If you want the good life, you’ll need to “do” life differently

red-rock-coulee-c2a9-2012-christopher-martin-2406If you want the good life, you’ll need to learn some stuff, and unlearn some stuff… but most importantly you’ll have to learn how to and how not to… Remember the how? How you do anything is how you do everything… it is the approach, the attitude, the beingness.

There are a great many ways you can remain unaccomplished, and left behind in life.

Almost as many ways as many people. This is the Anna Karenina Principle.

As with everything, the strait and narrow work

If you lost some or all of your new capacities over the holidays…

thank-god-its-fridayAlmost all of my students lost some or all of their new capacities over the holidays whenever their holidays were (Eastern Orthodox celebrate weeks after the Western Christian churches). Two of them got them back without much help. The rest are struggling.

What is it about the holidays that are so detrimental to your vibration, to your dreams and aspirations?

Here is a video on that… The meat of the article is below the video…


One thing to examine: how come the ones that got them back, got them back… I mean the capacities?

Two things about those two

I activate a new capacity… will it change your life?

AYJG8J StopwatchI activate a new capacity. If you used it, a whole new world would open up for you… But for you nothing happened… But what just happened?

When I activate a new capacity, you have an opportunity. You either take it or you don’t.

Opportunities come with a count-down-timer… They expire. That’s why the phrase says: window of opportunity…

You continue doing what you have always done, exactly the way you have always done it.

What happens? The opportunity closes. That’s it. Good bye.

There are 160 capacities that you could, potentially, activate.

I wa

The less capacities you have now, the less likely that new ones are willing to open up.

Shortage-of-womenThe less capacities you have now, the less likely that new ones are willing to open up.

Especially if the new capacities would alter your being and behavior dramatically.

If you are a woman, you probably have fewer capacities than men, because in most cultures women are an appendage to a man… even the Bible relegate a woman to companion status… not a full person.

According to Kabbalah women are the vessel, and men are the channel for the Light.

The vessel is all about receiving, and the channel is all about giving.

Whether it is an observation of Kabbalah, or it is programmed, I don’t know, but it su

Lack of opportunities… giving opportunities… all myth… Dark Side suggestion

trading-placesMost people that complain about lack of opportunities would fumble the ball if they got it… Fumble means: drop the ball.

The illusion is that what is missing is an opportunity, the funding, the money to start something… is an illusion, and it is a very harmful illusion. It makes you look at blame… not yourself.

Similar to this: support is missing. If your parents, spouse, the society supported you… blah blah blah.

It’s all illusion… as in a lie. Bull crap.

There was an incident in my life that I go back to often.

In 1992 I had a big space at the back of my office, that was unused, but I pa

Life, looked through the filter of games… Is life a game?


In the game of life, when you are losing, or not winning, the two things that can be missing are moves and DNA capacities.

The game goes the way the game goes, but you can play well and with a full deck, or not. Life deals a hand that you can play to win, and you can play to lose…

Each game in life has moves. Winning moves, and losing moves. You can have all the winning moves if you can’t see the consequences of your actions, you won’t win. And even if you see the consequences of your actions (capacity), if you don’t have moves, you still lose.

You have to have the capacities and you have to

Updated: Is the desire for perfection really a desire for perfection? Perfection vs. Integrity

perfection is a racketThis is a good question to chew on, observe, test out, for a True Empath.

The fate of humanity, and your personal well-being, evolution, raising your vibration, depends on your relationship to perfection.

How? Perfection is imposed. Perfection comes from your relationship with something outside of yourself. It’s a comparison, and you live in a constant fear of “falling from grace”, falling short of perfection. The rules are set by others with an agenda. The agenda isn’t overt: in fact, it is a manipulative agenda. The goal is to keep you out of balance, keep you failing, keep you suppressed, keep you small and de

Berra-isms (colloquial expressions that lack logic) are now countless, and many of them are just attributed to Berra, even if he never actually said them. As he so perfectly put it: “I never said most of the things I said.” Here are 50…

1. When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

2. You can observe a lot by just watching.

3. It ain’t over till it’s over.

4. It’s like déjà vu all over again.

5. No one goes there nowadays, it’s too crowded.

6. Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical.

7. A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.

The machine that runs your life

My stunning discovery that my conscious thoughts don’t direct my actions may spell out why you are where you are, and why you can’t move from where you are to where you’d like to be… without energetic support.

Now, truth be told, I should have discovered that fact earlier, after all I have read it, but there is a difference between reading something and nodding, and actually discovering it for yourself.

Here is a below the conscious element, you have if you are a Christian or if your religion is “manifesting” or the Law of Attraction: “If somebody else will do it, you’ll never do it.. why bother, why interfere in fate?”

Here is another one: “I can’t.” And unless you build a below the conscious reality in which you can, in which you are someone who can, it will run your life, no matter what affirmations, what mind-movies you expose your conscious mind to… because this is how it works.

The difference is the difference between Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life… mind

Osho: Players Of A Game… being extraordinary is the most ordinary

In this whole series, Osho examines a piece of poem or a story from a world culture that is spiritually meaningful. This poem is Japanese. Osho distinguishes being in the present, not being in the past, not being in the future, not desiring the present different from what it is.

Ultimately, this is the path to joy and happiness… Please read.

Go read the rest of the article