diagnosed” why her vibration isn’t changing much in spite of all the calls she comes to.

And then I opened an email ((Hi

Most people decided to do nothing today. Nothing.

Some thought about doing something but then decided to actually do nothing.

You say: Sam, lots of people went to work today. Um…yea, I know. That’s actually doing something for someone else – their boss.

I promote a message of entrepreneurship. Monetizing your passion. Living every day likes it’s Saturday.


The connection between how you feel and the level of your deep curiosity factor

The connection between misery and the level of your deep curiosity factor

curious-bookI am reading the book “Curious” and I am looking at curiosity waxing and waning in my life, in different periods.

I am in the intensely curious

Quantum Physics says: reality is what you believe it to be… And belief is a choice

life-is-beautiful2Sometimes I get really lucky. And if I am ready, prepared, open, and eager for the gift, I can get it, harvest it, and life becomes brighter, by a lot. Clearer… by a lot.

This is what happened to me this morning.

I got up at 5:20. The other option was to sleep another hour and a half… and oversleep… So I got up. Better sleep less than more (read my Depression article to see why.)

Chilly morning… sweater and pants, big glass of Energized Water… I am ready for my email… And no, I don’t stretch, I don’t exercise, I don’t meditate… I go to my email and connect. Connect to All-of-it and to my people.

The first email is from a woman who is disappointed in me because I didn’t provide

Depression is often not recognized…

depression-is-not-stopping-herI am prone to depression. Not sadness, but a loss of aliveness, a loss of inner motivation.

I have barely came out of a bout with one… and have been intensely curious of what caused it.

Depression, as I experience it, has no emotional reason.

When I look, I have no reason for depression, so the cause is not outside of a person… it is an inside job.

My experience has been that the factors are nutrition and sleep.

When certain vitamins are low, whether the consumption is low, or the wrong foods gobble them up, low Vitamin B levels, all sorts, B-1, 5, 12, 9… I have distinguished so far.

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003 What does it take to change into a new career or The art of changing direction and succeed

new-career003_what-does-it-take-to change-into-a-new-career

talking points:

how do you go from one profession to another? having a vague idea is not enough!

  1. learned, school learned profession may give you a process and teach you everything
  2. learning, self-directed needs YOU to build a curriculum, or you’ll fail
  3. law of process, research, guidance, mentors
  4. how do you know what skills to build?

  5. interviewing people
  6. watching movies
  7. reading books

how can you build skills if that is not part of your job?


providing services, small services online/offline through craigslist, fiverr

What other than skills do you need?

  1. process capacity
  2. mental representation aka vision
  3. growth attitude… beginner attitude.

How do you choose the next step if what you are doing in the present isn’t it… but you have no experience in the next profession, the next adventure?

You may have no skills that you know of that would get you a job in the next profession…

But you may have some skills… or why would you want to go that way? After all, the rule of thumb is: go with your strengths… and if you have strengths, you know you have them, because you’ve been using them.

Here is how I did it. The time was 1988 and I was an architect. And that opportunity closed for me…

I did a skill inventory, and found that all my skills at that point were putting ink on paper… writing, drawing, designing… and communicating. With people.

Graphics, design, text, communicating… I decided that the best match was publisher, although I had no idea what I would want to say… Magazine publishing.

I was unemployed, so I spent my time training myself… designing ads, writing ads, and I even apprenticed with a small printer so I had some idea what printing entails.

Then I sent out two resumes to small local pennysavers… that I saw all the time in the supermarket.

One answered, and said that the only job available is advertising sales. That I would get someone to train me…

I said OK… The woman who came to train me (I didn’t have any transportation) gave me a script and went out with me to a few stores to sell advertising.

Next day she went and covered all the stores I could have been able to walk in and sold everyone she could… Dog eat dog is the advertising world.

So I called the other publisher. I told him I sold five ads on my first day… He met me and hired me, even gave me a beat up car to use, so that I can get around and do the job.

I was grateful. I worked 80 hours or more a week. I actively participated on Friday’s meetings when every salesperson brought in what they sold. After two weeks I took over that part of the job, laying out the magazine for Saturday printing.

I even delivered all the magazines to the stores in my sales area.

I busted my ass.

I built enough relationships with customers, typesetters, printers that after 14 months, when the owner felt threatened and kicked me out, I could start, overnight, my own magazine.

After that fateful meeting, when I got kicked out, I called the typesetter, called the printer, and asked for credit for one issue.

I got it. I stayed up all night, and next day at 4 pm my own magazine was in the street.

It was the beginning of a wonderful eleven year run.

What does it take to change into a new career or The art of changing direction and succeed

new-career003_what-does-it-take-to change-into-a-new-career

talking points:

how do you go from one profession to another? having a vague idea is not enough!

  1. learned, school learned profession may give you a process and teach you everything
  2. learning, self-directed needs YOU to build a curriculum, or you’ll fail
  3. law of process, research, guidance, mentors
  4. how do you know what skills to build?

  5. interviewing people
  6. watching movies
  7. reading books

how can you build skills if that is not part of your job?


providing services, small services online/offline through craigslist, fiverr

What other than skills do you need?

  1. process capacity
  2. mental representation aka vision
  3. growth attitude… beginner attitude.

How do you choose the next step if what you are doing in the present isn’t it… but you have no experience in the next profession, the next adventure?

You may have no skills that you know of that would get you a job in the next profession…

But you may have some skills… or why would you want to go that way? After all, the rule of thumb is: go with your strengths… and if you have strengths, you know you have them, because you’ve been using them.

Here is how I did it. The time was 1988 and I was an architect. And that opportunity closed for me…

I did a skill inventory, and found that all my skills at that point were putting ink on paper… writing, drawing, designing… and communicating. With people.

Graphics, design, text, communicating… I decided that the best match was publisher, although I had no idea what I would want to say… Magazine publishing.

I was unemployed, so I spent my time training myself… designing ads, writing ads, and I even apprenticed with a small printer so I had some idea what printing entails.

Then I sent out two resumes to small local pennysavers… that I saw all the time in the supermarket.

One answered, and said that the only job available is advertising sales. That I would get someone to train me…

I said OK… The woman who came to train me (I didn’t have any transportation) gave me a script and went out with me to a few stores to sell advertising.

Next day she went and covered all the stores I could have been able to walk in and sold everyone she could… Dog eat dog is the advertising world.

So I called the other publisher. I told him I sold five ads on my first day… He met me and hired me, even gave me a beat up car to use, so that I can get around and do the job.

I was grateful. I worked 80 hours or more a week. I actively participated on Friday’s meetings when every salesperson brought in what they sold. After two weeks I took over that part of the job, laying out the magazine for Saturday printing.

I even delivered all the magazines to the stores in my sales area.

I busted my ass.

I built enough relationships with customers, typesetters, printers that after 14 months, when the owner felt threatened and kicked me out, I could start, overnight, my own magazine.

After that fateful meeting, when I got kicked out, I called the typesetter, called the printer, and asked for credit for one issue.

I got it. I stayed up all night, and next day at 4 pm my own magazine was in the street.

It was the beginning of a wonderful eleven year run.