More health knowledge… I’ve learned the hard way

  1. food-cravingsYou eat what you are, you crave what you are

    Every plant, every animal contains toxins that it developed to protect itself from being eaten and extinguished… The selfish gene makes sure of that.

    Your body, ancestrally, developed a liking and a tolerance to certain foods… that allowed it to survive.

    It takes a long time for a group of people to create an ess with certain foods.

    What makes the Japanese thrive may kill you… What an Irish can subsist on will kill you… What a Kenyan runner thrives on is murder for you… or can be.

    With grocery stores carrying foods from so many continents you are not safe and you don’t thrive.

    How many individuals do you know that thrive? I don

What determines how you and your life turn out?

What is the mechanism of the machine that you are, that is used to define your actions, your moods, your attitude? As I said in a few previous articles, your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes will be correlated … Continue reading → Related Posts: Can you change your money DNA, your love DNA, […]

Remember: How I learned Hebrew and how it can help you to become the new human being in no time flat

remember Hebrew: you used to know it. Remember who you are: you used to know it.

Motto: Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight

Remember who you are

In 1981 I got a letter from a man from Israel. He claimed to be a second cousin on my father’s side to me. He was coming to an educational conference in Hungary. He came with his wife.

We spent time together, they were staying with me, in my one-bedroom high-rise apartment in Budapest. He visited with every member of my family, and witnessed their contempt for me first hand.

He promised to be family to me if I decided to go to Israel.

One year later I packed a suitcase and left Hungary. illegally. It was winter in Hungary when I left, in fact it w

Witness a “measure my vibration” conversation… very educational

open-micThis is a conversation between a person who sent me a donation to find out his vibration.

The conversation worth quoting: I say a lot of important things there… so please read and heed.

Please measure my vibration. Here is my $5 donation….

On 03/08/2016 16:41, Sophie wrote:

your vibration is 170

your main motivator is greed… and therefore it is your biggest stumbling block.

you need to change your context or greed will suffocate you and your life.

If I needed to recommend something, I’d recommend my 67 step coaching program, because it gently expands your cone of vision to include all of your life, and then further, to include Life.

It is a long term

Life is a lot like traveling by train…

senior-man-traveling-train-15401290Life is like being in a train: you can look out on the left side, the right side, the back, the front… but it won’t change that you are on a train that will arrive to its destination, no matter where you look.

Most of us live this way most of the time.

We do our jobs, we do our relationships, we do our projects, we do our lives this way.

Fulfilling? No. Enjoyable? It depends…

Ultimately we are plagued by a nagging sense that we are out of control, that no matter what we do won’t change anything. Some of us feel doomed. Some of

The capacity of seeing patterns…the threshold capacity

alberteinstein118979I am reading a book, Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise. I am reading it because I want to be able to teach my students better, so they can leave behind the level of ordinary school learning, the pedestrian learning that always produces pedestrian result.

Amateurish performance, amateurish life. ((Your level of fulfillment is exponentially correlated to the amount of effort you invested. Easy: no fulfillment. Hard, lots of effort, hardship: lots of fulfillment.))

Read it again: Case study: Attachment removal and what YOU can learn from it

I started to offer attachment removal this past week Last year. This is one I did today… and I am sharing it with you because there is a great lesson in it, especially if you read Osho’s words I also … Continue reading → Related Posts: How do you get an attachment? Why some people […]

Narrow cone of vision and your health

narrow-cone-vision-health-adviceImagine having to find your way through a maze without seeing past the tiny circle a flashlight can illuminate?

“Luckily” you only have to look at your life. Your health, your money, your love life.

You ARE living your life, a veritable maze, by the light of a flashlight.

You read an article here… yay, I see may way. A sound bite there… yay, I see now… But it is still the tiny flashlight method: you don’t see the big picture, you don’t see your way to the good life.

Seeing the full picture, the big pictu

Can you be selfish and generous at the same time?

desire for the self alone is the only evil there isI am reading Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene. The genes that use humans as vehicles, and are only interested in procreation, and not in the life experience of the vehicle.

But, as I have said before, there are 160 intangible capacities, mostly dormant, in the human DNA. The ones that we are going to look at in this article are the capacities (genes) of generosity (altruism) and trust.

Trust and generosity seem to be at odds with the selfishness of the genes… but they don’t have to be.

The crucial decider… is that a word?, is whether the gene of envy is turned on, or

Why, your chances to become worth a damn (dime?), are less than 2%?

the-life-of-a-teacherFirst things first: the saying is “become worth a damn.” But a lot of people consider damn a curse word, so they say “become worth a dime”… Oh well, here you have it. Become worth a dime… lol.

Second: let me explain the picture: no teacher is worth a darn, unless the student is able to handle, utilize what the teacher teaches. And therein lies all the difficulty you are experiencing.

As you can, maybe, track, I am becoming obsessed with learning to learn… or more precisely said, teaching you to learn to learn…

Because you have been mi