Osho: Players Of A Game… being extraordinary is the most ordinary

In this whole series, Osho examines a piece of poem or a story from a world culture that is spiritually meaningful. This poem is Japanese. Osho distinguishes being in the present, not being in the past, not being in the future, not desiring the present different from what it is.

Ultimately, this is the path to joy and happiness… Please read.

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How to get a master’s degree in beingness?

A lot of people use famous quotes for guidance, and, if my observations are correct, those quotes increase your sense of inadequacy, your sense of doom about 90% of the time. And 10% of the time you don’t even need inspiring quotes, you are already inspired.

So, what do you do? You pretend how much you love it, how much difference it makes… while inside, the gap between your authentic self and the horizontal self is growing with every lie.

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13724/how-to-get-a-masters-degree-in-beingness/

When you don’t know what you are about, you are lost

One commonality among my many readers is that they don’t feel well. That they are plagued with too much activity in the mind, that they listen from their minds, and that they have negative emotions that they resist, avoid, run from, urges they succumb to. They are in forceful resistance…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13053/you-are-lost/

You live in a machine and you feed, unwittingly, the machine

Every single human (and to a certain degree lots of animals) has automatic ways of being, that could be called a machine, because their behavior is predictable, it is machine-like. Push a button and outcomes the same result, every time.
Every person I know is, more or less, an emotional wreck……

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12885/machine/

The conspiracy to keep you miserable, wretched, and limited

Sophie Benshitta Maven

or How everything you know, everything you ever learned from others, everything is being taught makes you miserable, and unable to become an Expanding Human Being I woke up this morning with crystal clear upsight: if you have a because … Continue reading →

Read More http://www.yourvibration.com/7588/no-reason/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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Love was invented by humans… by religion to make you miserable

Sophie Benshitta Maven

I am sitting at my desk. Trying to work. Waves of despair, waves of grief, waves of depression wash over me. None of it is mine. It’s two days before Christmas, and peak time for depression, and suicides is coming. … Continue reading →

Read More http://www.yourvibration.com/6274/love-3/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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