Updated: Truth value… let’s talk about truth value

beauty-vs-intelligence-23-638During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.

We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?

We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.

Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.

This article will attempt to answer truth value.

What is the opposite of truth? I have no idea

Truth value… let’s talk about truth value

beauty-vs-intelligence-23-638During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.

We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?

We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.

Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.

This article will attempt to answer truth value.

What is the opposite of truth? I have no idea.

Are you addicted to learning more and more and more? Do you use what you learn?

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Change your perspective and get unstuck. Perspective Series Part 1

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3 Techniques to expand the limited view through which you experience life

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Indigo, shmindigo… about indigo children and humanity’s obsession of a "higher power" and a universe that makes sense

I think that most, or at least, many children are born with a much higher potential than what they will actually live out. It’s been that way from the beginning of time. Some of these children, like myself, are allowed … Continue reading →

Read More http://www.yourvibration.com/10665/indigo/
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