Simplicity… Instead of asking what is the opposite, why don’t you ask a different question?

You tend to look at the world in black and white terms. This or the opposite… But often what you think is the opposite is not… My current favorite book, 46 rules of Genius, says: “Rule 24 (of Genius) “SIMPLIFY “People tend to view simplicity and complexity as opposites. But this isn’t strictly true. The …

How to find your real self… instead of honoring your false self as yourself

As I have written before, the book I am reading now is the Metaskills. The author is a designer, and looks at life through a designer’s glasses. The article “You live in a world of your own design” is one … Continue reading “How to find your real self… instead of honoring your false self as yourself”

Seeing… one of the Metaskills that will raise your vibration

I am reading the Metaskills book. I am reading it for you and for me. This book has given me a big insight… and ultimately a breakthrough, though we shall see… OK, let me start at the beginning. Most books … Continue reading “Seeing… one of the Metaskills that will raise your vibration”

Change vs. Becoming. Fixing vs. Becoming… the dead end paths away from raising your vibration

The Mindset book is the perfect accompaniment to the Reclaim coaching program, and the From Upset To Communication course where we learn the fields inside which all of life plays out. I have questions coming at me that shed light … Continue reading “Change vs. Becoming. Fixing vs. Becoming… the dead end paths away from raising your vibration”

Why your brain doesn’t make you a winner… Or is your brain to blame?

I just had one of the most productive Sunday Rant call ever… and I just finished the third book in the Freak series, Think Like a Freak. Because it is about thinking, and because it is about frames it is … Continue reading

If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.

If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.

Train him to not trust his feelings. In anything. Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. Train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.

Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.

Give him the religion of positive thinking.

I hope I can join you on the 13th floor… said one of my students…

I feel alone. Unheard.

Not a good feeling. It is not that I am on the mountaintop screaming… and am not being heard. No. I am among people, and I am not heard.

What isn’t being heard, what is being ignored, brushed aside, that the reason you are unhappy trying to become happy is because you live on the 14th and the 15th floors of your being…

It is impossible to be happy on those floors.

The second thing that isn’t being heard is that you are manipulated and influenced by evil people.

  • If you can’t see evil, then you are one of those people who is a positive thinker type of puppet.
  • If you can see evil, and want to campaign, attack, kill… then you are a fixit

Sadness. Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge… more about what gives you what kind of life

I just exchanged emails with the author of the Feelings book, Gyozo Margoczi.

Gyozo means Winner, or Victor in Hungarian… someone who wins over something or someone.

My name: Sophie, means Wisdom.

Names can be taken two ways:

  • 1. you are that
  • 2. you need to become that

He wrote the books. Major accomplishment. Big win… mostly like a tree falling in a forest that didn’t make a sound because there was no one to hear it… until I came along.

Now I am taking what I learned from him, and still learn through the emails, and I am running with it.

He is stuck in his 9-5, family, financial obligations.

I have only one job: this.

I wrote to him saying that it seems it is m

A look at feelings… going under the hood

I have been saying in every article now that the 13th floor is a dynamic system.

Why dynamic? Because the feelings have direction, content, opinion… and they interact, pull, push, stop you…

Moving, changing, pulsing, etc.

Humans are not simple machines, and yet: every complicated machine is made up of many simple machines… and so are you. The more you allow the machine to inform you, the more fulfilling, the smoother, the more enjoyable life becomes, with you in the driver’s seat.

You know I am corresponding with the creator of the books, Feeli

Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor. Why? Because it is super easy to influence you on that level.

Suddenly I am noticing the many articles that try to access your emotions, the advertising, the movies, all to keep you stuck on the 15th floor of your being. ((


Your emotions are moldable, like clay, and there is nothing that you can do about it… on that level. Because your emotions is the 15th floor, it is