Soul Correction: How do you do it?

life-blockedSoul correction is the pivoting point, the fulcrum around which a person can go from gene driven to someone who can become, potentially, an expanding human being.

Said in another way, each person has a particular and typical to their soul correction way that is stuck in a lower way of being.

The most frequent question I hear: how do you fix it? or as one my students said it: “this whole thing turns a lot of corners. I’m not sure i can even recognize all the ways i use it. Nor how to climb out of it.”

The answer will surprise you: The moment you are trying to “climb out of it” or “fix it”… you enter a world of pretense.

Both climbing out and fixing are the genes’ way of pulling the wool over your eyes. To push back

Truth value… let’s talk about truth value

beauty-vs-intelligence-23-638During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.

We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?

We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.

Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.

This article will attempt to answer truth value.

What is the opposite of truth? I have no idea.

Managing yourself…

anger-lieLet me start with a story that will upset you:…

As I mentioned in an article yesterday, I just bought into a two thousand dollar program. It seems to be the best prepared program I have ever done, with amazing organization, attention to detail, little videos explaining everything again and again, purpose, how to find my way, what order to do things and why.

To my surprise I experienced hate as I was listening to the originator of this program.

He can do everything I can. This program already has thousands of people signed up. And I don’t think I matter to anyone, even though the teacher is emphasizing how much each person matters to him… I KNOW he is lying.

I have a chip on my shoulder. My ego is bruised

Conscious awareness is the best predictor of worldly success… your worth a damn factor is close second


To my surprise, people have no idea that their worth a damn factor has been neglected since they were little babies.

They get “encouragement” to not know that there is such a thing… and then they grow up to be seriously not worth a damn, and they suffer.

How does it work?

If you are consistently praised for being a good girl, a pretty girl, a smart girl… you’ll think that that is what there is to it. That is your ticket to the good life, to paradise.

happiness2But life does not work this

Call me blunt, call me judgmental… I don’t care.

indicatorsI am going to share, in this article, some of the judgmental sounding questions I ask when I try to get a full picture about someone who is asking for help.

As you probably don’t know, judgment comes from ego, from comparison. I am smart and you are stupid… that is judgment.

You are stupid isn’t judgment unless you feel something in your chest or throat as you say it. Unless it means something about you.

I feel nothing, or maybe sadness, when I ask these assessment question… that help me make sense out of the convoluted picture each person is.

So I measure your vibration… and it’s, for example, low.

A breakthrough in raising my level of consciousness

climbing-the-tree-of-life-raising-consciousnessI just had a breakthrough…

I have been teaching you how to raise your consciousness, your level of consciousness, by allowing something or someone guide you to look at things beyond where you always look, and differently than you have always looked.

I consider myself always a student as well… so I have been listening to myself, and following my own teaching.

But the results, in the area of growing visibility, increasing my following, increasing my

Do you have an integrated life or a bunch of things you do?

integrated-lifeOne step in the 67 step program is to look what area of life isn’t integrated into your life… At first I could not think of anything, but then I had an insight: I started to look at what doesn’t get done… and I saw that anything that is not integrated into my life… doesn’t get done… or if it is, it’s a chore, drudgery.

cleaning, throwing stuff away, etc.

Why? Because your life has a purpose, probably hidden from your view. And that is your life, the life you want. The life you consider life, living… And everything else is death…

So before you integra

Astute, foggy, clueless… how many distinct things can you tell apart?

AstuteSo far 46 people read the article about the exercise for self love.

One of them actually did what I did, followed my example, and wrote to me about his experience. He is astute ((having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people)).

So what did the rest of them do? Some of them, at least, hugged themselves, and felt the pain or the sadness.

Did any of them have a conversation? Yes. Some of them.

So why do I say they didn’t do what I did? Because they didn’t catch that I didn’t talk about what’s wrong with me…

Another way lack of humility screws with you

To be unattached is not to renounce the world. If you renounce the world you are attached to the world; otherwise why should you renounce it? What is the point in renouncing it if you are not attached to it? Only attachment renounces. If you are really non-attached there is no question of any renunciation.The Detached/Unattached ((I am starting to realize that a better name would be: Unattached… but then,

More on joy, and how I am learning to have joy in my life

joy is an inside jobMy first foray, my first venture into joy or joyous is trying to figure out what joy is. After all we don’t know necessarily what words mean when it comes to feelings… do we. We, children, watch and learn… but in a world where what you see is a mask, what you see does not represent a feeling accurately, because the person isn’t feeling it, because the person is faking it, the looks don’t help.

My hunch is that joy is fabricated with the intention to cause craving for it, to cause an acute sense of the lack of it.

Actually, when I watch people who enjoy something, they