What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate? The energy that blocks you?

Before i say anything else, all the illustrations about negative energy, negativity I use in this post are b.s. and harmful… The Hungarian Christmas pictures… I remember being a child…

Yesterday I was on a group coaching call where a so-called energy practitioner ((here are the starting point measurements and some guesses of this person…
1. your vibration (1-1000): 100
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.: 50
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have: 1
4. your soul correction (your machine): https://www.yourvibration.com/sc I don’t know

What you say and what you do… when it comes to your children becoming educated, productive people

One of the signs of the overwhelming inauthenticity ((My definition of authenticity is that there is nothing in the unsaid that isn’t consistent with what is visible… Authenticity is one of those big words that no one knows what it really means… so they go by feeling. The simplest way to define authenticity is that there is no pretense, no façade, no game playing. The person is the same through and through, whether he/she is seen or not.

Most people smile a lot in their pictures, but I can feel their anxiety, their fear, their inner trembling.

One more thing that I haven’t said before, but given that we are working with memes: if you obey memes, if you repeat memes, if you try to fit in with memes, y

Conscious awareness… what is it really? And what does your vocabulary have to do with it?

We throw about big words, and we pretend that we know them. Even “scientists” just pretend. If they didn’t, they would be explaining, clarifying the words, but they don’t.

In the Starting Point Measurements the vocabulary number is what indicates this. I originally intended to call this clarity, but then I decided that if it refers to words, then maybe it can be instructive.

It hasn’t been.

So this article will be, mostly, about words.

Whenever we say conscious awareness, we are talking about words. No words, no conscious awareness.

Whatever you don’t have words for, whatever you mislabel, whatever you just have feelings or emotions about, no accurate words… are not conscious awareness.

I will add: accurate w

What is the technology of personal evolution…

I have said, in another article, that what is “normal” for a vehicle for the selfish gene (a human), is to move to and then stay in an ess. Evolutionary stable strategy. Where life works relatively smoothly. If you listen to the genes, you’ll live that way, you live in an ess. Your job, your … Continue reading “What is the technology of personal evolution…”

The role of curiosity in how far you can go in life

I am following the teaching of a guy who teaches marketing… Marketing is having something to sell, finding buyers for it, and selling it mostly through audio, video, or the written word. The company that is the best at it is Agora Financial. So this marketing teacher went to Agora to find out how they … Continue reading “The role of curiosity in how far you can go in life”

If it is easy to get, then it is worthless… Anything worthwhile is hard to master

One of my students gave me a kindle book for my birthday. It’s a book about practicing, for teachers. The gift book came right on the heels of an insight I haven’t shared with you. I finished my third reading Ayn Rand’s 1500 page philosophical novel. I still don’t have my own words to say …

I didn’t know that you didn’t know

Unless I know what you don’t understand, unless I know what is your fundamental lack of knowledge, all my articles, all my teachings go right over your head. I had a wake up call yesterday, a wake up call I …

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in me, you, all of us. We, here, call Mr. Hyde IT… The Voices

I have been awakened by the same “dream” again and again: you have an idea, you plant it, nurture it, and see what comes out of it: a bug or a plant? If it is a plant: is that plant …

Beingness… the inner guidance that gives your behavior, actions, and ultimately your results

Not surprisingly, I hope, the difference between homo sapiens (thinking man) and Human Being is this elusive “thing”: beingness.

Beingness does not respond to words.

  • Beingness does not respond to words.
  • It doesn’t respond to force, not even to force of will.
  • It doesn’t really respond to feelings either.
  • And: IMPORTANT! is not created by doing

It is a whole different ball of

Success leaves traces… as in footprints in the sand

Success literature, books, articles, movies about success… are they worth following?

Success leaves traces… as in footprints in the sand

If you look at what people did, how they did it, the tracks converge and become the “strait and narrow’, exactly the way Leo Tolstoy says it in the Anna Karenina Principle.

So there is no wonder that I am finding articles nowadays that I could have written myself, if I were a success writer.

There are three types of success writers and success coaches.

  • One type: they can talk… and talk… and talk. No success where they are, because they don’t even try. They live by teaching something that they learned… but never successfull