From victim to extraordinary… It’s possible for YOU.

I take pride to spend my life with what I can do, instead of worrying about what other people have done to me.

This is what one of the abused children, now adult, said in a British police drama.

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A reader asks: Isn’t inventing a being the same as pretending?

Hi Sophie – I need some clarifications ..

Isn’t inventing a being the same as pretending?

Is the goal to have the being be the ‘inventing being’? ..someone who can be any being? i.e caring, happy, courageous etc.

What kind of being do I invent when 99% of the population is there to make me feel bad?


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How could you feel REAL LOVE? How could you experience REAL LOVE?

I’d like to write about love, or being loving today.

In this space I’ll quote Osho, and other people… I am not going to talk about what YOU call love, because what you call love is not love… unless you can call ‘loving ice cream,’ love.

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What is Vibration?

What is vibration? What is the vibration that is the vibrational scale of 1 to 1000?
In this article I’ll answer the questions: what is vibration, and what that means. I’ll also tell you how to measure vibration. And in the end I’ll let you know how to pick a teacher or a guru who is the best vibrational match to you, so you can start raising your vibration with their teaching.

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Develop your Awareness, your conscious awareness

Awareness ((Awareness is the ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, thoughts, emotions, or sensory patterns. In this level of consciousness, sense data can be confirmed by an observer without necessarily implying understanding. More broadly, it is the state or quality of being aware of something. In biological psychology, awareness is defined as a human’s or an animal’s perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or event. according to Wikipedia)) , when it is in the context of raising your vibration, is an inner awareness, awareness of what lies below the surface, maybe even several layers deep. But to develop awareness, we need to start real close to the surface, and maybe even outside of it… a little bit. ((This means, that when we talk about awareness, we don’t talk about situational awareness, we won’t mean awareness of beings or entitie

What goal should you set? A goal is a result achieved by a certain time…

A friend of mine asked for help in setting a goal. It wasn’t that he was interested in accomplishment. Really, he wanted to look like he was… Appearances.

Why am I so hard on him? I’ve known him for four-five years, and he hasn’t done anything, hasn’t accomplished anything.

He started a lot of things, talked about starting even more, but never actually took anything near a place where it would have worked, where it would have been either a failure or success.

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Is Being Skeptical a good thing?

Being skeptical is a fixed way of being in the world, an attitude. Skeptical is the other side of belief.

On the surface it looks like it’s a good thing, after all belief is suspending your own thinking capacities, and taking blindly what someone gives up. So the opposite must be good, right? Wrong.

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What is the opposite of reaction; is it response? Prepare to be surprised…

This is a republished article from June 26, 2013… So please don’t get alarmed… this didn’t just happen. It happened long time ago. But the message is as timely as ever…

What is the opposite of reaction; is it response? Is it pro-active? Prepare to be surprised…

Gurus and even psychologists give lip service to not being reactive. They say it’s the ego’s way to take over your life. They suggest that you respond. They don’t know what they are talking about, and you, the client, suffer as a result.

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Twitter in Plain English

Have you ever wondered how the subject works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this […]

Case Study #4: Landmark Education

I first participated in what is now called Landmark Education back in 1985. I lived in an immigration hostel, I worked as an architect and town planner in Jerusalem and I was miserable. In quick succession two Russian immigrants killed themselves: I knew and liked them both.