I almost screwed up the date completely… almost.

moon-calendarI am talking about the timing of the Big Power… coming down. But how did it happen? How could I screw up like this?

OK, fair enough. Let’s look how…

I didn’t do enough research and the power has been already coming down like there is no tomorrow.

This article is a tad meandering… you need to just walk with me to get the benefit. If you do, you’ll like it. If you don’t: you’ll hate it. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!

I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was in bed, but not sleeping. The energy was so strong. Now I am starting to understand while, like clockwork, some nights I am so full of energy I can’t sleep… This is new to me too…

On the positive side: The big energy will sti

Self-expression: what is the Self you are expressing? With your life…

comfort-zone-paulo-zerbatoPeople throw around the words: self-expression, but I have never found a person who knows what it means.

Most people look how you express yourself not what it is you express… This article is about “what” not “how”… What is the Self you express with everything… your life, your job, your relationships, with your music, poetry, and your life.

There are two selves, and the reason life doesn’t work for most of us is because the two selves are not connected in any way. Self 1: your genes, your desire to survive and procreate. Self 2: your human desire to be higher than just your genes… to live your higher self.

Self in the expression of th

Managing yourself…

anger-lieLet me start with a story that will upset you:…

As I mentioned in an article yesterday, I just bought into a two thousand dollar program. It seems to be the best prepared program I have ever done, with amazing organization, attention to detail, little videos explaining everything again and again, purpose, how to find my way, what order to do things and why.

To my surprise I experienced hate as I was listening to the originator of this program.

He can do everything I can. This program already has thousands of people signed up. And I don’t think I matter to anyone, even though the teacher is emphasizing how much each person matters to him… I KNOW he is lying.

I have a chip on my shoulder. My ego is bruised

Conscious Awareness is the greatest predictor of happiness, success, and health… but what about self-discipline?

i-could-use-some-helpEvery so-called guru talks about the subconscious mind, and such nonsense.

What they don’t talk about is how much of what is happening, what is real, what is in front of you is making no impression on you… how little of what is around you, what you are reading, watching, listening to reaches your conscious awareness.

And whatever you do is based on that 1-3% that you actually aware to or the 100%… and you think you have all the facts.

“Everyone operates and makes decisions based on his or her current level of conscious awareness.”

This is why your level of awareness is the most predictive of you success.

Download the pdf version of this ar


arrogance is looking down... comparisonI have been dealing with arrogance in my students.

Arrogance is unearned boastful superiority.
Most people don’t know, don’t care because they themselves are not achievers… but you can have confidence that is justified by your accomplishments, your superior knowledge.

To the uninitiated, they look and sound the same. But they aren’t. You only need to scratch the surface.

I have detected a certain ancestral commonality in that behavior.

And have been pondering why and how and for what purpose are certain nationalities arrogant.

As long as you are interested in the “what” and not the “how” you remain the same

winner-losers-whyIf you go about it the same way you have always gone, you’ll get the same results: not much.

I just got an insight I want to share.

There are all kinds of valid sayings that, as it turns out, only tell half truths.

If you do what you have always done… you’ll get what you have always gotten. Meaning: do something different.

But when you do something different, you get the same dismal result.

So what they are missing is the how.

The how, interestingly, points to your beingness. To your approach, not only to the task, but to life.

Because, please don’t forget, how you do anything is how you

What is the first phase of raising your vibration? Raising your consciousness level?

The first phase of raising your vibration is unlearning. Letting go. Getting rid of attachments, the chains that hold you down. Most people have a few attachments. The ones that don’t have any outside attachments, have the two that everyone … Continue reading → Related Posts: Winners don’t fight what is: they use it. The […]

The map of consciousness… in practice: climbing the tree of life

fledglingsI am often asked to map out the path to raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, and become a full fledged human being.

The first step to any journey is to find out where you are at now.

As I muscle test people’s vibration… as I am merging my senses with theirs, feeling their feelings, I feel their overall relationship to life. I feel it stronger than they feel it… like a tool that puts your heartbeat on loudspeaker.

Most people give me feedback, saying “spot on” if they are from England, and then follow my first steps to feel better.

Why do people think that taking a little energy remedy, doing a little meditation will raise their vibration?

being churchWhy do people think that adding a little energy remedy to their low vibration life, doing a little meditation will raise their vibration?

Vibration number is an indicator to how close you are to becoming the peak of evolution: a human being.

If raising your vibration were a school curriculum, you’d start where you are, and move onto the next level only when you have maxed out the previous requirements. No jumping, no passing grades.

The subjects in the curriculum: Increasing awareness, the using and activating of your internal and external capacities

What is the button I could push that would make you do what you need to do to grow?

why is there no big red button?Today was my errands day. It is also the only day during the week when I talk to anyone.

And as you know, talking when I have echo, someone who hears me is the most meaningful activity for me.

I did have private clients for massage, and I did it for 16 years… Giving a massage is not meaningful for me. So I picked and chose, and filtered, and screened the people that wanted a massage: If I didn’t feel that there will be a meaningful conversation, that I would be heard, I didn’t take them as a client.

Hey, it’s my life, and my fulfillment is what it is supposed to be organized around.

I am unabashed