What holds you back?

different-strokesI have been wondering what is the real reason behind many of you

1. coming back and reading the articles for years, yet never actually buying anything
2. buying stuff but not using them

I watched a video today, aimed at hypnotherapists.

The similarity between hypnotherapy and what I do is that most of what happens happens in the invisible realm. And what comes up is fear… doesn’t it?

What if she blah blah blah, fill in the blank with your fear.

In this article I want to honor the people who can’t even get themselves into the position of actually try… try and succeed, try and fail, but at least give it a shot

Connecting to Source your way

imagination... arroganceI think we humans are alternating between two extremes: being slavish, and being arrogant.

Either extreme is detrimental to your growth as a person.

I have been in an email exchange with a woman who tries to connect every day, and then describes to me her experience and asks me to muscle test if she connected or not.

I comply, but even from her experience it is clear to me that she imagined how it could feel to connect to something… but the experience of connecting to Source is not even similar to what she describes.

She promised to actually do it with me and with the video.

Another review, this time of Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness…

A few years ago when I first “reviewed” Access Consciousness I didn’t check for attachments… and unfortunately my high evaluation exposed a lot of people to the nasty attachments Access Consciousness puts on people. I apologize. If you are one who got involved, please get in touch.

The Gary Dougless, Dain Heer bunch is as nasty as Scientology, maybe even nastier because of their ability to put an energetic attachment on you and keep you trapped.

Here is an article I found online:

BY CRAIG MALISOW in The Houston (Texas) Press

“This is something I’ve wanted to do for the kids for a long time,” Gary Douglas says to an audience of children in an Austin hotel conference room over the summer. Other kids across the country are watching the seminar online.

Douglas, 70, just got done hearing from a mother professing gratitude to Douglas for bringing consciousness to her kids. He opened their eyes, and they opened hers. A

Are you well? Recover Fast? No? Here is my secret to be always well…

i-love-youI just came back from my weekly grocery shopping trip. My driver has been struggling with a chest and head cold for weeks now. One of my students has been missing classes because of a cold that now moved into … Continue reading

Don’t be hungry! Don’t be eager! Don’t be hellbent on success! Don’t be infatuated!

Many people may say to you: to be successful, you need to have fire in the belly. You need to be hungry.

So people, maybe you, beat yourself into a feeding frenzy, and set out to conquer the world.

Your mother said: don’t go food shopping when you are hungry. Why? Because when your belly calls the shot, your higher faculties take leave of absence, and you’ll make horrible decisions. You’ll buy everything you should not eat, and enough food for ten. I have done it… horrid.

It is when the tail wags the dog.

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Osho on money and happiness

If you ask anyone, they all want to be happy. But happiness eludes people, the more you want it the further it goes. In this talk, Osho addresses the issue. He approaches it from many different angles, blaming it on your parents, blaming it on society, and then finally he gives you a glimpse of …

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Osho: On Death

This article, a word by word transcription of one of Osho’s talks from 20-30 years ago is very enlightening. You will see what is between you and enlightenment. Also, the stories and jokes are wonderfully funny… Read it.

What happens to Human Consciousness when the people of the world …

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The greatest secret of life is that life is a gift. And so is happiness

I think, that of all Osho’s talks that I know, this is the most significant, and the most helpful, if you EVER want to be able to return HOME, to the present moment, where you can be content, happy, and start living.

Osho talks: The Man Who Loved Seagulls
7 May 1975 am in Buddha Hall
There …

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Osho: Players Of A Game… being extraordinary is the most ordinary

In this whole series, Osho examines a piece of poem or a story from a world culture that is spiritually meaningful. This poem is Japanese. Osho distinguishes being in the present, not being in the past, not being in the future, not desiring the present different from what it is.

Ultimately, this is the path to joy and happiness… Please read.

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Activate the body, feelings, so you can reduce the time you spend in the unproductive mind.

The bug free mind book is a great vehicle to take you to a place of power, freedom, and self-expression, but only if your relationship to it is through your body, not through your understanding.

A reader asked:

I have trouble understanding why you see A Bug Free Mind as valuable if 90% is rubbish and Andy is only 195 vibration.

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