Does it matter whether this Universe with you in it is a hologram or not?

Does it matter whether this Universe with you in it is a hologram or not?

Great question, isn’t it? I am very proud of myself for asking it.

But if I get an answer, and I go “yes”, unless I find out what exactly I asked that was answered, I am as dumb and assuming as I was before I asked the question.

So, what way can it matter whether this/you are a hologram or not?

  • Emotionally
  • Physically
  • As a context… inside which we live this life of struggle…

Had I asked you a different question: does it matter whether there is a god or not, you would have, already ready, your opinion.

These two are pretty much the same question.

When this morning I was pondering th

Beingness… the inner guidance that gives your behavior, actions, and ultimately your results

Not surprisingly, I hope, the difference between homo sapiens (thinking man) and Human Being is this elusive “thing”: beingness.

Beingness does not respond to words.

  • Beingness does not respond to words.
  • It doesn’t respond to force, not even to force of will.
  • It doesn’t really respond to feelings either.
  • And: IMPORTANT! is not created by doing

It is a whole different ball of

The game has changed, and I cannot speak my mind as I used to

America destroyed from the insideI have been doing, for the past 4-5 hours, what I haven’t done, ever, since I’ve been writing articles.

The game has changed, and I cannot speak my mind as I used to: Free Speech, the First Amendment, hasn’t been officially lifted, but it will be… all signs point to a police state… a racist country… fascism.

So it is dangerous to speak… already. Articles on the internet are there for the duration…

The other reason I have been thinking is this: a strategy is needed to turn around the unfortunate coming to power of the Rich and uncaring.

And it seems to me that strategy is the weak point of humanity… people can only think one or maybe two

How WANTING and DESIRE put you squarely into the mindset of scarcity

It’s January, and a good large percentage of the searches on my site are for the mindset of money… People’s mind is on abundance this month… and it will stay there till April…

I have been observing people and businesses for decades. If you made it through March, then you probably made it another year… but the sense of impending doom begins in January.

I read a story about a woman who gave away ALL her money.

She was, a millionaire (or close to it) at the time. In any case, she came from money.

Her grandfather was a famous industrialist. Her parents had owned houses and property all over the world.

Thing is, this woman (who had been born into all this money and the lifestyle it afforded) didn’t feel

Pushing on a string.. Sometimes you are the pusher, other times you are the string

Around the time when I graduated from Architecture School, my brother impregnated a woman 10 years his senior, who wanted to get married.

I recommended that he pay for her abortion and call it quits.

To my surprise he listened to me. (This is the phenomenon, when it is NOT pushing on a string… rare) I didn’t know why and how I knew that the woman just wanted to marry a Jewish boy… that it wasn’t for love, or for mutual support. I didn’t know I was an empath.

Knowing what is people hidden nature is a blessing, and is a burden. And an invaluable tool in coaching. You can’t lie to me…

Most people want to go down danger’s, death’s path… it is their path. Talking to them it is like pushing on a

How your past self is creating your future and what you can do about it

you cannot live in the future, you have to live in the now momentThere is a Landmark Education distinction that no one gets…

It has a huge overlap with the distinction “you live in a world of your own design”.

This, the “you live in a world of your own design” is somewhat like the Law of Attraction: you attract what you are… but much deeper. It is BEING that, not feeling, or thinking only, though you may feel and think it as well.

But thinking and feeling don’t create being… the reverse, the opposite is tr

Why is the “need to meet others’ expectation” so important, and why it’s a mistake to not honor it?

And how it doesn’t mean to please everybody, or even one person. You’ll see…

Our language is so corrupt, it is hard to find a person who means what they say… I mean the words. You’ll see what meeting others’ expectation is… Not what’s on the illustrations… 🙁

The most willfully ignored need, in my experience, is the need to meet others’ expectation.

What prevents you from honoring that need is a misunderstanding. Or we could say: the mis-weighing bias. All biases are misunderstanding how things work, shortcuts that give you a different result than what you expected.

In not honoring but ignoring this need, your chances for success, your chances for love, for self-expression, for happiness are so greatly diminishe

How will you have the energy to grow? How I did it…

I saw something today I hadn’t seen before. But before I say what I saw, let me dispel some myth: there is no such thing as bad energy. Energy is energy. It is good if you use it for good. And bad if you use it for bad. I’ll write another article on this: but I have the urge to state it here and now: there is no such thing as bad energy.

All energy is good… and some meets you and triggers something bad… But it’s you… sorry. Oops.

OK. let me start saying what I wanted to say:

As you may know, I have been listening to the steps in the 67 steps. For the past 11 months. On average five steps a week.

Now, it’s been changing my life… more and more every week.

Why? How? And how is it possible

Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?

I am watching you… lol. Not like Big Brother, more like I learn from you what you need. Where you are defeating your best intentions, where you leak energy, where you get it wrong.

And because you are here (I hope at least some of you) to get help in attaining to the good life, so you want me to watch you… it is for your benefit.

I was just telling one of my students the biggest missing he has: The principle that

everything you ever wanted comes to you through other people

or as Wallace D. Wattles says in The Science of Getting Rich: the gold coins won’t roll out and to you, they will be in the hands of others.