Paint the Chicks Purple… a great story to illustrate capacity activation

purple chick strategy... beware of the dark sideDNA capacity activation is all about activating the resources of hidden and dormant in your DNA… capacities that mean the difference between a so-so life, and a good life, like resourcefulness and seeing the big picture.

All of the capacities are attitudes and emotional abilities… how you do things, not what you do.

Here is an article I saw that shows a good example or decision-making that uses capacities most people need but don’t have:

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You don’t have to deserve something to be deserving

agnosticLet me ask you something: do you have to deserve a body? Did you have to deserve to be able to read?

No. Deserving is much more basic, and much more profound than that kind of deserving, which would equate the word with earning.

Earning is a mercantile world’s word: it measures your work, or your merchandise against the asking price… earning.

But deserving is different, regardless how crazy that word drove me when I was a kid. My kid brother whining that he deserved whatever he was whining about.

I didn’t think I deserved anything, so he asserting that he de

Taking things personally

dont-take-it-personally2The hardest thing to navigate, at least for me, is to take myself out of the center… Maybe because of my soul correction “Forget Thyself” but it comes back to make me miserable periodically.

I have been testy lately.

I have always wanted to be significant. Do significant things. Be admired… blah blah blah.

What I didn’t realize that like everything ego desire based, desire to receive for the self alone, it has a shadow side.

When you are significant, and someone doesn’t give you what you think they are supposed to… you are angry and miserable.

So this is what ha

Your smarts don’t live in your brain. Comparing brains is a favorite job of scientist, but they are on the wrong track.

your smarts are not in your brainYour smarts don’t live in your brain. Comparing brains is a favorite job of scientist, but they are on the wrong track.

Instead they should ask questions that relevant… I wonder why they don’t think to answer relevant questions.

Questions like what happens when a really smart man has a daughter? How come that women, in general, are less capable, less able to make it in the world?

And the answer doesn’t live in the brain: it lives in the DNA.

Children inherit a combination of their parents’ DNA. A child can be smart, even brilliant as a potential, socialization will force

Is Sophie a fake? Can she activate a DNA capacity for herself? A capacity she obviously never had?

dyslexia makes you look stupidI have been re-reading Dan Millman’s The Life You Were Born To Live.

I don’t know why I am reading it, but here is what I have found that is worth mentioning:

  1. What used to be too much English is suddenly clear, concise, and applicable. The text didn’t change, I did. Obviously I am playing with a fuller deck…
  2. I get, again and again reminded of my Achilles heel: I have a missing capacity that is probably responsible for many of my failures, and all of my no successes.

My missing capacity, the bane ((a deadly po

High vibration, high achiever people err on the side of judging you more capable than you are.

screenshot_799Teachers, and coaches, who themselves are high vibration and high achievers, I know a few, see you better than you are, and tell you that with a little, or a lot of coaching you can achieve the life you want.

But, unfortunately, we desire things we are not equipped to achieve, or are not willing to move towards.

Why is this?

Because it takes active, working capacities to do things. DNA capacities… capacities that you cannot learn… Capacities are not like knowledge. Capacities are not like skills. Capacities are either open or not open. If they aren’t open, they need to be opened, either by being in a do or di

Want to become a nice person? Here is a clue that you aren’t

Self satisfaction alone cannot determine if a desire or action is positive or negative. The demarcation between a positive and a negative desire or action is not whether it gives you a immediate feeling of satisfaction, but whether it ultimately results in positive or negative consequences.

Every soul correction is about correcting the desire to receive (Light) for the self alone.

If you were born, you have a soul correction.

There is no jumping into “desire for the sake of sha

Thanksgiving… if you want to be honest, it is just a meal.

thanksgiving-dinnerWhy would I say something sacra-religious like this?

Because saying what you are grateful only includes what you like.

What about the 99% of your life, of people, of things, that you don’t like, or just barely tolerate?

Can you say: I am grateful for that?

When it is a dark day: can you be grateful for that? When your friend is pushing your buttons: can you be grateful for that? When you feel bad, tired, nauseated, can you be grateful for that?

Yeah, I know, you can say you are, but are you?

You are lying.

Because you only see value where you see value, not everywhere.

When you have a capacity activated… will you be great right away? Courageous, insightful, self-trusting?

believe it or not, Hitler was a lot like your egoWhen you have a capacity activated… will you be great right away? Courageous, insightful, self-trusting?

One of the “results” I’ve been seeing is this:

The ego is responsible, or at least feels responsible for your survival. It’s like a domineering mother… it professes to know what is good for you and what isn’t.

Mothers will stop you from becoming all you can be… unless…

Unless you bother to sweet-talk them into seeing your side of the situation.

Negotiating, sweet talking, enr

When you feel accused… DNA capacity activation learnings

I turn the capacity on, ego turns it off

“It’s easier to evaluate your results through drunken delusion than to gaze soberly in the mirror and face the truth.”

I had another DNA capacity activation session today.

It was different. Some people had already had the same capacities activated before.

I found two big surprises… both strong enough to kick me in the gut:

  1. When I first download the energy to you that activates the capacity, it does what it does, goes through the phases, and when I check the muscletest says: it is turned on.

    When I come back to you, because you are on a webinar, it seems that there is a lot more work