Case Study #1: Humanity in Unity with Sai Maa

About a month ago a friend of mine, Steve, spent the weekend at a well-being seminar with Sai Ma. Sai Maa is an Indian guru. I know her personally, she spent some time in Syracuse. People flock to her

The 1,000 years of peace start tomorrow

It’s tomorrow I spent yesterday researching on the internet. This is what I found: humanity disconnected from its PowerSource 6,000 years ago. A total of 7,000 people connected to Source, regardless. In 6,000 years.

In the work of transformation there are no jumps, no McDonalds, no shortcuts, but there are linchpins

In search of quick transformation… the role of the linchpin The state of humanity in the 21st century is utter confusion, utter blindness, no distinctions, everything is black and white, or gray: no

You asked for your vibrational reading. You got it. You don’t agree… Here is a public answer

Warning: read the footnotes… In this article they are especially telling. I put everything in the footnotes that would make the article difficult to read… But their position, in the footnotes, doesn’t make them not important, or not part of the article. Consider yourself warned… lol

I measured someone’s vibration, re-measured 3 times. It was consistently 100.

We emailed back and forth, this is the last email that came, this morning:

Hello Sophie,
My last message to you was a kind of joke, I must apologize and thank you for your reply. The reason for my writing is to let you know for the final time that you are wrong. My vibration is somewhere around 350, not 100.

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Republished: There Are 3 Categories Of Gurus Mirrored In The Three Types Of Seekers. Locate yourself by identifying your guru’s type. Clarity is power!

[This article needs further editing for clarity]

There are three categories of gurus and three types of seekers:

Category 1. The Hopeful Path: Naive, pliable, hopeful. Hoping that what you are doing is going to take you out of the misery: having feelings, and a constant battle inside between the aspects of a human being, each pulling in a different direction.They really really really want to be enlightened! Really… lol. But they know they aren’t. There is shame and guilt and sadness in their emotions, and often anguish: the fear of being caught.Ultimately you “do” this spirituality stuff to get away from being human.You fail. There is no escape… you are human, with all that comes with that territory.You are doing it all to fix a problem, and all solutions will become the next and bigger problem. You cannot fix being human… and that’s a problem for yo

Before it’s a mindset, it’s a skill… if you don’t build skills, you can’t change your mindset

Before it’s a mindset, it’s a skill

With that said, please understand, that no one can give you skills. Therefore no one can change your mindset. Your beliefs. Your stored memories. Your misery. Only you can. All those people that do voodoo, thought shifting, energy whatnot, chakra healing, and other instant b.s. are liars, cheaters, fakes, frauds, and impostors.

The decline of humanity, I think, began or was accelerated when people thought that because they understand it, therefore they can do it, and do it at will, do it well, keep it up, etc.

Everything requires skills, and skills need to be built. With practice, over a long time. Just look at crash diets: you lost the weight but you built no skills to eat correctly, to redirect your urges, so you will pack back the pounds and more… No skills, no slim body… very simple.

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I offered to muscle test your favorite teachers and gurus

Where is the world of famous teachers and gurus with regards to causing spirituality in the world?

I sent out an email to my subscribers yesterday, offering them a rare opportunity to have their favorite teachers’ vibrations measured.

Judging from the number of requests where the requester…

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The Edison of Transformation

From time to time I need to re-invent myself. Why? Because I get a "message" from beyond that, in a way, demands that I do some work and re-invent myself.

How do these messages come?

For the past year all the messages come in dreams. Nightmares, to be exact. It takes me, for the…

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Addicted to Drama

What do I call drama?
Every negative, uncomfortable, unpleasant feeling that you feel, experience, indicates drama. A story played out inside you. While you are involved in that drama you are not involved in life, you are taking an entertainment break: your relationships, your health, your work…

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What if a narcissist isn’t what they say? What if it is a developmental glitch?

In my work to cause the next human evolution, I am coming to a startling realization: that humanity line of evolution is moving backwards… back towards the dark ages. Not on the same timeline it has evolved, but on a dead end line… instead of going upwards, it is going downward. _1
One of…

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